Most Americans want War with ISIS.

Well you're half right. ISIS could have been completely eliminated a long time ago, but if all this talk about WW3 is true they need this bullshit to kick it off. In fact I personally think WW3 is already in it's initial stages which means things will get worse before they get better. It wouldn't surprise me if Obama declares Martial Law in the near future like within the next year. That would not be good.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're right, could have been stopped a long time ago by us not invading Iraq. That's come back to haunt us. And now Obama has to deal with another bush cock up. If you honestly think he's going to declare martial law I need to tie half my brain around my back before we go on. See what I did there you ditto head
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're right, could have been stopped a long time ago by us not invading Iraq. That's come back to haunt us. And now Obama has to deal with another bush cock up. If you honestly think he's going to declare martial law I need to tie half my brain around my back before we go on. See what I did there you ditto head :cheers: Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
ISIS is, and always will be, Odumbo's stepchild, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
hopefully when they start the shit here

the cowards will be met with a somewhat armed public
ISIS is, and always will be, Odumbo's stepchild, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How is that? It started in the wake of our invasion of Iraq, which if I'm not mistaken, was when bushy was in office. You bushwhacked, cheneyed minion. You'd probably suck rumsfeld's cock if he could get it up
I B Hankering's Avatar
How is that? It started in the wake of our invasion of Iraq, which if I'm not mistaken, was when bushy was in office. You bushwhacked, cheneyed minion. You'd probably suck rumsfeld's cock if he could get it up:jawdrop: Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
ISIS was spawned during the chaos stemming from the "Arab Spring" -- which, btw, Odumbo personally took credit for -- you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and ISIS sprouted to fruition when Odumbo abandoned Iraq at the drop of a hat, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. ISIS is Odumbo's stepchild, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
ISIS was spawned during the chaos stemming from the "Arab Spring" -- which, btw, Odumbo personally took credit for -- you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and ISIS sprouted to fruition when Odumbo abandoned Iraq at the drop of a hat, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. ISIS is Odumbo's stepchild, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
wrong again, dipshit

and here...

or here...
lustylad's Avatar
We've created many of these problems ourselves.... We stick our noses in many places that it doesn't belong and then act surprised when they don't want to be exactly like us. We have a superiority complex born out of ignorance.... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Undercunt is the leader of the Blame America First brigade.

lustylad's Avatar
I don't know ANY Americans insisting the rest of the world should be "exactly like us". But I do notice there are jihadists out there insisting everyone must convert to Islam or die, i.e. we should be just like them. You are pretty fucked up if you think we are a bigger threat than the jihadists are.

I notice you didn't answer my question. Are you unwilling to concede there are norms of behavior that need to be observed the world over? Originally Posted by lustylad

I won't dignify that with a response. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

(Translation - I'm tapping out now before I make an even bigger fool out of myself.)

I B Hankering's Avatar
wrong again, dipshit

and here...

or here... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Read your fucking "sources", you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

By 2011, when the U.S. troop withdrawal was complete, AQI was being run by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and had morphed from a largely foreign to a largely Iraqi operation. Baghdadi himself, as his name suggests, is local. The absence of foreigners made it easier for the Sons of Iraq and their kin to ignore previous resentments against the group. There was also another rebranding: AQI was now better known as the Islamic State of Iraq, or ISI.
(Translation - I'm tapping out now before I make an even bigger fool out of myself.)

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Translation, you're a dumbass. Norms of behavior that need to be followed? Slurping your food is considered rude here. In japan it's a sign that the food they're eating is delicious. Who decides these rules? You? Don't kill people, don't steal, etc., sure, those should be followed by everyone, but there are many other that are specific to region or culture.
Read your fucking "sources", you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So? They changed names. Still the same organization. Get back to trying to get Rumsfeld's dick hard. It'll take a while.
Undercunt is the leader of the Blame America First brigade.

Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm for blaming whoever deserves to be blamed. Do you think we are blameless in all this? We do things, let's call them actions and those actions have equal and opposite reactions. We don't operate in a vacuum.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So? They changed names. Still the same organization. Get back to trying to get Rumsfeld's dick hard. It'll take a while. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yeah, before 2011 ISIS didn't exist and they were called al-Qaeda, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and Odumbo called them the "JV Team". Go back and let Odumbo ram it up your "#Grubered" ass again, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
Yeah, before 2011 ISIS didn't exist and they were called al-Qaeda, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and Odumbo called them the "JV Team". Go back and let Odumbo ram it up your "#Grubered" ass again, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Chicken dick is a expert getting things rammed up his ass. he thinks because the Iraq troops ran, dropped their weapons, abandonment their equipment it is Obie's fault.
Ohandjob Barry doing Sunni President Erdogan of Turkey...