Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i think everyone is missing the point here. where are the Boaters for Biden?

seems to be a slight difference in attendees

i think everyone is missing the point here. where are the Boaters for Biden?

seems to be a slight difference in attendees

BAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Those are the ones that sunk, lol.
Lapdog's Avatar
I wouldn't ever loan him any of MY money, or extend credit to him, under any circumstances. Speaking as a businessman, he has no credibility with me, whatsoever.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I wouldn't ever loan him any of MY money, or extend credit to him, under any circumstances. Speaking as a businessman, he has no credibility with me, whatsoever. Originally Posted by Lapdog

Nor would I.. but he is an excellent example of utilizing every last loophole there is.
Lapdog's Avatar
Nor would I.. but he is an excellent example of utilizing every last loophole there is. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

...with no regard whatsoever to any morals that may prevent a more honest businessman from ever exploiting. Profit is important, don't get me wrong, but reputation is more important to me. That philosophy has served me well throughout my entire self employed career.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I think he cares less about whether the reputation is good or not.. and more about everyone remembering his name.

And... for better or worse-- even before the Presidency... there weren't many folk who didn't know who Trump was. He wanted a legacy.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Those are the ones that sunk, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I like how they say dozens when it’s clearly hundreds, possibly thousands. They’re tabulating boats like they plan to do votes.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I like how they say dozens when it’s clearly hundreds, possibly thousands. They’re tabulating boats like they plan to do votes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

NPR acknowledged that there were hundreds of participants.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Proven businessman, my ass. Five bankruptcies and counting, inherited a large fortune from his father and turned it into a small fortune. You're absolutely hilarious, LexusLoser. Originally Posted by Lapdog
all of those were corporate, not personal. Trump as a corporate entity is no different than any other Corporation that has declared and re-emerged from bankruptcy. the mole likes to make a big deal about Trump's casinos dropping to penny stocks.

what he won't say is all of Atlantic City took a hard hit and most also declared bankruptcy. he wants to make it out that Trump faltered during some high period in Atlantic City. Not the case. if anything, Trump got into Atlantic City at the wrong time, which in real estate and gambling can be the difference of success of not.

by using mostly other's money, you could say Trump was over leveraged with debt.. as a Corporation. but by doing it that way he all but certainly ensured he'd never end up declaring personal bankruptcy. Trump Air also didn't work out. but the Airline industry is also notorious for losing money and ... bankruptcies.

ara ya gonna give all the Airline bankruptcies a free pass but not Trump? seems like it, a rather narrow and biased view.

and now the final point .. have you ever had a friend or family member have to declare bankruptcy on their business? and did you hold it against them? how about yourself?


Ehhhh... he didn't do that poorly.

He originally got 1 million from his father. Over the years-- he'd received a series of other loans from his father. When his father died, he inherited about 60 million, give or take.

i've heard as much as 10 million in loans. perhaps more if you believe the NY Times of all people. i've seen numbers as high as 70 million.

He's a "slash and burn" style of business man. Will use every loophole, every opportunity, etc to turn a profit. He has burned a lot of smaller companies over the years, knowing they wouldn't have the money to fight him.

Bill Gates tried to cut out his friend and co-founder Paul Allen, while he had Hodgkin lymphoma and before Microsoft went public. and this was his childhood friend. sounds a bit cold to me.

the bottom line is business is a cut throat deal. there are many stories like Trump, and Bill Gates.

He's made a profit, which some would argue is the primary purpose of business if you don't care about ethics and other people.

The casinos damn near pulled him under-- but at that time a LOT of casino owners in AC got hit hard.

true as i noted above it wasn't exactly boom times in AC. his Vegas properties have done well.

I'm not a Trump supporter-- but he isn't horrible at business. He just isn't. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Trump also appears to have eventually gotten the lion's share of Fred Trump's estate. not to say the remaining siblings didn't get a lot of money, they reportedly did. and about Fred Jr and his pissant daughter, maybe if he hadn't drank his ass to death things might have been better financially for Fred Jr.

remember Fred Jr was the heir apparent .. not Donald. why he opted not to get into the family business, who knows really? not like the Trump's are gonna say much. and anything the pissant niece has to say is clouded by the fact she wasn't even an adult at the time. she sees "mean" uncle Donald through the eyes of a child when all that happened. in reality it was Fred Sr who still controlled the bulk of the Trump fortune and if he was disappointed in Fred Jr's choices .. including being an alcoholic .. along with not joining the family biz .. well it's not like this hasn't happened in many wealthy families before ... yeah?

Donald willingly took on the mantle of the heir apparent, which Fred Sr wanted, given Fred Jr had already rejected it. what if Robert had been older than Donald? would he have been the new anointed one? maybe, maybe not. he did opt to work within the Trump organization even if big brother Donald sat at the top of the heap

as an aside .. there is a democrat libtard writer and economist named Robert Reich who despises Trump and who likes to claim that Trump would have made far more money had he simply invested Fred Sr's fortune in the stock market. in fact he made the claim that Trump really got 200 million and if he'd just put it all in index funds and reinvested the dividends Trump would have made 12 BILLION.

well it turns out Reich is full of shit. he may be right that Trump really got as much as 200 million of Fred Sr's money, which means he got about half and the rest was split to the remaining children. but he was completely wrong about how much Trump's 200 M would be worth if invested the way he claimed.

Elias Azrak

, Creator of social alpha & betaAnswered November 19, 2017 · Author has 636 answers and 2.5M answer views
Businessman, author and former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich took to Facebook early July to describe his encounter with a Donald Trump supporter. He has an exchange with this person and the Trump supporter mentions that in 1976 when President Trump started his career he had $200 millions which he turned into four and a half billions, therefore a brilliant man. Reich’s response is “But if he had put that $200 millions in an index fund and reinvested the dividends, he would be worth $12 billions”.
Robert Reich realized that he had made a big mistake and deleted the Facebook post On Jan 1st, 1976 the S&P 500 was at 102.77 and on July 10, 2017 it was at 2,427.43: $200M invested in an index fund in 1976 would be worth $4.8B or an annual tracking error of -1.00026% over a period of 41-years. In other terms he would have underperformed the S&P 500 over the 41-years period by 6.7%.
If indeed President Trump did turn the $200 millions in $4.5 billions, then kudos to him. It is a most commendable performance which 95% of fund managers or more would have been unable to achieve over the same period of time.
Robert Reich Silences Every Trump Supporter with One Overlooked Fact

Note the above Link where this libtard bragged he could "silence" every Trump supporter with his claim has been .. DELETED.

Maybe someday Mexico will name a wall after trump and a little row boat on the Rio Grande lol. Hope the trump boat don't sink and go bankrupt��
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yep. All of his 6 Chapter 11 BK's were tied to his casino holdings.. except 1.

Two of those BK's can be tied to a bad decision on his part. When he opened up the Taj Mahal-- he couldn't have known that the market in AC was going to crash and crash hard-- but he should have known that opening such a large and lavish property-- would cannibalize the two other properties he already had in AC-- AC has never had the numbers that Vegas can carry. I've been to both and the crowds are very different. Opening the Taj Mahal-- even without the recession linked issues that plagued the whole city-- was a big factor in both the Castle and the Plaza filing BK.

Now-- what is fascinating to me is that rather than throw in the towel on Casinos in AC-- he kept pushing. BK #5 was a holding company he opened specifically for the 3 failed casinos-- when it filed BK.. it re-emerged as yet another holding company-- which also had to file BK just 4 years later.

To me-- it is a peek at one of his bigger character flaws. He hates to just take the L. While that can be a good thing-- as the casino debacles show.. sometimes that ego will lead to bad decisions (from a financial standpoint).
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Laughing at you, not with you!

I believe him, HH.

I think we all know you are from Austin.

LL is far smarter than you and brings good things to this board. You, on the other hand, are a net negative. Originally Posted by friendly fred
HoeHummer's Avatar
These WSNDs are raving lunatics, eh?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Laughing at you, not with you!

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
These WSNDs are raving lunatics, eh?

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
These WSNDs are raving lunatics, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

how about letting us know what WSND means???

if OEB can tell us whaT DPST means, then surely, you can.... unless a cat got your tongue.