Board personas and the hobby...

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I think some of the things that are kind of glossed over is the fact some of us do know each other. I'm talking real life friends, not handles on a hobby board. I can't help wonder why this was conveniently missed.

Right now a couple of my close friends that I talk to all the time are squirrel88, topcat, satin, and hotelal. Yes, they're real and personal friends. No doubt some of you others have real life friends on this board. In this context, we're more than real friends.

OK, time for the rant I started, then edited in Brooke's mother thread.

Frankly, I think we have some real miserable people on this board, and I can't even begin, nor care about why.

Here are a couple of examples.

Fancy in her thread about losing Sweet Pea.

I guess he felt some remorse then wrote this.

Then he thought about and ended his participation in this thread with this

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However the saddest thing about the whole Sweet Pea threads, outside the fact Fancy lost her beloved pet was this................

"Because of some negative opinions expressed in or about my previous thread regarding the Pea, I'm requesting that this one be closed immediately."

Does anybody realize how disgraceful it is to have to lock a thread about a beloved pet passing away, because somebody would come in and talk shit? Not only does this reflect on one of the members of this site, but the site moderation as a whole.

Now before I get pm's from mods telling me I'm dissing the mods, let me wonder out loud why this wasn't put a stop to earlier in the Sweet Pea illness thread? Why didn't someone send him a pm, and tell him that enough is enough and if he didn't like the thread, he didn't have to post there, but the mods stage a great comeback a bit later.

I guess there's nothing as good as a little psychological abuse?

Try as I might, I don't see where Fancy has ever made enemies or talked shit about anybody until she was attacked in the Sweet Pea illness thread.

So, why the meanness? What was gained?

Oh, I know, we have to keep up with our board personas, so we'll fuck with a lady who's pet is very ill.

I guess misery loves fucking pathetic.

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Now I acknowledge that Brooke and I aren't the best of buddies on this site. Wouldn't know her if I saw her, and it seems that sometimes she takes pleasure in throwing other providers under the bus.

However that doesn't mean that I can't have compassion and feel sorrow for her when her mom is in terrible shape at the hospital. I put myself in her place and wonder how I would feel if it was my mom. In this context I can feel extreme compassion for her.

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So Brooke asks her to say a prayer for her mom. OK, fine, no problem to spend 10 seconds before I go to sleep to ask for strength to her and her family. Moral strength for Brooke and physical strength for her mom. Didn't cost me but a few seconds out of my life.

So, here comes out of bounds again with a wonderful message.

Dude, you may be a good guy, but I hate your 'internet persona' with a passion. There is a time and place for humor (if that's what you call it), but threads of this nature aren't it.

Back to my earlier post about the mods, mojojo inserted this well deserved opinion, which was a great touch of class, and let myself and others know the mods are aware of what is going on, and took action. Thank you for that.

Now, even though wakeup kept away from the Sweet Pea threads, I just guess his fingers were aching to type because his addiction to being wakeup was calling.

Yes, they do. We all will, but I think she knows this.

And you reason for posting this in a thread filled with compassion for her was 'what'?

..............yes, misery loves company.

Apparently wakeup wasn't through yet.

Nice guy.

Yes, even an board filled with 'lazy ass hoes who work on their backs because that's all they know' and 'ugly ass fucking guys who are so ugly they have to pay for pussy', (insert sarcasm simile) we should find a time and place for compassion. These are real people with real life problems, and they have hearts like the rest of us. They have the ability to love and care for someone, whether it's a special pet or a mother.

Why some have to shit on these threads is beyond me, and it's nothing I will ever be able to understand. These are a couple of threads that if participation is wanted for positive inspiration, then please give it. If you don't feel that way, you don't have to participate. Also, these were located on the public forums, not a 'special' forum where anything goes.

At the end of the day, I can't help but wonder why someone would go so much against the grain of threads of these natures is beyond me. Is living your internet persona that fucking important, the abusing and hurting thread starters is something that someone thinks is cool? The one other thing that threads of this nature indicate is that some people don't have the ability to care about something........maybe they never learned how important it is to love something, maybe they don't know what love and compassion is. How very sad.

.......and don't tell me it's just the internet. I don't buy that bullshit for even a second. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
This is chock full of win. I'll respond at a time when i give a shit.
TransAm's Avatar that all? You've spent all day today working yourselves into quite a lather about me. You done, or shall we kick this off for real?

This is the come correct or don't come at who's first? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
LOL, I'm confused, I thought you didn't care enough about any of us to want to play? What, now that you're all hopped up on Mountain Dew you're ready to go a few rounds?

I meant what I said in my first post, I think a lot of your stuff is pretty funny, or at least mildly amusing. The "everybody dies" comment and it's follow up were not. I asked you what the purpose was, you very kindly took the time to tell me. You apparently feel like a Sandbox thread where someone asks for support during a difficult time is also the blacktop. I disagree with most of what you said in your explanation, but I respect your right to feel that way. You, being a classic narcissist, made it clear that you were unwilling or unable to reciprocate that respect for my or anyone else's position. There doesn't seem to be much else for me to say, as I'm clearly not going to be able to bring you around to my way of thinking. Is there something else you feel like needs to be said?
junglemonkey's Avatar
I just read that mutt thread. Damn, She really threAD'ed the shit out of that one.
surcher's Avatar
Wow...y'all, I don't know what to say...

Actually, that's a lie, I know exactly what to say...I just don't give a shit about you enough to spend the time typing it.

Don't mind me, carry on...anxious to see where this goes... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I must commend you on this. I expected something like this and you did not disappoint me. Many points were made and questions asked and this is your response. As I stated in the other thread, when a question is asked of you, or if something is posed to you you don't care to respond to, you ignore it, dismiss it as not worth your time, or try to take it where YOU want to go with it, which sums up your following post. There's more than enough already posted to sink your teeth into. Why should we placate you, simply because you're Wakeup and now you want a new fight?
pyramider's Avatar
To remind you of your memory lapse, of course.

#12 - Respect the posted "Image Standards" which apply to our public coed forums. (including Showcase) In short, images which depict subjects which are topless are allowed, but below the waist nudity which displays exposed genitalia or images depicting pornography are to be avoided. Additionally, posting URL links to external sites depicting pornography is not permitted. (use RTM to report images which you feel may not be in compliance)

Of course, we know that you consider taint as part of the genitalia. And just in case you do not (lmao), be advised that the mods do.

Sorry, pyramider, I tried to make this come thru like I have a stick up my ass, but don't think I pulled it off. Carry on. Originally Posted by Pistolero
So if someone else posts taint I get pointed for images violation? That sounds fair ...

I do not consider the taint to be any more a part of the genitalia than I do legs or butt cheeks. But the ladies show legs and butt cheeks on a regular basis.

I never underestimate what is up your ass.
Wakeup's Avatar one? We done then I guess?
TransAm's Avatar one? We done then I guess? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
If you're going to ignore the the substantive questions, yup, we're done. At least you followed your own principle of not coming at all since you apparently couldn't come correct. I respect that and your earlier responses. Thank you, Wakeup.
Wakeup's Avatar
No problem, I'm here to serve...
TransAm's Avatar
No problem, I'm here to serve... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Not really on topic, but I just have to say, your "wife" is smokin' hot, and if she's as intelligent as cool as her board persona, you're a lucky man. Kudos.
dearhunter's Avatar
What.....are we judging board personas based on their "hobby wives?

I got all you bitches covered.......where is the cumslut.....I need a shorter leash.....ijs
pyramider's Avatar
You are on your own with that statement ... we all know who has the balls in that hobby marriage.
Board personas are irrelevant to me. I'm not on here long enough to read all the threads and follow someone's posts to develop an image of what they "might" be like in real life. Photos and reviews are more than sufficient to make my decision. If I choose not to see you, it's because you're not my type, not because of what you post on some hooker board.

Since Valerie is the OP, I will use her as an example. I don't quite recall the exact details, but a long time ago when I scheduled with her, I remember she posted something I didn't like or agree with. Then I made a comment she didn't necessarily like. In the end I didn't care, met her anyway, and had a great time. If you base your decisions on board personas, you may miss out on some of the best experiences you will ever have in the hobby.
...If you base your decisions on board personas, you may miss out on some of the best experiences you will ever have in the hobby. Originally Posted by The Nameless One

Sarunga's Avatar
A few comments are not going to define one's persona.
TransAm's Avatar
A few comments are not going to define one's persona. Originally Posted by Sarunga
Agreed, need to look at the total body of work.