Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-03-2016, 03:20 AM
Thank you for your honest feedback. I am a different person than DM. I would have done things differently as well, but that's me.

I have zero points, and have not earned points in over three years now. However, I do think it best for the guidelines to be applied fairly and consistently regardless of the handle that posts the offending texts.

I can't be all over the board, and admittedly, I pay attention to what interests me. DM is a friend, so yes, I take interest in her posts. I saw something happen in this instance that I felt needed questioning, not only for DM but for the board as a whole. Yes, at times I am quite an idealist.

A broken record is annoying, even to my own ears. The squeaky wheel gets the oil...cliche cliche cliche...etc. however, like I said above, I am not embarrassed.

Despite the backs and forth and off topic temptations, I am here staying the course. It is that important to me: It is my hope that no matter who the poster is, that the guidelines be applied evenly; that is all.

The target audience was reached a long time ago. Like I said, I am done when others are done and only return to keep it on track.

P.S. Katrina. Why would I or should I be embarrassed? If I had a tail it would be wagging and down for the cause...and definitely NOT between my thanks for your concern. No, really, thank you. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Your vagina looks like the last few frames of the Zapruder film.
Jede dieser Huren stellen ihre Makel noch? Zuerst (1), es zu tun gewinnt die Debatte so können wir diese Scheiße zu beenden
[Any of these whores post their taint yet? First (1st) to do it wins the debate so we can end this shit] Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Was ist mit Ihrige, "Fraulein" Kommandant? Diese Arschlocher auch mussen sich in Frieden zu ruhen.
Your vagina looks like the last few frames of the Zapruder film. Originally Posted by broes
Take your love for my "mind-blowing," vagina elsewhere.

What are your thoughts on my last question?
STFU already. Jesus fucking Christ woman. Back in April....back in fucking April. It's god damn August. That hoe served her ban. It's done. Over. Generally fucking speaking. STFU. It's fucking patethic.

Dorthy can say whatever the fuck she wants (except now cause she's fucking scared of points, even though bitch don't need ECCIE. Yeah right. Awfully head shy though) and you have no qualms whatsoever. Let it fucking rest. Take your lame ass pity party to Houston.NOBODY HERE FUCKING CARES...generally speaking of course. It's embarrassing. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Im not scared of any points & I don't need ECCIE so don't forget that... Until it has come out my mouth don't assume you know anything about me...

You can't say NOBODY cares because if NOBODY cared they wouldn't continue to make an effort to prove otherwise... Including yourself
But you should be...if you were my friend I'd be like "thanx boo for having my back, but it's cool now. I've moved on. Appreciate it though. Good looking out". On to the next...
#dwellcity Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
And yet after 1,400+ posts you're still here "boo".

Getting pissed that a mod issues someone points over a gray area guideline, and not others...the second highest peak in the Lunacy Mountain chain... Originally Posted by Wakeup
So are you...

...but, and more importantly, NYr is still a mod. Did either of you have a point? Or is your point...

STFU already. Jesus fucking Christ woman. Back in April....back in fucking April. It's god damn August. That hoe served her ban. It's done. Over. Generally fucking speaking. STFU. It's fucking patethic.

Dorthy can say whatever the fuck she wants (except now cause she's fucking scared of points, even though bitch don't need ECCIE. Yeah right. Awfully head shy though) and you have no qualms whatsoever. Let it fucking rest. Take your lame ass pity party to Houston.NOBODY HERE FUCKING CARES...generally speaking of course. It's embarrassing. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
...that you don't fucking care IN ALL CAPS? Just askin'...

I am here hoping you will flash the crowd.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I just have to tip my hat to this thread. I mean holy cow 38 PAGES. This is now a legendary thread and I have no idea why.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-03-2016, 11:03 AM
But you should be...if you were my friend I'd be like "thanx boo for having my back, but it's cool now. I've moved on. Appreciate it though. Good looking out". On to the next...
#dwellcity Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Don't hold your breath that this thread will be shut down soon, these Houston whores don't get this much attention in their own city even though they're getting their asses clowned on here in Dallas. BTW, the mod was right for banning her wig wearing ass.
I just have to tip my hat to this thread. I mean holy cow 38 PAGES. This is now a legendary thread and I have no idea why. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Because, like you, Dorthy's awesome!

her wig wearing ass. Originally Posted by BLM69
Wig??? Pfffft!

...these Houston whores don't get this much attention in their own city even though they're getting their asses clowned on here in Dallas... Originally Posted by BLM69
I heart the use of clowned in this clause. Seriously, love it.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Was ist mit Ihrige, "Fraulein" Kommandant? Diese Arschlocher auch mussen sich in Frieden zu ruhen. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Ich habe mir vor geschrieben. Es ist nichts für mich, es wieder tun
[I've posted mine before. It's nothing for me to do it again]

So no one has answered my latest question:

Generally speaking, let's say you are posting on a thread in a heated discussion which goes off topic, and a moderator issues a warning to 3 or 4 specific members of the discussion. Furthermore, three people who were warned (including yourself) post further off topic after the warning. If it was known that you were issued points, and the other two were not, how would you feel about that? Add to that, the moderator had no qualms informing the public that he was the one to issue your points, when it is part of their duty to keep that information private. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Ya, basically the same thing happened to me in this thread but you don't see me endlessly bitching about it. The only difference is that the points weren't enough to get me banned.

What I want to know is how do you know nobody else received points? Did they tell you?

From a Mod: Whether or not others get points issued is between the staff and those members. The staff will not every disclose who got what action against them.
pyramider's Avatar
But they have when the modtard in question stated he pointed DM. Oopsie?
Did said Mod also disclose that he DID NOT point the others in question? That was the point!
dearhunter's Avatar
I disclosed that no one else received points. Do you have a problem with that?
chicagoboy's Avatar
What I want to know is how do you know nobody else received points? Did they tell you? Originally Posted by Tapper69
Dearhunter told all of us, three-and-a-half months ago:

Tinman, DM was the only one to receive points in the thread after the warning.........with the exception of one hijack for something posted that had nothing to do with the topic. That infraction was not given by NYr. Originally Posted by dearhunter

(The Flocking Prophet beat me to it by one minute, but he didn't supply a linck UITB, dammit.)