Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
House Democrats unveil two articles of impeachment against Trump

House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday, saying he had abused the power of his office and obstructed Congress in its investigation of his conduct regarding Ukraine.

The argument, ‘why don’t you just wait?’ comes down to this: Why don’t you just let him cheat in just one more election?” Schiff said, calling impeachment “a question of duty.” Originally Posted by Jaxson66

  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the name-calling J666
Still posting the ridiculous DPST narrative Koolaid.

Get some help.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Thanks for the name-calling J666
Still posting the ridiculous DPST narrative Koolaid.

Get some help. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yous must be some kind of shitty doctors, oebsy. Yous tell everybody to get some help.

Unless yous got stripped of your doctorial licenses whilst on the rez in 'Berta. Or were yous one of the outside agitators brought in to disrupt the gay prides movement in the province?

I didn't see any names-calling from Jaxon, oebsy. Maybe yous are the one who kneads to gets some help, eh?
... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What Schiff really meant is "Impeachment is a question of desperation"
Jaxson66's Avatar
What Schiff really meant is "Impeachment is a question of desperation" Originally Posted by Levianon17
It was clear what his allegations are. Some people’s kids have chosen to ignore the truth and continue down the deep state conspiracy highway. But the majority of we independents see the truth. The fat lying bastard won’t win re-election even if the conspiracy caucus lets him walk. It’s just a matter of time.

As I recall you posted I was crazy believing a impeachment would happen, what ca’ think now.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 04:39 PM
Yous must be some kind of shitty doctors, oebsy. Yous tell everybody to get some help.

Unless yous got stripped of your doctorial licenses whilst on the rez in 'Berta. Or were yous one of the outside agitators brought in to disrupt the gay prides movement in the province?

I didn't see any names-calling from Jaxon, oebsy. Maybe yous are the one who kneads to gets some help, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Thank you for non cogent and non constructive input - per usual for the DPST's YR
Breathe deep- the gathering gloom
Feeling outrage in every room
Bedsitter DPST drinking the Koolaid
And so it goes, and so it goes!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
this is spin. the Prosecutor was removed because he WAS NOT investigating corruption.

and by the way, you guys keep saying Trump held up the Ukraine money because Europe wasn't doing enough, but Trump is exonerated because he did release the money later.

but nobody has ever said what prompted Trump to release the cash he had been holding up.. why did he release it? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Why did he release the cash? Very simple. He got caught with his extortion racket. The whistleblower revealed Trumps criminal behavior. By that infamous phone call. So yeah, you bet Trump released the money in quick fire fashion. But too late, the investigation had been started and that’s why he’s being impeached. No matter how you spin it. But don’t expect those folks in their Reich wing bubble to go along with that. They’re too busy seeking solace by tuning in to Faux Fox News to pump up more lies and derision. But it is getting very difficult to defend the most corrupt President ever. Trump makes Nixon look like Mr Rogers.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why did he release the cash? Very simple. He got caught with his extortion racket. The whistleblower revealed Trumps criminal behavior. By that infamous phone call. So yeah, you bet Trump released the money in quick fire fashion. But too late, the investigation had been started and that’s why he’s being impeached. No matter how you spin it. But don’t expect those folks in their Reich wing bubble to go along with that. They’re too busy seeking solace by tuning in to Faux Fox News to pump up more lies and derision. But it is getting very difficult to defend the most corrupt President ever. Trump makes Nixon look like Mr Rogers. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Obama isn't president.

and if Trump makes Nixon look like Mr Rogers does your post make you look like Pee-Wee Herman?

It was clear what his allegations are. Some people’s kids have chosen to ignore the truth and continue down the deep state conspiracy highway. But the majority of we independents see the truth. The fat lying bastard won’t win re-election even if the conspiracy caucus lets him walk. It’s just a matter of time.

As I recall you posted I was crazy believing a impeachment would happen, what ca’ think now. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It hasn't happened yet. Besides really and truly whats impeachment without being removed from office? The answer, basically nothing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why do you insist on posting deep state conspiracy lies? They have all been debunked.

Originally Posted by Jaxson66

debunked??? since when?
The real kick in the pants is gonna be when he gets impeached, and yet still gets re-elected.
LexusLover's Avatar
As I recall you posted I was crazy believing a impeachment would happen, what ca’ think now. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That's like you predicting an election in 2020 ... and then bragging.

Just show how stupid you are. That's what is "thought" now. Back to reality.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-11-2019, 04:37 AM
Shokin was about as far away from "good" and "fair" as you can imagine. During his 2015-2016 tenure as chief prosecutor, Shokin did two things: He covered for the criminality of powerful figures close to then-President Petro Poroshenko, and he earned the ire of just about every anti-corruption group in Ukraine.

Don't take my word for it; take that of Shokin's immediate deputy, Vitaly Kasko. In 2016, Kasko resigned from his post, describing his boss' "hotbed of corruption."

The specifics of Shokin's corruption are most obvious in what he did not do. As Bloomberg documented in May, Shokin was particularly opposed to investigating high-wealth individuals suspected of corruption. Why those individuals? Presumably because a little of their high wealth would find its way into Shokin's hands if he was able to make their problems go away. This obviously infuriated civil society activists who noticed that Shokin was stonewalling obvious investigative needs.’re a very attractive milf and reading your encounters I’d conclude you’re an excellent ambassador for the hobby. But you’re being deceived by Russian propaganda. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
And you are being deceived with your own propaganda. Isn't that nice.
And you are being deceived with your own propaganda. Isn't that nice. Originally Posted by R.M.
It's the nature of some. Jax has regurgitated so much bullshit propaganda as to fill a small to medium city, half of it in this thread alone.

And most of it has become nothing burgers within a day or two.

Just take the final articles as recently presented. The dems were unable to feel confident enough in all of their "supposed" proof of collusion, quid-pro-quo, bribery, extortion, etc. etc. to even make any of that articles against Trump.

Instead just two nebulous charges they could dream up.

It'll be fun seeing what the Senate does with it. The funniest will be to reject it on the spot with a floor vote, but I'd rather see the left run through the wringer in actually presenting their case to the Senators.

Either way, so far, the impeachment and inquiries have not had the effect the left anticipated. If anything Trump has gained slightly in most measures.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It's the nature of some. Jax has regurgitated so much bullshit propaganda as to fill a small to medium city, half of it in this thread alone.

The fat lying bastard is the one regurgitating bullshit like Crowdstrike.

And most of it has become nothing burgers within a day or two.

Nothing burgers? Two articles of impeachment will be advanced to the conspiracy caucus for trial. That’s a double whopper with cheese.

Just take the final articles as recently presented. The dems were unable to feel confident enough in all of their "supposed" proof of collusion, quid-pro-quo, bribery, extortion, etc. etc. to even make any of that articles against Trump.

Here in the real world, the obstruction of justice and perjury are still being investigated by staff of the judiciary committee. The Maghan court decision has been appealed by the fat lying bastard so once again his testimony is blocked. Better to leave the obstruction of justice article out for the time being.

Instead just two nebulous charges they could dream up.

It'll be fun seeing what the Senate does with it. The funniest will be to reject it on the spot with a floor vote, but I'd rather see the left run through the wringer in actually presenting their case to the Senators.

What won’t be funny is watching the conspiracy caucus expose their loyalty to a fat lying bastard instead of their country

Either way, so far, the impeachment and inquiries have not had the effect the left anticipated. If anything Trump has gained slightly in most measures.

Says who Information from a devoted trump party member carries very little credibility in my little corner of the world. It’s filled with lies and conspiracy theories and unreliable. Originally Posted by eccielover