trump the traitor

I don't think it will have an impact on him. I had dinner last night with one of my boyfriends - he's the Libertarian - he thinks Trump is an ass clown - but he surprised me and said he approved of what Trump said - so -for once -we had a very nice dinner. lol.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think Trump's comments on Haiti and Africa will help him, hurt him, or have no impact? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
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We shall see in November. I can't see how making such statements can move voters to his side.
Today is always a tough day but today it's even tougher. To see people like Donald Trump and Steven King try to quote and use the name of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a prop. They don't believe in the dream, ideas or words of Dr. King. There is no middle ground on this. You can't have the ideas, use the language they use, and want the policies they want and say you believe in what Dr. King was fighting for. And many people quoting King today are the same ones who were yelling at the NFL players (King was all about protests) and the same people defending Trump when he says these racist things. They are hypocrites and only quote Dr. King to look good. Because their actions spit on the ideas that Dr. King fought and died for. I can't stand a racist but I equally can't stand people who pretend to respect/believe what King preached, only to run away from those teachings when it's time to defend them. Those people can join the racists because they aren't much better.