YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings


Red wine = facepalm
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Pics or it didn't happen lol.
Let's pretend it didn't happen...yay!
I'm at a birthday party right now at a club...there's this hot civi girl...holy fuck. I did some asking around. Apparently she avidly goes both ways...

Do us proud babe
Heehee...I'm a gentlewoman. She came up to me and complimented me in front of my date, then dragged me away and made out with me. But since I am here with a guy, we decided to meet up another time for one on one.....ahhhh!
How disappointing I was prepared for a Blow by Blow description of your encounter.
How disappointing I was prepared for a Blow by Blow description of your encounter. Originally Posted by tucson
Lol...shes a make-out whore. I'm okay with that. She was fun
Lol...shes a make-out whore. I'm okay with that. She was fun Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Make out whores I know those type!
If I remember the details tomorrow, I willl definitely post them
Lol...when its time to buy her a drink, she's game. When it's time to buy me a drink...lol...'tis life.
Even Yummy fails from time to time. I can handle one more try...will report back with devastating details.
I will remind you in the morning.....
So by the end of the night, she had chosen one guy to spend her time with. I already had a male date as well. Now remember that we decided that we would meet up another time, because neither of us wanted a male involved...well in the end I walked up to her and was flirting as usual, and she had been drinking a bit much and was became bent on convincing me that the guy that she was with was "cute." Actually, he was too ghetto and full of himself for my taste. I was polite enough, but when he realized I was telling her that I wasn't interested in him, he got seriously butt-hurt, and went into junior high insult mode. Basically he got in my face and repeatedly started calling me fat and saying he didn't want me anyways. I found this hilarious and incredibly immature. As a result, I'm laughing, and he didn't like that I wasn't insulted by his words, but more amused. In the same moment, I am laughing at my fact that this hot, drunk chick, had bad taste in men (and I was a fool for giving her the time of day). At that time, my date came from the bathroom and the other guy got in his face as was telling him to "control his bitch...etc." So my date got upset at this and choked the dude and pinned him against the wall. It was a short scuffle. They got separated and the guy didn't pursue my date. We left soon after with the support of some friends who saw the guy being an immature butt-hurt ass.

What a night, LOL!