Random Thoughts

Danielle Reid's Avatar
Working on building a solo tour. Maybe this time I’ll still have my sanity
Zenovia's Avatar
Working on building a solo tour. Maybe this time I値l still have my sanity Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
You are going to do FABULOUS!!
If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out beautiful
It’s so good to be home from my trip! I was only gone 2 1/2 weeks but it felt like a year at times… I’m a homebody & missed my cat & my bed. Thankfully Hot Summer was there to keep me company & share margaritas with!

It was very productive financially though, so definitely worth it! I made well over my goal, which was what I estimated I would need to remodel my bathroom!

So excited! I’m doing the layout in the first picture with the materials in the second picture… Tumbled marble, thick custom glass and definitely a huge rain shower! Can’t wait until it’s done.
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Danielle Reid's Avatar
You are going to do FABULOUS!!
If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out beautiful Originally Posted by Zenovia
Thank you! I知 nervous but excited. I feel like I reached a new level of freedom haha. If you know anything about Missouri or Oklahoma please fill me in. The most I know is Springfield 😅
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Message me Danielle or text me!!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
Ginger love it! It’ll look nice!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Message me Danielle or text me!! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
Heading home from a late night so I値l text when I get there! Thanks
Ginger love it! It値l look nice! Originally Posted by Nicolefoxx1
Thanks hon!
Nicolefoxx1's Avatar
I'm so utterly sick of movies, TV, etc using "foot fetish" as shorthand for "creepy". Want to quickly portray someone as a creep? Just say he has a foot fetish. Done. A good number people here have met me and I think in general "creepy" is not a word they'd use to describe me in any way. I'm very open about my foot fetish on the board and with providers but still very much "in the shoebox" in civilian life thanks to decades of media portraying it as such a negative thing. You learn to be very guarded about it, lest you yourself gain the "creepy" label just by association.

Thanks for letting me vent my foot fetish frustration (ooh, an alliteration of my very own!)
Zenovia's Avatar
Thank you! I知 nervous but excited. I feel like I reached a new level of freedom haha. If you know anything about Missouri or Oklahoma please fill me in. The most I know is Springfield 😅 Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I just seen your weekly update...GIIIIIRL.. PHENOMENAL!! WORK WELL DONE!! GET EM BEAUTIFUL

Never been to Oklahoma but I will pm you later to give ideas for KcMo
You are going to love it up there!!!
Zenovia's Avatar
I'm so utterly sick of movies, TV, etc using "foot fetish" as shorthand for "creepy". Want to quickly portray someone as a creep? Just say he has a foot fetish. Done. A good number people here have met me and I think in general "creepy" is not a word they'd use to describe me in any way. I'm very open about my foot fetish on the board and with providers but still very much "in the shoebox" in civilian life thanks to decades of media portraying it as such a negative thing. You learn to be very guarded about it, lest you yourself gain the "creepy" label just by association.

Thanks for letting me vent my foot fetish frustration (ooh, an alliteration of my very own!) Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Mi amor, the stigma is REAL for people like us.
All I can say is screw those ppl that aren't open-minded.

Sssshiiit ..I am in complete euphoria when we get together and so are my feet!!!
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
I'm so utterly sick of movies, TV, etc using "foot fetish" as shorthand for "creepy". Want to quickly portray someone as a creep? Just say he has a foot fetish. Done. A good number people here have met me and I think in general "creepy" is not a word they'd use to describe me in any way. I'm very open about my foot fetish on the board and with providers but still very much "in the shoebox" in civilian life thanks to decades of media portraying it as such a negative thing. You learn to be very guarded about it, lest you yourself gain the "creepy" label just by association.

Thanks for letting me vent my foot fetish frustration (ooh, an alliteration of my very own!) Originally Posted by SpankyJ
I don稚 see anything creepy about people having foot fetishes. Perfectly normal to me. Different strokes, for different folks!
Mi amor, the stigma is REAL for people like us.
All I can say is screw those ppl that aren't open-minded.

Sssshiiit ..I am in complete euphoria when we get together and so are my feet!!! Originally Posted by Zenovia
I don’t see anything creepy about people having foot fetishes. Perfectly normal to me. Different strokes, for different folks! Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
Thank you both! I think for the most part people here are pretty tolerant and accepting of everyone's little kinks. Out in the world though, it can be a different story. Check out some of these comments, for instance:


Or gems like this:

Or just watch any movie or TV show involving someone with a foot fetish and see if it's a sympathetic character or not. Maybe there are some, but I've never seen them if so.

Possibly some of it is justified. There are certainly guys with a foot fetish who behave inappropriately about it (say, taking unauthorized candid pictures or touching without permission), but you could find that in just about anything that is sexualized, and it doesn't often generate a specific stereotype about whatever the particular kink is, and about those who have it. Foot fetish is just different for some reason and I don't really understand why. There also seems to be a strong association between it and female domination in a lot of people's minds. I'm not knocking femdom at all here (that would be very hypocritical indeed) but it is really nowhere on my personal radar in terms of a sexual interest I have.

I'm probably overly sensitive about this, but it comes from a lifetime of seeing my interest ridiculed and stigmatized to the point that it caused a lot of shame and my general concealment of it. I didn't even 'fess up to it early on in the hobby, until I realized it was stupid to not ask for what I wanted.

What set me off today was for someone to come in my foot fetish thread for the sole (heh) reason of saying it's "strange". OK, great. I actually haven't heard that thousands of time in my life so thanks for that incredibly useful piece of new information! lol

Maybe I'm just cranky today, ha ha.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I just seen your weekly update...GIIIIIRL.. PHENOMENAL!! WORK WELL DONE!! GET EM BEAUTIFUL

Never been to Oklahoma but I will pm you later to give ideas for KcMo
You are going to love it up there!!! Originally Posted by Zenovia
Thanks honey! ❤️