For those who need proof of election fraud....

matchingmole's Avatar
Now a days it is getting harder and harder to dig up on the fraud. A lot of it cannot be found anymore because they take it down on the sites I mean. I remember reading somewhere that in Texas there were some Rangers or some damn thing that found and could prove fraud. Well hell let's not believe law enforcement at all. Thing that is fucked up is nobody can have their own damned opinion. If all these allegations of election fraud were grotesquely misstated and slanderous....besides the Pillow guy, why isn't everybody else being sued left and right? The shit is real they have enough proof but the real issue is the court system doesn't want to hear it and doesn't have time to hear it. The amount of time the cases would take would be incredibly long being tied up in the system for years. And the thousands of cases they have....we'd be going on with this for 35 years. No court is going to bother with that....furthermore of the evidence that is supportive of fraud they aren't having all of these so called evidentary hearings like they say. If they were the funny thing is that out of the thousands they have SUPPOSEDLY reviewed none of them proved ANY TABULATING FRAUD. FUCK THEY HAVE PEOPLE ON CAMERA AND AUDIO SAYING THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE SURE TRUMP DOESN'T GET IN OR THAT THEY ARE GOING TO FUCK THINGS UP. NOPE NO PROOF THERE. IT'S A JOKE MAN I agree it was a joke. Originally Posted by Lethergo

Yeah...and you can find a website or people on camera that will say Lincoln shot Kennedy (if ya pay 'em)

Ya dude they have video of people getting off buses coming from the baorder then being escorted into buildings by boarder patrol agents with no shoes, socks disheveled and carrying a shit ton of kids with them. Hell even the woman working at the airport smuggling kids and people in with no documentation fucking had those mexican drug cartel tattoos on her of the grim reaper. I think it is called Muherta or something. Plus there was some Airforce colonel whos letter they got a hold of saying they were transpoting illegals by plane to undetermined locations and dropong them off.
bambino's Avatar
Haven't seen anything from the Cyber dorks in AZ. Supposed to be lots of evidence, nada. Dumbfuck Lindell is backing away saying "well maybe there isn't any evidence." Originally Posted by royamcr
Doesn’t look like he’s backing away;

The paper ballot portion of the Az audit was finished Friday. A report will be given to the Az senate on Wednesday. Of course, the Maricopa board has ignored subpoenas for the routers. But they’ll get them. Or go to jail.
matchingmole's Avatar
Ya dude they have video of people getting off buses coming from the baorder then being escorted into buildings by boarder patrol agents with no shoes, socks disheveled and carrying a shit ton of kids with them. Hell even the woman working at the airport smuggling kids and people in with no documentation fucking had those mexican drug cartel tattoos on her of the grim reaper. I think it is called Muherta or something. Plus there was some Airforce colonel whos letter they got a hold of saying they were transpoting illegals by plane to undetermined locations and dropong them off. Originally Posted by Lethergo
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2021, 05:10 PM
Meanwhile - even HRClinton and her gang of crooks have abandoned he famous 'get to the Bottom of it" quote about teh russia Hoax!

as if HRClinton is not the bottom of the barrel in the fist place!

'r' - LOL- go right on ahead and spout DPST Lies - bought and paid for by HR Clinton.

Poor liberal fools who cannot bear to to abandon their idiotology religiosity - TDS and Trump hatred.

Keep on hating - DPSTs!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Even Trey Gowdy said, no doubt Trump colluded with Russia.

"Mr. Gowdy is not alone. At least four other Republicans — Representatives Brad Wenstrup of Ohio, Chris Stewart of Utah, Will Hurd of Texas and Peter T. King of New York — have said they do not believe that the memo necessarily exonerates the president on the question of whether his campaign colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election." Originally Posted by royamcr
LMFAO! Yet 50 Trump hating lawyers with a $100zillion budget, and every “journalist” on the planet digging in came up with zip zero nada bupkis. Sure man, keep living that fantasy.

So I googled your idiotic, totally out of context quote. It refers to a single letter that those guys feel didn’t, alone, exonerated President Trump. Give it up dude, it’s over. They left no stone unturned and there’s nothing whatsoever that implicated him in any conspiracy or collusion, because it never happened.
bambino's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar

I’ve posted 100 pages of evidence. You’re still in an induced trance by the MSM. Originally Posted by bambino
No, you haven't. You posted links to theories, speculation, and outright lies.

No evidence.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's good
bambino's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar Originally Posted by bambino
Who is Buck? Uncle Buck?
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2021, 06:01 PM
'r' - john candy - and he's DEAD!
bambino's Avatar