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cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 07-14-2013, 01:29 PM
Finally, I made it to the status of being a "Sexual Adviser"

My wife said to me;
If I need your Fucking advice, I will let you know!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

so what is more important
the cash, review, or the client ??????

so what is more important
the cash, review, or the client ?????? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

heres one from the "hooker playbook" of

Why such hostility baby? Theres no need to even comment if you are going to be hatefull . This thread is about him and what pertained to our date.. it was a simple question and i did add in MORE IMPORTANTLY. Buy that is neither here nor there...if you have nothing nice to say then please don't speak at all!! The bitterness you are holding onto just because i asked for reference is quite silly baby. Please honey get off of it, it was almost a wedek ago. Originally Posted by London Bridge
Finally, I made it to the status of being a "Sexual Adviser"

My wife said to me;
If I need your Fucking advice, I will let you know!! Originally Posted by cnym

so what is more important
the cash, review, or the client ?????? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
thats freakin unbelievable...smh....apparent ly the review was just a weeeeee bit more important than the reviewer..
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 07-17-2013, 10:43 AM
thats freakin unbelievable...smh....apparent ly the review was just a weeeeee bit more important than the reviewer.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Too Funny....
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 07-17-2013, 05:26 PM
Thought this was pretty funny:
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  • cnym
  • 07-18-2013, 02:15 PM
speeedracer's Avatar
<<<visiting family up in bolton landing and watching the weather show heavy storms and flooding in the buffalo area. stay safe everyone!
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"It's terrible!"