Drama, Highly Vocal posters, Disrespect, Trash Talk?... Why do YOU perceive ECCIE to not be a "friendly" place?

  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 09:55 AM
One of the things I look for in clubs is artifice. I don't want to be reminded that I'm a middle-aged overweight schlub who needs to buy working girls drinks to be paid attention to. And from every post Ivory makes, I get the very strong impression that to establish that level of artifice, it would take a level of acting ability that would make Meryl Streep take two steps back and exclaim "You GO, girlfriend." I'm sure she is an excellent and experienced dancer who knows exactly how to distract men. I just don't think, given the level of venom consistently on display, that I would ever be able to be distracted any more. Originally Posted by Vyt
So what are you saying? I should eat up all of their insults? Wait a minute...I already am.

The bottom line is this...you seem to really have gotten your feelie weelies all hurt when I made fun of Whispers and called him Jabba the Hut...I know this because you went on this tangent before when that happened, but I guess what escapes you is that I said those things in retaliation for the mean things they were saying in the first place...and that in and of itself it very telling of you as a person and you as a moderator.
  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 10:01 AM
"""Saying "I'm being nice this holiday season" doesn't mean I'm being nice because I'm as asshole rest of the time. It could mean I'm not particularly nice or an ass rest of the time, or it could mean I'm nice, just not this nice. See how there are more than one option?"""

More than one option yes, but in reality? really? Originally Posted by budman33
Pay no attention to Rand Al'Thor...he likes to play dumb and pretends he doesn't understand.

All one has to do is read Whispers thread from last Christmas where he informed the forum that it was very hard for him to keep being nice until the New Year...and then he broke down...and that is all one needs to read to realize Whispers nice guy act for the Holidays is just that...an act.

  • Vyt
  • 12-14-2011, 10:02 AM
The bottom line is this...you seem to really have gotten your feelie weelies all hurt Originally Posted by Ivory
Thank you for backing up my point quite elegantly.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I don't have any experience dancing for you or your cohorts because I don't dance for rude and disrespectful men, I prefer to dance for gentleman. Gentleman who think your consistent comments to me and others are way out of line. Originally Posted by Ivory
Yes, I'm sure your "screening" methods are strict at the club.

So what do you do, do you give them a test to see how much of a gentleman they are and if they are disrespectful? Lie detector? Do you just ask them if they agree with anything "Whispers" has to say?

That is hilarious.

I certainly have experience as a dancer and experience with men of all types, and I can tell you this, if it isn't already painfully apparent, I obviously choose not to dance for a certain subset of "men", and I can actually afford to get away with it…and it's because I am good at what I do…and it's probably what bothers you the most.
Seriously, I think everyone believes you and can picture you turning down $5 because.. Well, shit. You don't know what most of us look like. It really is your preference and choice that you don't dance for me, not that I prefer to get my dances from someone I find remotely attractive. Really.

Yeah take a look at it...and what people will actually see is that you and the "boys" like to mix it up with me, and quite a bit, and you all are not very nice about it at all. All it takes is for me to post my opinion on ANYTHING, and the insults start being hurled in my direction from a select few, and then when I defend myself or my position or as I have in the past, insulted you in return...then all we hear from the select few is how crazy and looney I must be...it's a consistent pattern from you all.
Yes, Ivory. It really is that these guys just start throwing insults as soon as they see your name pop up. It has nothing to do with your choice of words or your regard for men. Just like in this thread, we all started insulting you for no reason, it had nothing to do with the content of your posts. You really are the victim here, and I'm sure everywhere you go.

You really believe this? LOL…that's funny…all Thor does is trot in for the late shift to help you out like a good little boy and he takes the thread apart and plays his little logical game which really isn't logical at all...and it rarely makes much sense because he fails to take the post out of the vacuum he is reading it in…it's a gimmick that doesn't work any more…that's what took the fun out of it.
Hey, I fucking gallop in for the rescue! Well, I would if I had a horse. Damned, where's my horse and dark armor?

The only vacuum around I see is... Well, enough of the stripper stereotype.

I don't take the thread apart, I take the posts apart. Reason for that is most people who make BS statements tend to build themselves small false assumptions others don't question, then base their big argument upon the foundation of those small assumptions. If your posts weren't that way, they wouldn't get torn down. As for my logic not being logical, it's OK. We all have our roles and strengths, some of us were meant to cure cancer, some of us were meant to fight fires, and some of us were... Well, that's not important.

Yes it is sad…sad that you have been here defending your position that you make this board a friendly place, all the while hurling insults yet again.

I merely agreed with posters who are talking about this subject without my prodding, and without me starting the thread. I stated my opinion as you stated yours…the only difference? I didn't insult you. You and the boys just keep the insults coming while trying to convince everyone you are making this a very friendly place…it's comical at best.
[/victim] Please? You make kittens cry and puppies whimper from all the tribulations you've been put through by all the mean men on the internet forumz.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Blah blah blah blah blah.....Are you still babbling Ivory....

Would someone wipe the drool from buddydoodle's face he was ran over by a short bus...Unfortunately he survived the accident to bore us with is peanut gallery style commentary...
  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 10:04 AM
all this back and forth should get some pussy whipped WK who remembers the good old days when you were hot and they could get a boner to come drop some fives on you down at the old landing strip. Originally Posted by homer13
Dances are TEN dollars for lunch today not 5...dances are only $5 on Tuesdays.
It's obvious that Ivory is incapable of logic, reasoning and rationale thoughts. She can call you illiterate, an ass hole, impotent but it's not an insult its just her eating our insults and defending herself. Although it is sometimes fun to engage in a good debate it becomes weary-some when your debating someone who is irrational and illogical after a while. As mentioned Ivory needs these fuel filled debates to stay relevant and get pity from WK's. I would offer up that from this point to some determined time in the future that we just don't engage her. Just don't respond to anything she says, what would happen to her relevance then? I think the pity party would go away as would her relevance and she'd be exposed the the sad, desperate, old bitter woman she is.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Hey…it's not any secret that I am a hard on killer for some of you guys, is it? Or do I actually give you a big old boner? You can tell us…don't be embarrassed…tell us…do I make your cock hard Rand Al'Thor? Originally Posted by Ivory

If you could go back in time and grab your younger self from your early 20s, you might have a chance.

And just for clarification, I did NOT question Homer's reading comprehension…because it was obvious he just wanted to say something that is not entirely true…just as you do. Besides, you're the one who just LOVES to play the reading comprehension game as is evident by your posts to me and others.

You both and others seem to really have a problem with women who don't bow down to your "being an asshole and disrespectful" ways, and those are your words and not mine, and those words prove the point that others who do not agree with you are trying to make here in this thread, including me. No matter what I say or how I say it, you will always be here to insult me and in your own words, "be an asshole and disrespectful".
No problems with those that "don't bow" down, just problems with women who think false advertising is OK, women who think anything that comes out of their mouth has to be truth regardless of facts, or women who play the victim to try to get sympathy. Those traits cause problems with women or men, it's not gender specific. What you say or how you say it will make a difference, even by your own posts, we don't pile on women who agree with our opinions, right? If you were to make your statements without acting like you were handing down decrees from your throne, play the victim when you get any dissenting opinions, and play the coy bitch who is bending the rules and daring others to call her out on it the rest of the time, you won't get the same treatment from me.
  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 10:13 AM
Thank you for backing up my point quite elegantly. Originally Posted by Vyt
I actually used the term "feelie weelies" because you said "Whispypoo"...I mean are we really digging THAT deep now?

I would also like to thank YOU for backing up my point as well...as you see from your own comment, you feel it is fine for you to use cutesy terms, but I am bad person for using cutesy terms in my reply...no surprise there.
  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 10:16 AM
I would offer up that from this point to some determined time in the future that we just don't engage her. Just don't respond to anything she says, what would happen to her relevance then? Originally Posted by homer13
No time like the present eh? ;-)

But seriously though, that's all it takes. I am allowed to post my opinions here...all you have to do is ignore me...why can't you?
  • Ivory
  • 12-14-2011, 10:21 AM
I think it was last year your old pics were posted. ( the ones where you were HOT). I was very impressed with your former HOTNESS. Could you repost those old pics now so we can see once more how Hot you were? Originally Posted by harkontume
Oh you mean the photos where I was photographed for Playboy Magazine by famed photographer Sammy Maxwell? They are still here…and while I would like to take the time to hold your hand and teach you how to use the search functions of this site…I'm afraid you're on your own this morning because I have to dance now until 7pm and I just don't have the time now, sorry darlin!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
"""Saying "I'm being nice this holiday season" doesn't mean I'm being nice because I'm as asshole rest of the time. It could mean I'm not particularly nice or an ass rest of the time, or it could mean I'm nice, just not this nice. See how there are more than one option?"""

More than one option yes, but in reality? really? Originally Posted by budman33
Really. That was in response to her argument that stating that one was being nice was equal to admission that one is an ass the rest of the time. Fails to stand up.

If we're putting this in context, Whispers or Sixx being "mean", from my POV, is an opinion. Some of us think they tend to voice issues others are afraid of bringing up. They tend to bring to light information that isn't shared by others.

Do you think you're nice?

Rand ... likes to pick apart posters in teensy tiny papercuts until they call apart like that poor dude in Resident evil.
Coherent, logical posts would be immune to "tiny papercuts" and wouldn't fall apart.

I actually used the term "feelie weelies" because you said "Whispypoo"...I mean are we really digging THAT deep now?

I would also like to thank YOU for backing up my point as well...as you see from your own comment, you feel it is fine for you to use cutesy terms, but I am bad person for using cutesy terms in my reply...no surprise there. Originally Posted by Ivory

Yes, Ivory... that's what he meant.
Whispers's Avatar
Oh you mean the photos where I was photographed for Playboy Magazine by famed photographer Sammy Maxwell? They are still here…and while I would like to take the time to hold your hand and teach you how to use the search functions of this site…I'm afraid you're on your own this morning because I have to dance now until 7pm and I just don't have the time now, sorry darlin! Originally Posted by Ivory
And exactly what came of that photo shoot? ALl the money over all the years and you strip for $5 in a seedy joint all these years later.....

I tried to let it all go and told them you were not worth the effort anymore.

You lack any relevance on this site or within the community.

You trash women and men alike. You contribute absolutely nothing new or positive. Your only contributions here any longer are in controversial threads as you try to show what a strong and independent person you are.

Anything to try to keep yourself "noticed"....

You probably WILL be someone someday... Gain some historical significance on the website..... You will probably to be known as the one that simply could not let go of her youth when she hit her senior years..... couldn't let go of her memories of being slim and fit as she swelled and bloated....

4/5 years ago as I planned on returning to Texas there was no provider/stripper on the Austin scene I wanted to meet and get to know more than Ivory.....

It was the single biggest let down I experienced in the Adult Industry..... She has lost her looks, lost her hygiene, lost her wit.... and refuses to age gracefully....

Noone asks about her....

Noone brings her up except as a joke anymore....

Ivory used to be the Best known as well as one of the most sought after dancers in her day.....

Now she sadly thinks those days are still with her...

There ARE dancers of her age at the better clubs...... But those ladies have taken care of themselves.... worked to keep their appearance...... worked to adapt to a changing clientele....

Ivory has been shoved off to the only couple of clubs that will let her... Where basically they will let any piece of female flesh, no matter how bi or how old, get nearly naked on their stages.... Why? Well the tip out puts money in the managers pockets.... Those Managers are also sidelined to the minors..... so they take what they can....


You have some more material....

I need to get back to shopping......

It's Christmas next week and I have a lot of faces I need to put some smiles on.....

A LOT of people here that you choose to disrespect contributed to the cause..... men and women alike......

You are about no one other than Ivory..... You disrespect them and classify them white knights for coming to the party and supporting the cause?

Sad.... Very very sad.....

As others have said and you refuse to acknowledge. There are ALWAYS people at the parties that I do not get along with on the board. We are all able of being mature and associating with each other all though we do not necessarily always agree on things.

You never let go of the controversy....
Everyone is just running in circles in this thread....
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Everyone is just running in circles in this thread.... Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
I run faster in a perfect circle, so obviously, I'm better.