New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

I B Hankering's Avatar
I B Lying enjoys cloaking himself in ignorance whether it's past, present, or future and I find it truly fascinating and enjoyable to watch (especially in the backdrop of Trumpie losing the election to Hilary). I said it took both but with the MAIN difference being the strategic bombing campaign against the Axis powers. An Air Campaign will win you a war before a Ground campaign especially if you're concerned about limiting soldier deaths. All the history books are on my side it yes the Allied forces working in tandem had troops on the ground but those troops would have lost if no Air campaign. Again Air beats ground every time if you're singularly focused which you in your wonderful ignorance clearly are. Think about it you dipshit; what ended WWII; yep you guessed right a fucking bomb in Hiroshima which incidentally ignited a cold war. No amount of manpower can defeat a bomb / strategic air campaign. I swear you folks have got to be the dumbest I've ever come across and what's disturbing is your proud of it or totally clueless but your kind it's what we expect/

Carry on Einstein - lol
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
People much smarter than you argued the same POV before WWII, Sissy Chap, and they were proved wrong by the course of events during WWII.

Regarding the bombing of Berlin, February, 1944: "This disaster, which hits Nazis and anti-Nazis alike, is welding the people together. After every raid special rations are issued–cigarettes, coffee, meat. As Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor said, 'Give them bread and they will back you up.' If the British think they're going to undermine our morale they are barking up the wrong tree" (p. 92, Diary of a Nightmare: Berlin, 1942-1945by Ursula Von Kardorff).
Ultimately, men and materiel had to invade the shores of Normandy and drive on Berlin to win that war. Air power alone did not win that war, Sissy Chap, just as air power alone will never win a war, Sissy Chap.

Air power employing conventional munitions did not win WWII, Korea, Iraq, and certainly did not win in Vietnam, Sissy Chap, and you have yet to produce an actual example that supports your ignorant POV, Sissy Chap, because you cannot produce such an example, Sissy Chap. Your fall back position of relying on unconventional nuclear weapons to achieve mere political goals has been duly noted, Sissy Chap, and that, you ignorant mutha fucker, is not a position shared by the greater part of either political party.

lustylad's Avatar
Please learn how to read. And by the way, are you gonna take me upon my bet? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
I read your posts correctly the first time, Pockface. You insisted Trump is favored by high-school dropouts, even though YOUR OWN DATA in post #85 showed this group voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat in the last two Presidential elections. Are you now trying to chicken out of my bet by claiming all those Trump-loving high-school flunkees will stay home on November 8?

If so, you are admitting that YOUR OWN DATA is meaningless and doesn't support the OP. So why did you post it in the first place, moron?

Clearly, you are the uneducated doofus here. In your haste to paint everyone whose politics you dislike as dumb trash, you shot yourself in the foot. And you're too cowardly to admit it, or take my bet. It's sad that you and the OP are so insecure you need to look down on Trump supporters as your intellectual inferiors. Even sadder when you display your own intellectual vacuity by being unable to back up your claims empirically and unwilling to test them with a bet.
On the surface you seem to mean well but just don't get it and likely never will. You over play your opinions and views every time because it seems you're stuck in a place and time where Fox news talking points, assumptions, and generalizations rule the day, and that's unfortunate. I'm trying to help people think beyond such a place and time since Fox news has proven to be a scourge on a ton of well meaning people. The problem is the News outlet it's also the base of the racists and poor whites who think someone has taken their opportunities. Same way Al-Jezeera news outlet was for many in the Arab world.

Now see my point by point comments to your points in red above. I will have more to say later Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
and quite possibly/probable a murderer what with ALLLLL the dead people around these two, coincidence?, hard to even fathom that at this point.


Just to let you know, I do not just listen to Fox, I do listen to all Liberal Media as well, along with many other venues in order to form my "own opinion", just as I would venture say probably 80% of all conservatives do, (how can they not with it being thrown in there faces 24/7), unlike the Liberals who want to hear nothing of what a conservative has to say, unless they have computer between themselves and the conservative, so they can name call. I actually had it happen this weekend while out to dinner, when one of the women said, "I am a Liberal and I want to hear nothing of what you have to say" mind you this woman has gone on other political boards and calls everyone names, like a drunken sailor. I wanted to say, why? because you can't debate your side of the issue???
lustylad's Avatar
Just to let you know, I do not just listen to Fox, I do listen to all Liberal Media as well, along with many other venues in order to form my "own opinion", just as I would venture say probably 80% of all conservatives do, (how can they not with it being thrown in there faces 24/7), unlike the Liberals who want to hear nothing of what a conservative has to say, unless they have computer between themselves and the conservative, so they can name call. I actually had it happen this weekend while out to dinner, when one of the women said, "I am a Liberal and I want to hear nothing of what you have to say" mind you this woman has gone on other political boards and calls everyone names, like a drunken sailor. I wanted to say, why? because you can't debate your side of the issue??? Originally Posted by Cherie

Libtards CAN'T debate. They can only troll and name-call. This thread is a prime example.
and quite possibly/probable a murderer what with ALLLLL the dead people around these two, coincidence?, hard to even fathom that at this point.


Just to let you know, I do not just listen to Fox, I do listen to all Liberal Media as well, along with many other venues in order to form my "own opinion", just as I would venture say probably 80% of all conservatives do, (how can they not with it being thrown in there faces 24/7), unlike the Liberals who want to hear nothing of what a conservative has to say, unless they have computer between themselves and the conservative, so they can name call. I actually had it happen this weekend while out to dinner, when one of the women said, "I am a Liberal and I want to hear nothing of what you have to say" mind you this woman has gone on other political boards and calls everyone names, like a drunken sailor. I wanted to say, why? because you can't debate your side of the issue??? Originally Posted by Cherie

One more thing, if I may ask, might this be the reason that James Comey did not want to indict? Curious minds want to know.
I B Hankering's Avatar
One more thing, if I may ask, might this be the reason that James Comey did not want to indict? Curious minds want to know. Originally Posted by Cherie
Because the whole administration from Odumbo down would have been implicated as accessories in hildebeest's crimes. Not only is doing what she did illegal, but anyone aware of what she was doing and not reporting or stopping what she was doing was also breaking the law.
Because the whole administration from Odumbo down would have been implicated as accessories in hildebeest's crimes. Not only is doing what she did illegal, anyone aware of what she was doing and not reporting or stopping what she was doing is illegal also.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You could very well be correct, but seriously, when you/anyone has a few minutes or just doing menial toil, watch the video, very informative as to how they all "went down" (to put it lightly) JFK Jr is also on the list as he was looking to run for the New York Senate seat at the same time she was.
bambino's Avatar
You could very well be correct, but seriously, when you/anyone has a few minutes or just doing menial toil, watch the video, very informative as to how they all "went down" (to put it lightly) JFK Jr is also on the list as he was looking to run for the New York Senate seat at the same time she was. Originally Posted by Cherie
Maybe that's why Bill boarded Lynch's plane. Just to drop a hint.
The OP is spot on.......
MT Pockets's Avatar
"Well educated " for a Dindu Nuffin means that he passed the 8th grade on the first try ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You do know that when you write in that fashion it shows what a racist asshole you are and shows you ran out of anything intelligent to say. Sistine is not gonna be bothered by it anyway. I wonder if you would say it to his face.
LexusLover's Avatar
You do know that when you write in that fashion it shows what a racist asshole you are and shows you ran out of anything intelligent to say. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
What does it show when you do?
MT Pockets's Avatar
I read your posts correctly the first time, Pockface. You insisted Trump is favored by high-school dropouts, even though YOUR OWN DATA in post #85 showed this group voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat in the last two Presidential elections. Are you now trying to chicken out of my bet by claiming all those Trump-loving high-school flunkees will stay home on November 8?

If so, you are admitting that YOUR OWN DATA is meaningless and doesn't support the OP. So why did you post it in the first place, moron?

Clearly, you are the uneducated doofus here. In your haste to paint everyone whose politics you dislike as dumb trash, you shot yourself in the foot. And you're too cowardly to admit it, or take my bet. It's sad that you and the OP are so insecure you need to look down on Trump supporters as your intellectual inferiors. Even sadder when you display your own intellectual vacuity by being unable to back up your claims empirically and unwilling to test them with a bet.
Originally Posted by lustylad
You can compare apples to oranges with your buddies all day but the bottom line is I commented that a Poll taken today has no relationship to an exit poll taken years ago. Do I believe the uneducated are favoring Trump yes. Do I think he will win the most voters with no education no, simply because he is going to purposely lose. Again I will offer you the option of taking my bet either take it or explain why, I did. I posted the data to show how many different demographics he won. Do you think Trump will carry any of the more educated groups? I didn't paint anyone to be dumb trash. The first time I made a comment here I was called a bunch of childish names so who is doing the painting? I do not look down on Trump supporters most of my friends are voting for him. But they don't talk shit like you do. They don't like Democratic policy's so they always vote against them. they do not fall for every dumb ass rumor than comes down the line as some do. They don't think Trump is capable of doing a good job they are depending on congress to keep him in line. he does not know how things actually work so he will be so inept he will be harmless. I personally like Hillary's ideas. I also liked McCain and Romney. Kasich would have been a good option also. The reason Trump got the nomination was because of all the rednecks still pissed over Obama. I spent most of my day and weekends around conservatives. I have never seen ones like a few of you guys. Then again your hiding behind a keyboard. You might even be one of my buddies thats a closet asshole LOL.
MT Pockets's Avatar
What does it show when you do? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I don"t recall writing like that unless it was to make a point. You do it because you are keyboard badass. And its your way of calling him a NI**ER Why don"t you say it to Sistine's face? Or mine?

Oh shit I thought I was responding to the guy who said it. Turns out it is one of his alters. How many of them is there?

Libtards CAN'T debate. They can only troll and name-call. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm sure the irony of your statement is lost on you.
lustylad's Avatar
You can compare apples to oranges with your buddies all day but the bottom line is I commented that a Poll taken today has no relationship to an exit poll taken years ago.

I know what you commented. And I challenged you to back it up with a bet that the exit polls on November 8, 2016 will be any different than they were in 2008 and 2012. You chickened out. Obviously you don't believe your own bullshit.

Do I believe the uneducated are favoring Trump yes. Do I think he will win the most voters with no education no, simply because he is going to purposely lose.

Say what? You won't take the bet because you think Trump will intentionally alienate and lose his own CORE SUPPORTERS – the same loyal Trumpsters who have been with him from the start? The ones you are so eager to trash and ridicule as uneducated for backing him? The ones who applauded when Trump boasted he could “shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue” and not lose their support? ... That's quite a whopper, Pockface! ... Probably the lamest and least believable rationalization for being a coward and ducking a bet ever seen on eccie. It's obvious you lack the courage of your so-called convictions.

Again I will offer you the option of taking my bet either take it or explain why, I did.

I never said anything inconsistent and contradictory like you did, moron, so I have no reason to back up my comments with any kind of a bet.

I posted the data to show how many different demographics he won. Do you think Trump will carry any of the more educated groups?

Don't change the subject. We're talking about who will carry the LEAST educated group, the dumbest of the dumb, the high-school dropouts. YOUR OWN DATA showed Obama carried this demographic twice, by almost a 2-to-1 margin.

I didn't paint anyone to be dumb trash.

You're a liar, pockface:

Hillary ... will win every demographic beside (sic) white trash Klansman. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

The first time I made a comment here I was called a bunch of childish names so who is doing the painting? I do not look down on Trump supporters most of my friends are voting for him. But they don't talk shit like you do.

I didn't “talk shit”. I merely pointed out how YOUR OWN DATA contradicts your assertion that Trump is leading among the least-educated voters. Then I challenged you to bet on whether the outcome would be any different this election, since according to your own data Democrats have invariably carried this demographic. You chickened out. Obviously you don't believe your own bullshit.

They don't like Democratic policy's (sic) so they always vote against them. they do not fall for every dumb ass rumor than comes down the line as some do. They don't think Trump is capable of doing a good job they are depending on congress to keep him in line. he does not know how things actually work so he will be so inept he will be harmless. I personally like Hillary's ideas. I also liked McCain and Romney. Kasich would have been a good option also. The reason Trump got the nomination was because of all the rednecks still pissed over Obama. I spent most of my day and weekends around conservatives. I have never seen ones like a few of you guys. Then again your (sic) hiding behind a keyboard. You might even be one of my buddies thats (sic) a closet asshole LOL.

So you're saying most of your friends are “rednecks”? Do you call them that to their faces? Do you tell them most Trump supporters are stupid and all of the smart folks are voting for hildebeest? If not, then you're the dipshit who is hiding behind a keyboard. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
If you paid any attention and weren't such a douchebag, you would know I am not a Trump supporter and have never said I will vote for him. I injected myself into this thread not to defend Trump, but to point out that all the evidence suggests hildebeest will win the uneducated vote (defined as high-school dropouts of all races) by a wide margin. You're just too stubborn to admit the truth.