Kudos to DeSantis

HDGristle's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Desantis doesn’t need to campaign in Florida, neither does Trump. Either of them take that state in a walk.

And who gives AF if 4 people in Florida believe in National Socialism. It’s a free country, they can believe whatever they want. They’re probably feds anyways or some slobs they convinced to hold a swastika flag for a pack of Newports.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's right. Defend the Nazis
HDGristle's Avatar

Instead of running his state like Catturd demands of him, the Billion Dollar Baby was campaigning in Oklahoma. While his actual Nazi supporters were picketing Disney.

Losing billions. Losing jobs. Losing in the polls. Getting mad at his wife for spilling the beans about how often Disney films are played in his hoke. Using AI to smear Trump in ads. Supported by actual Nazis.

Bang up job and kudos to the thin-skinned bitch Ron DeSantis.

Even George Santos is having a better month than Ronnie boy
HDGristle's Avatar

Interesting how some voices remain silent rsther than condemning Nazis
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That's right. Defend the Nazis Originally Posted by HDGristle
That’s defending free speech, not Nazis. The same rules apply if you agree with the speech or not. Wanting to squelch it by government edict makes one no better than they.

And there’s no doubt 1/2 of these things are put up jobs.
For example: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...virginia-event
HDGristle's Avatar
Then you should also be able to condemn their speech. Some folks might view your support for their speech as a tacit acceptance of tbe message itself.

Even if they see a lot of what they desire in the Billion Dollar Baby
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Some folks can view whatever they want as anything they want. Of course that makes them closer to fascists than the very people they’re looking to suppress, but they’re free to be whatever they want. The answer to speech one doesn’t like is always more speech, not attempting to silence that of others.
HDGristle's Avatar
No one's trying to silence you, J. Not in this thread. Or the Nazis. Just hoping you're on the side that condemns Nazi hate speech
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I don’t have anything to do with it. Clearly there are people who want to silence Nazis. They don’t want to argue the evils of their dogma or try’n make them see the light, they want their rights shut down by government force. That’s anti American. I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it
HDGristle's Avatar
Do you disapprove of their hate speech?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Of course not. I don’t disapprove of anyone’s right to express their opinion, nor do I know what, if anything, they said.
HDGristle's Avatar
That's very disappointing
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why is that disappointing? You think people shouldn’t be allowed to speak if you don’t agree with what they’re saying? Don’t go all chicom on me now, when I thought you were starting to see the light.
HDGristle's Avatar
Literally disappointing. Then figuratively.