Why some married men cheat?

Wakeup's Avatar
One caveat: I don't have kids. If I did, that would have definitely make me think twice about divorce. Originally Posted by jj2301
Why? Millions of kids grow up with divorced parents. I hear this argument all the time, and it makes no sense. I think people make it simply because it sounds like something they should say, and guys here make it so they can sound like their deplorable behavior is justified for the greater good of their kids. One more example of how delusional these guys are, and how willing they are to use their kids as an excuse for lying to their wives. Wonder how the kids would feel if dad told them that? A legal agreement between a man and a woman has no bearing on the ability to raise their children effectively.

That's great pal but you mentioned the religious oaths in front of friends and families, and I'm not breaking them. Originally Posted by DSK
I mentioned religion because people here most likely got married in a religious ceremony. People with the disposable income to pay whores $250 an hour for sex probably had the means to have a religious based marraige ceremony. I don't believe in religion, but most of these guys do. Well...they SAY they do...but they don't. Because if they did, they would never have taken the marraige oath in front of their God in the first place, being here breaking it all the time. I would refuse to take that vow for multiple reasons, and religion is just one of them.

P.S.-No lies here buddy...just your inability to comprehend anything except your own flawed version of what marraige is.
pyramider's Avatar
If your wife does not want sex and for whatever reason you choose to stay put then doesn't deserve to know you are getting some elsewhere? Those funds spent on providers is generally considered community property. Get her to give you the okay to cheat.
Wakeup's Avatar
Exactly. I said I have no problem with adultery. I don't give a shit if a guy fucks a woman other than his wife, as long as she knows and is okay with it. My wife knows, and approves of me doing it. Hell, she picks out the hookers I see sometimes.

Stop being scared, selfish little pussies and tell your wives...or stop cheating on them...simple.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I figured most were in the same boat as me. It's like blow jobs and anal sex. Pre-marriage I got 2 blow jobs a week. Now I'm lucky to get a birthday blow job and Lord knows I better not cim or my birthday blow job gets skipped next year. And anal only when she's so wasted I can slip it in quickly before she stops me. So again once a year MAYBE. Originally Posted by Wizbull0
Wow. That's some despicable shit right there.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why would you expect any different from these guys?
  • DSK
  • 11-04-2015, 09:27 AM
Why? Millions of kids grow up with divorced parents. I hear this argument all the time, and it makes no sense. I think people make it simply because it sounds like something they should say, and guys here make it so they can sound like their deplorable behavior is justified for the greater good of their kids. One more example of how delusional these guys are, and how willing they are to use their kids as an excuse for lying to their wives. Wonder how the kids would feel if dad told them that? A legal agreement between a man and a woman has no bearing on the ability to raise their children effectively.

I mentioned religion because people here most likely got married in a religious ceremony. People with the disposable income to pay whores $250 an hour for sex probably had the means to have a religious based marraige ceremony. I don't believe in religion, but most of these guys do. Well...they SAY they do...but they don't. Because if they did, they would never have taken the marraige oath in front of their God in the first place, being here breaking it all the time. I would refuse to take that vow for multiple reasons, and religion is just one of them.

P.S.-No lies here buddy...just your inability to comprehend anything except your own flawed version of what marraige is. Originally Posted by Wakeup
You still do not get it. Adultery is having sex with a married woman, according to the Old Testament. So, if I swear by the bible, I go by that definition, not some loser's opinion on the interwebs.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Wow. That's some despicable shit right there. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I could not agree more. It's the same as drugged date rape and what so many women have experienced. sigh... And what really should give some of you reason to pause and think is that, some of you laughed or thought it was funny, because you too believe this is A-OKay. You identify with behaving this way and taking from someone whom you claim to love and are devoted to, and all the while telling yourself it's OKay. That type of behavior is not love and she sure as shinola did not sign on to become your victim. Wow!

Maybe now some of ya know why your wives lost interest in sex with you. The one person she thought she could trust violated her when her guard was down. I'd not only not have sex with someone who did this to me, but I'd probably file criminal charges and get a divorce lawyer, because it sure doesn't mean he loves me, would ever protect me, or even thought
of me as anything more than a convenient outlet for his aggressive predatory sexual behavior.

However, I also realize that this is not the case for the majority here. If I thought it were, I'd be outtie...
Why? Millions of kids grow up with divorced parents. I hear this argument all the time, and it makes no sense. I think people make it simply because it sounds like something they should say, and guys here make it so they can sound like their deplorable behavior is justified for the greater good of their kids. One more example of how delusional these guys are, and how willing they are to use their kids as an excuse for lying to their wives. Wonder how the kids would feel if dad told them that? A legal agreement between a man and a woman has no bearing on the ability to raise their children effectively. Originally Posted by Wakeup
I've seen ample evidence to convince me that children reared in the average single-parent household are at a disadvantage, when compared to those who have both a father and mother present to share in parenting duties. I'm not going down this rathole, because it's speculative on both your and my side of the argument. Suffice it to say that you and I see this differently. You're welcome to your opinion and I'll be keeping mine.
Wakeup's Avatar
Adultery is having sex with a married woman - read your Old Testament. Originally Posted by DSK
That's great pal but you mentioned the religious oaths in front of friends and families, and I'm not breaking them. Originally Posted by DSK
You still do not get it. Adultery is having sex with a married woman, according to the Old Testament. So, if I swear by the bible, I go by that definition, not some loser's opinion on the interwebs. Originally Posted by DSK
Wait...I see something VERY interesting happening here...I can see why I missed it...

You're saying that the Old Testament defines adultery as a man having sex with a married woman, and since you choose to only pay to fuck unmarried whores, you're not committing adultery. Is that correct?

P.S.-Are you married or single?
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm not going down this rathole, because it's speculative on both your and my side of the argument. Originally Posted by jj2301
Even though you just did? Heh...
I was staying out of it but..........Screw it.

"Staying together for the kids" is a bullshit argument if you both hate each other and your kids can tell. If you are still friends and can be honest with each other then have at it. But hearing screaming matches through the walls, finding daddy on the couch every night, and overhearing the two of you complain about the other isn't a healthy environment for a kid. I have known several people who come from homes like that....they are far more screwed up than the kids with divorced parents that were able to work out joint custody and didn't mind sharing holidays.

The funniest thing in this thread is everyone telling Wakeup he's wrong then getting pissed off when he replies. The game dies when you stop lobbing the balls across the court. It's like y'all are new to the internet.

(Sidenote: WTF Wizbull0? You realize your actions are what MAKE her resistant to the idea of Greek right? You both need a sex therapist...or a lawyer.)
I have my reasons. Wondering what my comrades have as their reasons.

Mine: love my wife but she doesn't ever want sex and there's no romance. It's more a warm comfortable friendship with two opposing schedules. Originally Posted by bizzly1001
Personally.. I wouldn't' have ever wandered at all. I have no desire to be a don Juan or try to get as many in bed as I can. Until I joined the hobby I had only been with two women in my whole life both had the same outlook about various activities to... . I have a happy home life considering.. a wonderful family and would hate to hurt anyone of them because of my actions and physical needs..
But when menopause hit all physical activity ended.. The wife gradually lost all physical desire to have sex.. I am not one to demand we have sex in my book it should be because she wants to or is willing to fulfil that need in me.. so I left things be and gave reminders that it would be nice and fun..
I had hope that the desire would return..then one day I over heard my mother in law telling my father in law.. " Stop that.. you know how I feel about doing that kind of thing. Why don't you go get the Vaseline and leave me alone." I then realized that was my life.. Now I had two decisions.. I personally felt like my life was on hold and the feeling of being sub human.I could either except it buy a few movies to watch or watch internet porn and take care of it personally. I didn't want a permanent relationship but still had the physical desire to cuddle, laugh, hold someone and being held go spend quality time even if it is to just sit and cuddle and watch tv.. to have a conversation that didn't feel like it was a bother for them to listen to and the feeling of release through physical contact.to put a little romance back into a life that had become void of romance without the commitment of a relationship.
I then discovered backpage and went seeking a temporary companion that I could meet once or twice a month checkbook willing.... the age barrier was really hard for me at first but I realized that the women in my age bracket mostly all had the same feelings that my wife does..
It took a while to be able to see someone to since it is a very guarded and close group.. then I met a beautiful woman that I would love to see more often.. the problem with her is she is like me.. and has to have outcall to a motel and the price of the appointment and the motel is to big of a risk for me.. credit card statements get looked at..
The beautiful women I have met have all been very kind to this old man. working to meet all my physical needs as well as being a friend and sweet.. I have experienced a larger variety of activities as well things I have only heard about from guys at the lunch counter.
I feel happier and more fulfilled and I actually don't feel any guilt..
Since I realize that mechanics have to follow the races to stay busy I understand that so I was trying to find two or three that would make their travels locally so I could have this contact once a month..
I was very fortunate to find a couple that I enjoy every thing about them and will see them first ..
I thank each and every provider from the bottom of my heart for being caring and considerate enough to put up with this old man.. for giving me peace of mind and for sharing your life with me.. even if it is just for money you are all the best...
I was staying out of it but..........Screw it.

"Staying together for the kids" is a bullshit argument if you both hate each other and your kids can tell. If you are still friends and can be honest with each other then have at it. But hearing screaming matches through the walls, finding daddy on the couch every night, and overhearing the two of you complain about the other isn't a healthy environment for a kid. I have known several people who come from homes like that....they are far more screwed up than the kids with divorced parents that were able to work out joint custody and didn't mind sharing holidays.

The funniest thing in this thread is everyone telling Wakeup he's wrong then getting pissed off when he replies. The game dies when you stop lobbing the balls across the court. It's like y'all are new to the internet.

(Sidenote: WTF Wizbull0? You realize your actions are what MAKE her resistant to the idea of Greek right? You both need a sex therapist...or a lawyer.) Originally Posted by SA Angel
you are right on angel.. I was one of the lucky ones.. the most violence I seen in our home was my dad swatting my mom on the ass then taking off hitting the doorjam as mom was chasing him knocking himself out and my mom screaming cause she thought he hurt himself..
LOL.. they were together for almost seventy years before they parted company..
My father always said that we were from a long line of passionate protestants LOL...
  • DSK
  • 11-04-2015, 01:20 PM
Wait...I see something VERY interesting happening here...I can see why I missed it...

You're saying that the Old Testament defines adultery as a man having sex with a married woman, and since you choose to only pay to fuck unmarried whores, you're not committing adultery. Is that correct?

P.S.-Are you married or single? Originally Posted by Wakeup
You are correct.

I'm married and I can freely fuck all the unmarried whores I want. I just can't fuck married women, who, BTW, can't fuck anyone but their husband - sucks to be them.
How do you know the whores are unmarried?