What is your take on this?

SexyCassandra's Avatar
Well, actually, Cassandra, you were pretty rude to Sofia, if not rude, then certainly snarky..not quite to the cunty level, but snarky nonetheless. Don't believe me? Note the difference in tone between your replies to her, and to those of BigAmy being that they were both, "off-topic" and one agreed with your view and the other was on the other side.

If you don't thinck so, then that's on you but to this casual observer who has no rooster in this fight, it certainly came across as rude and snarky

Annnnnd back to the topic..

Because tattoos are not natural. They ARE a distraction. As I said from the get-go, I find some tattoos sexy and they don't bother me, however, they are a distraction. Anything out of the ordinary can be a distraction. That's just nature. And as triple-sider stated, we are visual creatures.

Maybe your "sessions" are strictly "Fuck sessions" but some mongers seek more than just a fuck hole, and that's cool. Different strokes for different folks I'm sure you've heard of GFE...well that "E" stands for "Experience" meaning the totality of what a person experiences and the overall feelings and memories they take away from that encounter and the "fuck' is merely a part of that experience.

Anyway, that's just my take and I'll let you get back to your threAd.


Fun fact:
.It generally takes longer to tell a lie than to tell the truth.


Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Okay okay maybe could have took a different approach dealing with the ladies but hey what was said is now said. If you read any of my reviews you would know I have more then "fuck sessions". Some of my special friends and I go out into public all the time and my appearance dose not seem to bother them one bit, and they are 40 or older.

I dont get the point about tats being unnatural so there for distracting.
Makeup, fake lashes, fake tits, lipo, plastic surgery, are all things women use that are "unnatural" and yet most men still find it to be considered beauty.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Makeup, fake lashes, fake tits, lipo, plastic surgery, are all things women use that are "unnatural" and yet most men still find it to be consider it to be beauty. Originally Posted by SexyCassandra
Exactly. Most of the women guys rave about being so pretty, are not pretty at all. Its all fake. Natural beauty is rare now in days. I refuse to conform to any of that fake shit.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'm unique and my body is staying pure! Thank you!!! Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Jemma, I think your fake breasts make your "I'm natural and pure" argument moot. That one decision forever made you unnatural and no longer pure. You were perfect before your breast job, just like your skin is perfect free of tattoos.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Different strokes for different folks.....
Exactly. Most of the women guys rave about being so pretty, are not pretty at all. Its all fake. Natural beauty is rare now in days. I refuse to conform to any of that fake shit.

Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

Heidi looks better now, whats your point?... Marking on your body is different from enhancing it.
  • BDD
  • 12-28-2012, 05:53 PM
...Some of my special friends and I go out into public all the time and my appearance dose not seem to bother them one bit, and they are 40 or older... Originally Posted by SexyCassandra
Older Baby ... I'm older than 40 ...


I still have your red g-string btw ...
I know I am putting myself at risk for Cassandra’s scorn, (just kidding Cassandra) but just for my own curiosity, I went back and looked over each and every post. Trying to be as objective as I could for an anti tattoo kind of guy with a slight Budweiser buzz, not counting women’s input since some provider’s see male clients only, and not counting multiple posts, I came up with the following:

Spoke highly of tattoos with nothing negative to say about them. 6
Spoke negatively about tattoos with nothing positive to say about them 16
Couldn't care less either way 23

Nothing scientific, draw your own conclusions. My personal opinion based on the responses, all things being equal with good reviews, a few tattoos probably are not going to effect your business. Although, you do put yourself at risk of having a few guys pass on you based on your tattoos.
Conclusion, and just my opinion from a 51 yr. old fart with a degree in Business Administration, if I were advising you from a pure business standpoint, If you are all about volume, I wouldn’t get one.
On a personal note, and as a mentioned in an earlier post, if you even think you may be remotely concerned about your appearance 30 years from now, don’t get a tattoo. They all look like shit after 20 or 30 years. A few years ago I went out on a date with a classmate from my graduating class. She is a teacher with her masters in mathematics. She had a tattoo on one of her tits that was easily concealed when she dressed for school. She is a good looking gal, last thing she wanted was to lean over the desk of some high school boy to help him with a calculus problem and have him gaze down her blouse for a glimpse of a titty tattoo. Long story short, I had my face all up in her boobs for the first few dates and couldn’t tell what the fuck that tattoo was. I eventually found out it was “Tinkerbelle.” Her tits were hardly effected by the years. But, years of sun exposure brutalized her artwork. It just looked like a blob of blue ink.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Heidi looks better now, whats your point?... Marking on your body is different from enhancing it. Originally Posted by brandilynn

I think the point here is that all those enhancements are just as "unnatural" as markings on the body. Society just excepts those enhancements as natural/ so common that they are acceptable.
I absolutely refuse to indulge you. Its not why I am on here, hence the ignore user button. Very handy tool. Carry on.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Older Baby ... I'm older than 40 ...


I still have your red g-string btw ... Originally Posted by BDD
LOL you can keep it..
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I absolutely refuse to indulge you. Its not why I am on here, hence the ignore user button. Very handy tool. Carry on. Originally Posted by Sofia Simms
oilfieldscum's Avatar
We are visual creatures. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yeah what he said....and somebody needs to post some taint in this thread...maybe with a tat or two in the background to stay on topic.
It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks...What matters is if we are happy with the decisions we've made to change/add things to our bodies, whether that be tattoos, fake tits, etc...

At the end of the day if you are confident and happy with yourself it will be obvious, and most men find confidence sexy.

I wouldn't worry about the tattoo haters out there Cassandra, there are plenty of men who love them, and plenty of men who could care less either way...
SofaKingFun's Avatar
". Some of my special friends and I go out into public all the time and my appearance dose not seem to bother them one bit, and they are 40 or older.
. Originally Posted by SexyCassandra

Now, Cassandra, you're drifting off-topic, dear. You asked,

Why do MEN find tattoos on a beautiful woman distracting when you are simply there to Fuck?
Going out into public means that they're not simply there to Fuck. The fact that they are "friends" distances their opinion from being completely objective because friends tend to accept their friends as they are; whereas a stranger would be more objective and honest in their answer to your question. But that's beside the point and has nothing to do with your question

I dont get the point about tats being unnatural so there for distracting.
Makeup, fake lashes, fake tits, lipo, plastic surgery, are all things women use that are "unnatural" and yet most men still find it to be considered beauty.

What's not to understand? These are typically subtle enhancements to what we were given at birth.(Keyword: subtle). If they're not done or used in a subtle manner, then they are a distraction

Okay Cassandra, Let's try a different tact.

In the image below, look at this persons fingers.








Here's the question; (and you HAVE TO answer honestly)...

Were you able to focus SOLELY on his fingers or were your eyes continually being pulled away from them for some reason?



Fun Fact:
Super glue was originally invented to close cuts and wounds.



SexyCassandra's Avatar
Thanks for you input Valerie I could not agree more. I think confidence IS key.
Attitude and the mind are the most sexy things in someones personality/appearance.
I feel the mind all on its own is an aphrodisiac....