Hillary wins how it's good for us and also bad on SA

People who come into this country legally and who are productive citizens like yourself girthvader is what we are looking for and want.

Your comment shows your ignorence to our argument and our beliefs. Originally Posted by bigguyt
My comment reflects reality more than you think. I have had strangers accost me in public and reprimand me for not speaking English. I've had a co-worker openly doubt my competency despite my results, based solely on my ethnicity. I've had a neighbor assume my religion based on my appearance despite being corrected several times The list goes on...

Now I'm aware that these folks are in the minority. I would not be alarmed were it not for the fact that their champion, Mr. Bannon, is in a position of power. He has openly expressed concerns about the changing complexion (quite literally) of the tech industry leaders, legal immigration be damned.

I made my comment in frustration, not necessarily directed at a certain person. I'll own that mistake. But I refuse to harbor the illusion that this toxic attitude will not influence future legislation on immigration.
the conservative population is mad because of the flood of undocumented and unaccounted illegals crossing the borders. Originally Posted by bigguyt
Are the conservatives also mad about the fact the these are the large majority of people that pack or meat, pick our fruit and farm our food? All for about $3-6 an hour under terrible conditions? If we throw them out now, what are you going to eat?

Politicians and industry owners in overwhelmingly conservative states (OK, IA, KY, AL) and, sadly, CA collude to pass laws that keep these practices in the dark. They rely on the fact that a large portion of their workforce has no legal standing and no voice to complain. Where are you going to find Americans or even legal immigrants to do these jobs under the current conditions?

Criminals will always sneak in, did you think every Irishman or Italian that set foot on Ellis island was a saint? Demonizing the entire populace is never the answer...it only serves to reduce co-operation with the authorities and the rule of law.
Are the conservatives also mad about the fact the these are the large majority of people that pack or meat, pick our fruit and farm our food? All for about $3-6 an hour under terrible conditions? If we throw them out now, what are you going to eat?

Politicians and industry owners in overwhelmingly conservative states (OK, IA, KY, AL) and, sadly, CA collude to pass laws that keep these practices in the dark. They rely on the fact that a large portion of their workforce has no legal standing and no voice to complain. Where are you going to find Americans or even legal immigrants to do these jobs under the current conditions?

Criminals will always sneak in, did you think every Irishman or Italian that set foot on Ellis island was a saint? Demonizing the entire populace is never the answer...it only serves to reduce co-operation with the authorities and the rule of law. Originally Posted by girthvader
Liberals want to add regulations to all types of industry, why not farming. They will adapt
bambino's Avatar
Also: yes I know that Maricopa county went red, but not by the massive margin you would think. Again, instead of cherry picking one data point, take a look at the county-by-county results: https://simonrogers.net/2016/11/16/u...-results-data/

I'm hoping you all fire up excel or Google spreadsheets and take a look at the numbers for yourselves, but here's a quick snapshot:
- Out of the 100 most populous counties, 85 went blue, 15 went red with 31170940 (D) vs. 17952638 (R) votes overall
- Out of the 250 most populous counties, 166 went blue, 84 went red with 44218149 (D) vs. 30035527 (R) votes overall
- Out of the 500 most populous counties, 232 went blue, 268 went red with 52118060 (D) vs. 40487406 (R) votes overall
- Out of the 1000 most populous counties, 293 went blue, 706 went red with 57669510 (D) vs. 50342988 (R) votes overall

Note that these results also include the entire state of Alaska at population rank 115, since AK does not report results by county.

While this sounds like a whine, it's not. It's an impartial analysis highlighting the ideological and political divides between the urban population centers and the areas in between them. Widening this gap and solidifying their status as Democrat or Republican strongholds serves no-one but the 538 reps and 100 senators that will keep getting re-elected along party lines and accomplishing nothing in terms of meaningful reform or true public service.

All while you continue to blame faceless libtards and/or a dirty foreigner like me who came and took all your jobs (every last one of them). Originally Posted by girthvader
The EC worked as it was designed to work. You can work the numbers anyway you want. Take out LA county and NYC and Trump won the popular vote by 500,000 votes. The only number that matters is 270. Trump got 304. End of story. My family came here from Italy and England. They came here legally. As should all immigrants. Conservatives have no problem with legal immigration. Open borders don't make any sense to me. Do they for you?
The borders are already porous, millions of undocumented workers are part of our economy, whether you like it or not. And not just some expendable part of the economy, they are well entrenched in our food supply chain. Rounding them all up and deporting them without a plan to replace that labor is not just cutting off your nose to spite your face, it is a shotgun blast to the face.

The only sane option other than amnesty and a guest worker program seems to be widespread agricultural automation to replace humans. Even then, this would likely mean a increase in wages, resulting in reduced profits to agribusiness outfits. I'm sure those employers will be thrilled to stop lining their pockets just so that everything can be on the up-and-up.
bambino's Avatar
The borders are already porous, millions of undocumented workers are part of our economy, whether you like it or not. And not just some expendable part of the economy, they are well entrenched in our food supply chain. Rounding them all up and deporting them without a plan to replace that labor is not just cutting off your nose to spite your face, it is a shotgun blast to the face.

The only sane option other than amnesty and a guest worker program seems to be widespread agricultural automation to replace humans. Even then, this would likely mean a increase in wages, resulting in reduced profits to agribusiness outfits. I'm sure those employers will be thrilled to stop lining their pockets just so that everything can be on the up-and-up. Originally Posted by girthvader
I didn't get into any solutions to the illegals that are already here. That's an issue that's above my pay grade and I'm guessing is above yours. Our borders have been porous for too long. Time to enforce the laws that are already on the books, deport the criminal element, and at least try to secure the border. If you haven't noticed, European citizens are getting tired of the open border policies there.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Maybe we should give all of the illegals a job in government and save us a ton of money. Hell they would probably do a better job for a lot less than what we have now.
TBH, they would probably do much better than the Taliban down in SC, who are considering an internet surcharge for citizens that want to keep access to porn or other 'obscene material'
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The EC only worked for the minority.
The EC only worked for the minority. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
C'mon man! The EC worked as designed. 35,000 people who could've swung the vote didn't show up in PA, MI and WI. Can't whine about it now. Let's have no illusions about that.

Also, being in the minority shouldn't be a disqualifier. A lot of good things have come from the SCOTUS speaking for an underrepresented minority (lol, not for long tho).
lustylad's Avatar
...if you people want to call them liberal and ridicule me, so be it... Originally Posted by girthvader
Hey girth, for what it's worth I think you're too intelligent to be a liberal.
lustylad's Avatar
C'mon man! The EC worked as designed. 35,000 people who could've swung the vote didn't show up in PA, MI and WI. Can't whine about it now... Originally Posted by girthvader
Assup is always whining. That's what he does. Or, as Whiner-in-Chief Obama would say, "that's who we are".

Can you imagine if we elected Presidents based on the popular vote and the numbers were close? We would have to conduct a full and fair recount for the entire country, not just one state or several counties. How long do you think that would take? Does anyone for a minute think the loser would accept the outcome?

IMO, Trump exaggerated when he said there were "millions of illegal votes" cast in this election. The actual number is unknowable. But does anyone doubt that, at the very least, tens of thousands of non-citizens (registered in Motor-Voter sign-ups over the past several decades) went to the polls? California is completely controlled by Democrats, so I see no chance they will ever clean up their voter registration rolls.

The Electoral College is a clever, balanced and well-thought-out institution. It was created after long deliberation by the Founders. Unlike assup, it's as American as apple pie. We're a republic, i.e. a democracy with our own unique features. The only folks who whine about changing the rules each time they lose are the Democrats.
Hey girth, for what it's worth I think you're too intelligent to be a liberal. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm a liberal because of the principles I believe in, not because of my perceived intelligence or lack thereof. In fact, if I started espousing some of my more radical ideas in this forum, I'm quite certain you'll downgrade me to a knuckle dragging mouth breather
bambino's Avatar
I'm a liberal because of the principles I believe in, not because of my perceived intelligence or lack thereof. In fact, if I started espousing some of my more radical ideas in this forum, I'm quite certain you'll downgrade me to a knuckle dragging mouth breather Originally Posted by girthvader
That would be an insult to knuckle draggers.
That would be an insult to knuckle draggers. Originally Posted by bambino
Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to insult you