LazurusLong's Avatar

Undercover police, males and females, were invited.

Hambone, in one of his first posts in this long drawn out tale, spells out how fake providers posted in the welcome wagon and shortly thereafter, undercover males posted reviews.

The police do NOT need a warrant for anything IF you invite them into anywhere, house, your private party or anything at all.
Vice had registered agents onto ASPD by simply joining as most of the other members. The females posted in Welcome Wagon and got some "hard dick" replies. It should ring a bell when I mention that some of the female L.E. wrote that they just could not figure out how to post a photo. They instantly got advice and all kinds of offers to come and help them, but they never accepted (to my knowlege). Photos that were posted showed lots of legs and other parts of the figure, but always clothed.

Some of the male undercovers engaged in discussions with the female officers, bantering back and forth which got them known and increased their post counts. There were reviews by male UCs of the female UC. If you realize what they were doing, then the actual wording makes perfect (and obvious) sense. Descriptions were always "she is incredibly good at what she does" or "she attacks her job with vigor..." I remember one female writing how much she enjoyed her job and the special satisfaction she felt from doing it well.

The big payoff was when we realized the IP from which they all registered WAS LITERALLY HPD!

I never saw a guest list for the party in question, but I believe some of the undercovers got in as reviewed providers who pre-vouched for their male counterparts. Originally Posted by THE Hambone
That is from Ham's second post in this thread.......
tikkler33's Avatar
Still sucks. Which I think we all agree about.
TMFT you forgot the third lady you know the one that was jailed and deported.
Nice job on the security, CB and CK1942 and getting the latina deported. Originally Posted by carkido45
Not to be that guy, but she could have gotten a green card and a legit job and worked her way towards citizenship like millions of other immigrants, including my grandparents... But that's a topic for another thread.

We all make choices and take risks based on those choices. She made hers and they bit her in the ass. I'm not happy she got deported, but she was playing with fire... It'd be like speeding while trolling for SWs. You're breaking more than one law, and thus doubling the likelihood of LE finding something to stick. Al Capone didn't do time for murder, extortion or organized crime; he went down for tax evasion.

Speaking as a "brown" man, I'd prefer this issue not get made into one of race and immigration law and "us" vs. "them". The only "us" I recognize here are hobbyists and providers. We all know who "them" is... (Wave to the nice officers, everyone!)

Now my flame-retardant suit is on, so blast away, kiddo. Let's see what other personal vendettas you can trumpet...
governmentguru's Avatar
Good to see you again Hambone
metal_head's Avatar
Wow, how you doing Hambone?
carkido45's Avatar
Not to be that (Wave to the nice officers, everyone!)

Now my flame-retardant suit is on, so blast away, kiddo. Let's see what other personal vendettas you can trumpet... Originally Posted by enderwiggin
No need to blast away at anybody.
I'm just going to sit back and watch it happen again.
The same guys who ran the. AspdSocial and let LE in are the same ones running it now.
Good Luck.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
TMFT you forgot the third lady you know the one that was jailed and deported.
Nice job on the security, CB and CK1942 and getting the latina deported.
The both of you could care less it was just another latina provider huh? Originally Posted by carkido45

I regret what happened to the young lady... however... in all fairness ... that could have happened after a routine traffic stop...

But if it makes you feel any better...

I don't think you are in any danger of receiving any future invitations... I'm just saying... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Answer: Reading Comprehension.

Alex Trebek, " TMFT, phrase your answer in the form of a question."

TMFT, "What is Missing in the above quote?"

Just so ya know, as a much younger man, I lawyered up to sucessfully keep a Latina in this country. I'm just sayin'...
texasjohn1965's Avatar
I am in the process of getting a foriegn national into the states. It is expensive and a long process, but I dont want them to be at risk here.

There is no good time to get deported, so why put yourself in that position?
use your congressman, process goes like clockwork, gets the time by 60%. PM me, I will explain.
I still remember my first review, that was so bad, and you scolded me, but sent me a practice one, so now I can do it right. That was back in 2003 or 04!
I have been to several before mid 2007, and I enjoyed everyone of them and made some very special friends, and the guys hear on the boards I met there. I will go when CB invites me, if I am able to. I always had a great time and it was like a candy store. Met people I had only read about, gave me more selection and not having to qualify so much when I was a rookie. Yes, I did have to get vouched for by a "--ner" but I did.
I can go to hooters or any other bar, and get arrested, and have girl's proposition me there for sporting events, but I always think "LE" when that happens. If I don't see them here by people I respect, I don't see them anywhere. Took 2 TOFTT in 8 years, never again.
tikkler33's Avatar
Something has been puzzling me about this. I see a number of people coming down on CB and CK for the security at the event. However, I haven't seen any concrete proposals from those same people about how THEY would have run security any differently.
It's always easy to Monday morning quarterback something that went wrong, so how about some suggestions as to how to improve the system over what CB and CK were doing?
And please, no suggestions of "Socials aren't safe, just don't have them." If that's how you feel, you are free to not attend. But for those who have criticized what happened, who has a way to improve security without simply complaining?
Just askin'...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
What a good idea tikkler.

I can tell you the way 1RP did the socials - and he never had a problem.

For a guy to get an invitation, he had to be on the board for 1 year and have 100 posts. No reviews or vouches were required. No one had to know him personally at all.

Clearly that did the trick, because I guess no one from LE could possibly make 100 posts in a year.
dearhunter's Avatar
Something has been puzzling me about this. I see a number of people coming down on CB and CK for the security at the event. However, I haven't seen any concrete proposals from those same people about how THEY would have run security any differently.
It's always easy to Monday morning quarterback something that went wrong, so how about some suggestions as to how to improve the system over what CB and CK were doing?
And please, no suggestions of "Socials aren't safe, just don't have them." If that's how you feel, you are free to not attend. But for those who have criticized what happened, who has a way to improve security without simply complaining?
Just askin'... Originally Posted by tikkler33
I have been to a couple since then............most of you weren't there.........neither was LE..............I have one word "private".
If LE wants to get in they can find a way. I have no problems with the way the security was handled by CK and CB. There is always a risk with these things and if you don't want to take the risk.....don't go.
carkido45's Avatar
There is some risk for sure one of the things that also happen some idiot posted the mug shots of the people arrested at the social right here on Eccie.
I promptly question he's stupidty for outing the individuals and the mods promptly removed them.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Something has been puzzling me about this. I see a number of people coming down on CB and CK for the security at the event. However, I haven't seen any concrete proposals from those same people about how THEY would have run security any differently.
It's always easy to Monday morning quarterback something that went wrong, so how about some suggestions as to how to improve the system over what CB and CK were doing?
And please, no suggestions of "Socials aren't safe, just don't have them." If that's how you feel, you are free to not attend. But for those who have criticized what happened, who has a way to improve security without simply complaining?
Just askin'... Originally Posted by tikkler33
As one of Civil Barristers biggest critics I would have to say ... have a rule... no talking business at the social and no illegal activities at the Social... oh, wait... they did that and the people who got arrested were the ones that broke the rules...dang this is a lot harder than just pointing fingers and bitching...