I B Hankering's Avatar
Read all of that post. Here's the rest you conveniently ignore:

"Actually, I haven't argued the fact that some northerners are culpable. I conceded that point long ago. But I did (and do) take exception to IB's arguments that the northern slave ship captains were guilty but the southern slave owners were morally fine. And I pointed out that for every slave in the Union states there were thousands and thousands in the Confederate states--as the defense department used to say about the Soviets, "quantity has a quality all its own".

Once again what comes across is your anger that Dixie was fleeced by northern businessmen--not one shred of decency to decry southern plantation slave owners. Still not one. More proof that nickles going into northern pockets bothers you far more than slavery, lynchings, and the like. You are pathetic, and your lackeys like IIFFy and LL are apparently so in awe of you they follow your lead.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Once again what comes across is your lib-retarded, counterfactual Yankee bias in that you keep pretending that it wasn't a shrill and extremely vocal minority who were abolitionists on moral grounds, Old-THUMPER. The fact is, it wasn't just a "few" 19th century Yankees who evoked the same level of racism as that expressed in the 19th century South, Old-THUMPER: it was the majority, e.g., Ohio's Congressmen Clement Vallandigham and Alexander Long. General Grant -- without whom Mr. Lincoln would have lost the war -- had slaves on his farm in Missouri, Old-THUMPER. And they were not freed until 1865, Old-THUMPER.

Further, Old-THUMPER, every time you initiate these exchanges you persistently discount how for every Southern slave owner there was a whole passel of Yankees earning a nickel off every dime earned on the backs of slaves, Old-THUMPER; hence, that "quality" you keep ignoring equates to 50-50 complicity, Old-THUMPER. BTW, if you genuinely accepted how complicit racists Yankees were in maintaining that peculiar institution, Old-THUMPER, you wouldn't start in with your bombastic, **immutable-morality** diatribes.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2014, 08:04 PM
Oh cool!!!! ANOTHER stupid IIFFy post that interrupts an actually interesting conversation with LL.

You make less sense with every post you make.

And another obnoxious belch by IB that damns every Yankee he can find while saying not one ill word about his Dixie Darlin's.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh cool!!!! ANOTHER stupid IIFFy post that interrupts an actually interesting conversation with LL.

You make less sense with every post you make.

And another obnoxious belch by IB that damns every Yankee he can find while saying not one ill word about his Dixie Darlin's.

Originally Posted by Old-T
In other words, Old-THUMPER, you can't actually back-up your lying, stupid-ass accusation with an actual quote.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, here's a little moralism you're hypocritically keep overlooking each time you initiate one of these exchanges: "Those who live in glass houses [your beloved, 19th century, racist Yankees] should not throw stones."
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2014, 08:31 PM
it wasn't just a "few" 19th century Yankees who evoked the same level of racism as that expressed in the 19th century South, Old-THUMPER: it was the majority, e.g., Ohio's Congressmen Clement Vallandigham and Alexander Long. General Grant -- without whom Mr. Lincoln would have lost the war -- had slaves on his farm in Missouri, Old-THUMPER. And they were not freed until 1865, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In other words, Old-THUMPER, you can't actually back-up your lying, stupid-ass accusation with an actual quote.
Nope, wrong again IB. Looks like all four are northerners--just as I claimed. Not a confederate among them, is there? There is your quote (I found that one because it was just so damn easy.

BTW, Old-THUMPER, here's a little moralism you're hypocritically keep overlooking each time you initiate one of these exchanges: "Those who live in glass houses [your beloved, 19th century, racist Yankees] should not throw stones."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You miss the point--the issue was not whether there were immoral northerners, the issue was whether slave owners were immoral. Simple question. Apparently beyond your abilities to comprehend. No shock there.
Oh cool!!!! ANOTHER stupid IIFFy post that interrupts an actually interesting conversation with LL.

You make less sense with every post you make.

And another obnoxious belch by IB that damns every Yankee he can find while saying not one ill word about his Dixie Darlin's.

Originally Posted by Old-T

Go ahead and take your beating... Old-Trotsky
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2014, 08:32 PM
LL? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I B Hankering's Avatar
You miss the point--the issue was not whether there were immoral northerners, the issue was whether slave owners were immoral. Simple question. Apparently beyond your abilities to comprehend. No shock there.
Originally Posted by Old-T
No, Old-THUMPER. You, Old-THUMPER, are the one who misses the point -- Yankee complicity! Old-THUMPER, every time your Kool Aid sotted, counterfactual, lib-retarded ass hypocritically initiates one of your bombastic, anti-Southerner diatribes, you can only do so by hypocritically ignoring complete and utter Yankee complicity.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
anti-Southerner? I don't think so. I'm a Southerner, IBIdiot, and I, too, have a problem with stupid fucking rednecks who are still fighting the Civil War.

You're the one who is anti-Southerner by your behavior that feeds the stereotype that every modern Southerner detests.

Thanks for that, GOOBER!
I B Hankering's Avatar
anti-Southerner? I don't think so. I'm a Southerner, IBIdiot, and I, too, have a problem with stupid fucking rednecks who are still fighting the Civil War.

You're the one who is anti-Southerner by your behavior that feeds the stereotype that every modern Southerner detests.

Thanks for that, GOOBER!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You have problems that they haven't invented medicines, therapies or treatments to deal with, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, and you have no problem existing in your brainwashed cultural-marxist, fantasy world ... so what else is new?
lustylad's Avatar
So you read my posts on this thread--and dissect them--but are not interested enough to read IB's posts in the same thread? Then it seems you are not really interested in the issue, but in bashing me. Which is what I suspected from the beginning--but it is good to now have confirmation.

As to Jefferson, my quick take would be: he was morally wrong about owning slaves. As you point out, we are all flawed in some way--some more than others. That flaw (slavery) does not mean--as you speciously write--that he as a whole was a "moral pigmy", nor that he was "incapable of playing any uplifting or constructive role in our history" as you write. It just means he was morally flawed on slavery. Just as I do not claim the slave owners of the south were necessarily all completely evil, or moral pigmies. But on the slavery issue, if they owned slaves that aspect of their moral compasses were wrong.

By the way--as you know but seem to pretend you do not--even a seriously flawed person can have some positive, constructive achievements. I would certainly not consider Castro to be a moral man, but under him the literacy and health of the Cuban people improved dramatically. So what point were you trying to make by introducing Jefferson into the discussion?
Originally Posted by Old-T

I am not bashing you. Your pal A. Reader came out of lurking to bash IB unfairly and you joined in. Just because I called foul doesn't mean I'm bashing you. Do you want me to?

My point in mentioning Jefferson? Morality isn't always black and white. Better to fix your own moral compass than bash others because you want to think their compasses are broken. What is your point in introducing Castro into the conversation? To prove your left-wing bona fides?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
WKing for IBIdiot is tantamount to approving his lies and utterly annoying behavior in this board, Junior.

You need to STFU when grown folks is talking!
lustylad's Avatar
I draw the line at WKing for you, assup... now where the fuck is my ice cream soda? I sent you down to the Enfield Drugstore to fetch it six hours ago!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not aware of any "ENFIELD Drugstore," Junior. Again, you're in the middle of conversation that's out of your element.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have problems that they haven't invented medicines, therapies or treatments to deal with, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, and you have no problem existing in your brainwashed cultural-marxist, fantasy world ... so what else is new? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did you say anything here, IBMassa? I think it was just another of your schoolyard taunts.

I reiterate that by your behavior, you personify the stereotype that Southerners are all toothless, inbred, ignorant Goobers.

You really need to stop fighting the Civil War and make a tablecloth or something outta that sheet of yours.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I'm not aware of any "ENFIELD Drugstore," Junior. Again, you're in the middle of conversation that's out of your element. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Could you be anymore idiotic? You know exactly WTF he is talking about. You just make a fool of yourself continuously - it is why you were voted dipshit of the year 2014 - fair and square. Everyone hates you except for Big Tex/I'vaBiggen - essentially one person.
I hope you get car jacked by two black guys who protested racial injustice in Ferguson, and give you the white privilege right up your ass until you bleed....