Here is my weekend experience, thus far with providers

DarthDVader's Avatar
Goodbye kid
Wow someone extends the olive branch and it can't even be accepted gracefully.

I'm gonna go ahead and admit I hobby love both THN and ms. Starr. I admire you both for trying.

NHR, once you decline the olive branch, the results is traditionally war.....
pmdelites's Avatar
as the eccie world turns....

the main thing i see with "know-it-all's" [i know, it's not really a possessive 's, but it just looks better than "alls"], those who say they dont care, and other b.s. lines is ...

even when someone plainly explains something to them, they get all huffy and puffy and piss right back all over the thread.

it's almost like they just want to carry on a monologue that is sometimes inspired by the audience without really listening to what the audience is remarking...
or maybe they just want to type/post

or maybe i should quit coming up w/ possibilities and accept it and let it pass.

but, either plainly explain your position without calling people names
please stfu!!!

where's my ignore list.....
barron74's Avatar
Sorry for you bad luck my men. I usually just make the call instead filling up the request
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-05-2013, 01:16 PM
2:15pm and NHR hasn't posted today. That's unusual for a guy with 700 posts in 2 months.
Maybe he finally got that session that thread was about.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
2:15pm and NHR hasn't posted today. That's unusual for a guy with 700 posts in 2 months.
Maybe he finally got that session that thread was about. Originally Posted by L.A.
Or is laying low for some reason hmmm -_-
Hell I need a mercy session after the experience I just had. When it doesn't click, its bad.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-05-2013, 02:32 PM
Hell I need a mercy session after the experience I just had. When it doesn't click, its bad. Originally Posted by pfmtony
I'm looking forward to your review.
Or is this just another useless post?
I'm looking forward to your review.
Or is this just another useless post? Originally Posted by L.A.
LOL. This is why i don't review. You and she may hit off fabulously. She and I did not. Does she deserve a bad review for it? Nope. Do I deserve the drama that would ensue? Maybe....

She was gorgeous, sweet, polite, but I left after 15 min and left the full donation. It doesn't always work out. It sucks.

What good would it do to put names, times and locations to it? It's a pretty macabre form of entertainment if you ask me.

I wouldn't mind talking about it and getting feedback on it. Venting might help, but she doesn't need any negative feedback. She didn't do anything wrong. Not much went right, but she is human and deserves her privacy.

I'm sure you will not respect that, but I know the ladies I see will. And trust me, I need that more than your kudos.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-05-2013, 02:46 PM
LOL. This is why i don't review. You and she may hit off fabulously. She and I did not. Does she deserve a bad review for it? Nope. Do I deserve the drama that would ensue? Maybe....

She was gorgeous, sweet, polite, but I left after 15 min and left the full donation. It doesn't always work out. It sucks.

What good would it do to put names, times and locations to it? It's a pretty macabre form of entertainment if you ask me.

I wouldn't mind talking about it and getting feedback on it. Venting might help, but she doesn't need any negative feedback. She didn't do anything wrong. Not much went right, but she is human and deserves her privacy.

I'm sure you will not respect that, but I know the ladies I see will. And trust me, I need that more than your kudos. Originally Posted by pfmtony
So what was the point of posting anything about it in the first place?
2:15pm and NHR hasn't posted today. That's unusual for a guy with 700 posts in 2 months.
Maybe he finally got that session that thread was about. Originally Posted by L.A.
Yeah because he just got outed. It's about that time to change handles.

In two words:

Deal's. Off.

In more than two words:

I get a text today expressing thanks for something I did. I didn't recognize the number so I searched it on my GV. SO GET THIS!!! Back in Sept of 2012 I was harassed for days from this number. First with phone calls then VERY LENGTHY texts going on and on about how entitled he is to gfe, despite how he treats the lady, and anything else he wants because he is the one paying. Sound like anyone, hmmmmm? Now, of course, when confronted with this about an hour ago, NHR claims he has only had this number for 4 months so they couldn't possibly be from him. Yeah RIGHT!! Two entitled hobbyists who go on AND ON about how they deserve to be handled with kid gloves because you got some cash in hand and you both end up with the same number? C'mon, man...really.

I have spoken with Melanie and explained I will not be paying for a session for this gent (term used lightly) and she, as always, was very understanding and positive. Santa is putting a loaded DSW gift card in her stocking this Christmas.

Chalk this one up to a lesson learned.

Peace. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

I am glad that he canceled and here is why:

1) Save your money for better things.
2) You don't have to prove a point to anyone here.
3) Your and/or Melanie's safety could've been compromised.

If this member has sent you harassing texts on GV, then that's just proof in the pudding. Also, having been said that the providers would not respond back to him and also the fact that he has old p411 okays would've been reason for me to not even pursue this man.

Melanie, THN - I wouldn't want to see any of you ladies get into a situation with someone who seems to have a Vendetta against Providers in general.

I understand the want to prove to men like NHR that there are quality providers that will give the hobbyists quality experiences, but at this point, I believe that NHR is just someone who is jaded, ignorant, and someone who certainly has the potential to be issue for providers.

Hind Sight is always 20/20.

But nevertheless, it looks like it I will be inside all day reading Icky drama.

I'm horny now, who wants a mercy f*ck?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-06-2013, 08:32 AM
Yeah because he just got outed. It's about that time to change handles. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Shocking! A guy who says he was "lurking" here for years before actually joining, then when he does join he has 800 posts in 2 months. He knows everything about everybody, he has 30 OLD oks on P411. Most posts are confrontational in nature. Who'd have suspected?

I'm horny now, who wants a mercy f*ck? Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
You don't even know how much.
You don't even know how much. Originally Posted by L.A.
I'm sorry - I don't overprice my fetishes. And you know exactly which one I'm talking about. Don't complain if you are going to get served in more ways than "one".
Yeah because he just got outed. It's about that time to change handles.

I am glad that he canceled and here is why:

1) Save your money for better things.
2) You don't have to prove a point to anyone here.
3) Your and/or Melanie's safety could've been compromised.

If this member has sent you harassing texts on GV, then that's just proof in the pudding. Also, having been said that the providers would not respond back to him and also the fact that he has old p411 okays would've been reason for me to not even pursue this man.

Melanie, THN - I wouldn't want to see any of you ladies get into a situation with someone who seems to have a Vendetta against Providers in general.

I understand the want to prove to men like NHR that there are quality providers that will give the hobbyists quality experiences, but at this point, I believe that NHR is just someone who is jaded, ignorant, and someone who certainly has the potential to be issue for providers.

Hind Sight is always 20/20.

But nevertheless, it looks like it I will be inside all day reading Icky drama.

I'm horny now, who wants a mercy f*ck? Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
I called off the session, BSB. Not him. Please reread what you quoted.

Ftr, I didn't post his history before but yes he is a permanently banned member with dozens and dozens of reviews. He preys on new providers who have novice skills in with dealing with FOS POS like him. That's how he contacted me when I first started. Since he keeps his ECCIE behavior separate from his p411 behavior, his P411 is still in good standing (but now noted with the new info). If any ladies have had problems with him as NHR or his former handles (see the info/share forum) please send an email to p411 staff so his account can be further noted.

I'm sorry you feel that way BSB, but I'd do it again because it exposed something we are all trying to avoid: banned members who pop up under new names in order to keep violating rules and crossing boundaries.

I had no idea this would all come out over calling bs on NHR but the fact is he brought this on himself. Why you are trying to shift focus on Melanie or myself is just caddy (and fuel for NHR to continue seeing himself as a victim I might ad; im sure he is thoroughly enjoying seeing one provider go after two other's image over this).

I'm not saying you should be thanking me for TOFTT (sort of speak) but why don't you quit with the spin since it was actually good screening practices on both Melanie's and my end that brought this asshole out of the shadows.

As far as I'm concerned it was worth it. Have a nice day.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-06-2013, 09:09 AM
I called off the session, BSB. Not him. Please reread what you quoted.

Ftr, I didn't post his history before but yes he is a permanently banned member with dozens and dozens of reviews. He preys on new providers who have novice skills in with dealing with FOS POS like him. That's how he contacted me when I first started. Since he keeps his ECCIE behavior separate from his p411 behavior, his P411 is still in good standing (but now noted with the new info). If any ladies have had problems with him as NHR or his former handles (see the info/share forum) please send an email to p411 staff so his account can be further noted.

I'm sorry you feel that way BSB, but I'd do it again because it exposed something we are all trying to avoid: banned members who pop up under new names in order to keep violating rules and crossing boundaries.

I had no idea this would all come out over calling bs on NHR but the fact is he brought this on himself. Why you are trying to shift focus on Melanie or myself is just caddy (and fuel for NHR to continue seeing himself as a victim I might ad; im sure he is thoroughly enjoying seeing one provider go after two other's image over this).

I'm not saying you should be thanking me for TOFTT (sort of speak) but why don't you quit with the spin since it was actually good screening practices on both Melanie's and my end that brought this asshole out of the shadows.

As far as I'm concerned it was worth it. Have a nice day. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Are you reading BSB's post correctly or am I missing something?