There is no war on cops

Are you serious? Its the police running into a gunfight that save the crying little bitches from having their life snuffed out by someone. Safer than ever? Not even close.

I love hearing from fucktards who have no idea what those men and women have to do daily and think they know it all. Originally Posted by Texanbychoice
Crime is down. Go check that out, fucktard.
dirty dog's Avatar
Crime is down. Go check that out, fucktard. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Well actually until this year violent crime has been on the decline since the mid 90's. While I wont go as far as to say their is a war on cops, I will say that there is an anti police mindset that has resulted in planned and targeted killing of police officers. In the past when an officer was killed it was generally a result doing their duties. Rarely have their been targeted murders such as in Las Vegas, the Cop pumping gas in TX and the two cops in NY. Recognized leaders of any ethnic group cannot "whip" up a frenzy with in their group towards another group and not expect a contingent within their community to act on their hyperbole rhetoric.