Creation or Evolution? (Maybe both)

bojulay's Avatar
Yeah I think it's done.

Look At Dummy is starting to sound like that
old blind Chinese guy from the old Kung Fu
TV series. That's too much.
Hey both of them are blind though

Whichever Mod is on this section you can
close this thread at your convenience.

That way Look At Dummy can go back to chasing
rainbows or sugar plum fairies or whatever else he
may do in his spare time.

Can't say this thread wasn't fun though.

Stand by for my next thread titled

I crack me up.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Poor foolish little one, look up the term projection, it applies to you! Is it not funny you can never say HOW am I wrong?

Shall we review your laughable fuck ups?

1) equating dogma with science, and then coming back with laughable bullshit that was unscientific....there is no dogma in science foolish little one.

2) thinking evolution deals with origins....and then backpedaling and laughably trying to equate evolution and abiogenesis...they are not the same thing foolish little one.

I doubt you understand much about scientific theories. Maybe this is news to you (I am sure it is) that gravity is also a scientific theory. And evolution was derived using the same scientific method as gravity.

You know you should stick to commenting on things you actually know something about in the future, then perhaps you won't get your dumbass exposed in public? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Geez man, you don't have to be an asshole about it. It proves nothing when you start getting ignorant and flinging insults just because he isn't convinced and still questions certain aspects of evolution.

I like that you have the brains to realize that the combined greatest minds of the world are probably on to something. Just come on now, don't be a dick about it!

I understand being a bit of a conspiracy theorist. What if there is some organization somewhere that is hell bent on removing all religion from the world so that they could turn the entire planet into one big communist world government? What if they are the wealthiest financiers who control our politicians and what if they have selectively only allowed people who have biased opinions on evolution to hold positions in academia?

I am not saying this is true, but I understand the fear people go through before accepting something that shakes the fundamental story that they base religion on. This is something people have been brainwashed to believe their whole lives man.

Also, let's be honest. Ignorance or agnosticism in its purest is only the most scientific concept because it throws away the ego and asserts that we know nothing. There is no shame in ignorance, only shame in deliberately remaining ignorant when knowledge is available. The scientific method is to observe and test until evidence is provided, one must start off ignorant and a true scientist will never form an opinion based on deliberate bias without first having some evidence and their questions answered.

So, I understand what you are doing man, just take it easy. Let's work out the questions one by one and provide the evidence, if these guys choose to stick their head in the sand out of fear then we have nothing more to offer.

Sometimes a slap in the face is a good way to jolt someone out of a bad frame of mind, consistent abuse however will just make them fearful to challenge thoughts regardless of whether they are right or wrong and that is -NOT- constructive.
The older folks always told me to never get into discussions about religion or politics.
Yeah I think it's done.

Look At Dummy is starting to sound like that
old blind Chinese guy from the old Kung Fu
TV series. That's too much.
Hey both of them are blind though

Whichever Mod is on this section you can
close this thread at your convenience.

That way Look At Dummy can go back to chasing
rainbows or sugar plum fairies or whatever else he
may do in his spare time.

Can't say this thread wasn't fun though.

Stand by for my next thread titled

I crack me up. Originally Posted by bojulay

You crack me up for being such a complete idiot. I don't watch laughable youtube videos for "scientific" evidence you dork, or anything else you little punk. Real men can admit when they get caught in lies, which makes you just a laughable child who cannot admit when he is wrong.

Here is hoping you grow a brain someday idiot, and whatever you do, do not breed, we have enough bum useless liberal arts school graduates sucking down my tax dollars on welfare.
Geez man, you don't have to be an asshole about it. It proves nothing when you start getting ignorant and flinging insults just because he isn't convinced and still questions certain aspects of evolution.

I like that you have the brains to realize that the combined greatest minds of the world are probably on to something. Just come on now, don't be a dick about it!

I understand being a bit of a conspiracy theorist. What if there is some organization somewhere that is hell bent on removing all religion from the world so that they could turn the entire planet into one big communist world government? What if they are the wealthiest financiers who control our politicians and what if they have selectively only allowed people who have biased opinions on evolution to hold positions in academia?

I am not saying this is true, but I understand the fear people go through before accepting something that shakes the fundamental story that they base religion on. This is something people have been brainwashed to believe their whole lives man.

Also, let's be honest. Ignorance or agnosticism in its purest is only the most scientific concept because it throws away the ego and asserts that we know nothing. There is no shame in ignorance, only shame in deliberately remaining ignorant when knowledge is available. The scientific method is to observe and test until evidence is provided, one must start off ignorant and a true scientist will never form an opinion based on deliberate bias without first having some evidence and their questions answered.

So, I understand what you are doing man, just take it easy. Let's work out the questions one by one and provide the evidence, if these guys choose to stick their head in the sand out of fear then we have nothing more to offer.

Sometimes a slap in the face is a good way to jolt someone out of a bad frame of mind, consistent abuse however will just make them fearful to challenge thoughts regardless of whether they are right or wrong and that is -NOT- constructive. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer

the idiot has already been provided with ample evidence to learn exactly HOW he is stupid, and chooses to remain stupid. Typical. And since when does atheism have ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMMUNISM? You have much to learn as well.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
the idiot has already been provided with ample evidence to learn exactly HOW he is stupid, and chooses to remain stupid. Typical. And since when does atheism have ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMMUNISM? You have much to learn as well. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Read the context of what I am saying. I am explaining to you that some people get conspiracy based ideas stuck in their head. You don't win debates by resorting to name calling.

You have much to learn as well.
You sir, have an ego issue.

And since when does atheism have ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMMUNISM?
Let's look at China, the Khmer Rouge, N. Korea and other lovely examples of Totalitarian openly communist regimes, religious belief can override state authority and is thus outlawed. Again it was an example of a conspiracy theory that might lead someone to the fear of accepting evolution. Furthermore the fear of accepting evolution which may lead to their eventual Atheist/Deist/Agnostic/Pagan/Unitarian/other spiritual paradigm shift.

I think your ego is pretty obvious based on your name, clearly you think you are of a much higher intelligence level than the general population. This may be true but insulting others to try to prove that has the opposite effect.

Chanting something to the effect of, "You are stupid, neener neener neener" over and over is a blatant display of immaturity and ignorance in and of itself. I just hope you consider that. It does absolutely nothing to justify your arguments and if others fail to grasp science now they will eventually be compelled to as the world cannot deny it forever. Name calling will likely only slow down the process by causing a hate divide between those who attempt to explain the truth and those who are too fearful to accept it.
Read the context of what I am saying. I am explaining to you that some people get conspiracy based ideas stuck in their head. You don't win debates by resorting to name calling.

You sir, have an ego issue.

Let's look at China, the Khmer Rouge, N. Korea and other lovely examples of Totalitarian openly communist regimes, religious belief can override state authority and is thus outlawed. Sounds like you need to study history, however again it was an example of a conspiracy theory that might lead someone to the fear of accepting evolution. Furthermore the fear of accepting evolution which may lead to their eventual Atheist paradigm shift.

I think your ego is pretty obvious based on your name, clearly you think you are of a much higher intelligence level than the general population. This may be true but insulting others to try to prove that has the opposite effect.

Chanting something to the effect of, "You are stupid, neener neener neener" over and over is a blatant display of immaturity and ignorance in and of itself. I just hope you consider that. It does absolutely nothing to justify your arguments and if others fail to grasp science now they will eventually be compelled to as the world cannot deny it forever. Name calling will likely only slow down the process by causing a hate divide between those who attempt to explain the truth and those who are too fearful to accept it. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer

I did no such thing, I provided links that back my evidence, and not one thing I have written here has been challenged by you or anyone else, because it is all correct. And to fill you in where you seem to be completely lacking. Atheism is only a lack of belief in gods, nothing else!! Got it? Where is evidence any of these countries are founded on an atheist belief system? Got it?

And also, evolution is in no way connected to atheism. You have some very twisted thoughts there buddy. If you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen in the future.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I did no such thing, I provided links that back my evidence, and not one thing I have written here has been challenged by you or anyone else, because it is all correct. And to fill you in where you seem to be completely lacking. Atheism is only a lack of belief in gods, nothing else!! Got it? Where is evidence any of these countries are founded on an atheist belief system? Got it?

And also, evolution is in no way connected to atheism. You have some very twisted thoughts there buddy. If you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen in the future. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Look there guy, I can take and dish the heat all you want, I live to debate, I just wish I could be paid for it. The behaviors of these governments are relevant because they punish the free practice of religion. It is an Atheist way of thinking, rejecting deities and by proxy religions, but in this case it is militant. Atheism is not a religion right? Hence when they reject deities and therefore their faiths, they are Atheist because the word simply means absence of theistic belief. Therefore if a government is against the belief and worship of deities they are hence Atheist governments. Not saying that is a state religion, because it is -NOT- a religion.

I provided links that back my evidence, and not one thing I have written here has been challenged by you or anyone else, because it is all correct.
Well yeah because aside from you acting like a jerk toward these guys I was actually on your side. Again, they are in fear of accepting the truth and calling names or insulting their intelligence doesn't remedy that.

What will remedy that is nipping at every single thing they say that is inaccurate and letting them argue it until they finally have no more ideas to throw your way. Even so, with the fear as a variable, they still may not be able to resort to rational thinking and may still have to default back to faith.

My point is, be nice for crying out loud and keep bombarding them with facts. If they do not get it, someone else watching the conversation might. I would rather not stand against you friend, we need to stick together and fight this deliberate fear based ignorance.
Look there guy, I can take and dish the heat all you want, I live to debate, I just wish I could be paid for it. The behaviors of these governments are relevant because they punish the free practice of religion. It is an Atheist way of thinking, rejecting deities and by proxy religions, but in this case it is militant. Atheism is not a religion right? Hence when they reject deities and therefore their faiths, they are Atheist because the word simply means absence of theistic belief. Therefore if a government is against the belief and worship of deities they are hence Atheist governments. Not saying that is a state religion, because it is -NOT- a religion.

Well yeah because aside from you acting like a jerk toward these guys I was actually on your side. Again, they are in fear of accepting the truth and calling names or insulting their intelligence doesn't remedy that.

What will remedy that is nipping at every single thing they say that is inaccurate and letting them argue it until they finally have no more ideas to throw your way. Even so, with the fear as a variable, they still may not be able to resort to rational thinking and may still have to default back to faith.

My point is, be nice for crying out loud and keep bombarding them with facts. If they do not get it, someone else watching the conversation might. I would rather not stand against you friend, we need to stick together and fight this deliberate fear based ignorance. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
I asked for a source to prove any governments that you listed are based on atheism, and all you have done is make yet more claims you cannot back(practice of religion punished). Communism has nothing to do with atheism, period....end of story. Evolution has many more believers than just atheists, it is standard education fare in private catholic schools. You do things your way, I'll do things my way, that way I still have my fun and laughs, though it may be at expense of someone else who is be it.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I asked for a source to prove any governments that you listed are based on atheism, and all you have done is make yet more claims you cannot back(practice of religion punished). Communism has nothing to do with atheism, period....end of story. Evolution has many more believers than just atheists, it is standard education fare in private catholic schools. You do things your way, I'll do things my way, that way I still have my fun and laughs, though it may be at expense of someone else who is be it. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Communism in extremes many times has to do with state control and in order for the state to control God cannot be in control of the people. Sometimes there are other methods that they employ instead, my original statement was a mock conspiracy theory presented as a way of explaining a possible root to some fearful creationists ideologies.

"In order to be loyal to the state, the Khmer Rouge enforced the breaking of ties to religion and family." qi4S7LEUQJLhcz

"China went even further, experimenting with a
ban on all religions for over a decade. Despite their best efforts, religion
survived. The government has also failed to keep religion at a
reduced level during the reform era."

I take back North Korea, they still have open religious practice but they simply send people to camps never to be seen again if they defy the supreme overlord.

So it is that simple buddy, I agree about evolution being acknowledged by more than just Atheists in fact I am a Unitarian/Universalist and I know without a doubt that Evolution is fact. I know plenty of Buddhists and even Christians who feel the same guy.

I wouldn't care if childish name calling and e-peen flaunting weren't harmful to the debate friend but it definitely is.
Communism in extremes many times has to do with state control and in order for the state to control God cannot be in control of the people. Sometimes there are other methods that they employ instead, my original statement was a mock conspiracy theory presented as a way of explaining a possible root to some fearful creationists ideologies.

"In order to be loyal to the state, the Khmer Rouge enforced the breaking of ties to religion and family." qi4S7LEUQJLhcz

"China went even further, experimenting with a
ban on all religions for over a decade. Despite their best efforts, religion
survived. The government has also failed to keep religion at a
reduced level during the reform era."

I take back North Korea, they still have open religious practice but they simply send people to camps never to be seen again if they defy the supreme overlord.

So it is that simple buddy, I agree about evolution being acknowledged by more than just Atheists in fact I am a Unitarian/Universalist and I know without a doubt that Evolution is fact. I know plenty of Buddhists and even Christians who feel the same guy.

I wouldn't care if childish name calling and e-peen flaunting weren't harmful to the debate friend but it definitely is. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer

Good job, unfortunately you seem to miss the big picture. A totalitarian government is against any group that could form against it. And I am sure the facts show that atheist groups, perhaps in the form of college professors and such faced every bit of the persecution of religious groups. My guess if I chose to do any research is that they probably suffered more. The fact remains, atheism is not part of communism. It is merely a lack of belief and nothing more.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Good job, unfortunately you seem to miss the big picture. A totalitarian government is against any group that could form against it. And I am sure the facts show that atheist groups, perhaps in the form of college professors and such faced every bit of the persecution of religious groups. My guess if I chose to do any research is that they probably suffered more. The fact remains, atheism is not part of communism. It is merely a lack of belief and nothing more. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

You and I know that, but these guys are still scared, they just don't get the idea. I actually quoted that crazy conspiracy because I have heard it many times.
sroach23's Avatar
there is no evolution! there is no god! i used magic to create everything. now quit fighting and go to your rooms.
hardracer's Avatar
My two cents to the discussion about evolution:

There is no "dead matter" there is only "matter". And some food for though to all the creationist that think it is impossible to get life out of "dead matter":
You are made out of the same materials as a rock. The same atomic elements conform biological compounds than non-biological ones. Only their "mix" is different And more, at the subatomic level we all are mainly "empty space".

The deity -or god-is something to try to make sense of reality or find some purpose for our own existance. If there is such thing it is beyond the scope of science. What is whithin the scope of science is to find out if such deity intervenes in our life. So far it seem like -if it exist- it does not.
Mother Nature follows a fixed set of rules and everything and everybody must follow them. Evolution follows such rules. It has been extensively researched and corroborated for many, many people that have dedicated their lives to understand those concepts.

Creationist have only their little book written thousands of years ago by ignorant people. Evolution studies compile thousands and thousands of books by extremely educated people that have facts and experimentation to base their conclusions.

God is not watching you. He -or it- does not care. Take responsibility for your own actions and don't expect a reward or punishment at the end. At the end you will also follow the laws of nature and will be recycled into something else.
bojulay's Avatar
My two cents to the discussion about evolution:

There is no "dead matter" there is only "matter". And some food for though to all the creationist that think it is impossible to get life out of "dead matter":
You are made out of the same materials as a rock. The same atomic elements conform biological compounds than non-biological ones. Only their "mix" is different And more, at the subatomic level we all are mainly "empty space".

The deity -or god-is something to try to make sense of reality or find some purpose for our own existance. If there is such thing it is beyond the scope of science. What is whithin the scope of science is to find out if such deity intervenes in our life. So far it seem like -if it exist- it does not.
Mother Nature follows a fixed set of rules and everything and everybody must follow them. Evolution follows such rules. It has been extensively researched and corroborated for many, many people that have dedicated their lives to understand those concepts.

Creationist have only their little book written thousands of years ago by ignorant people. Evolution studies compile thousands and thousands of books by extremely educated people that have facts and experimentation to base their conclusions.

God is not watching you. He -or it- does not care. Take responsibility for your own actions and don't expect a reward or punishment at the end. At the end you will also follow the laws of nature and will be recycled into something else. Originally Posted by hardracer
Finally someone besides Look At Dumbass

Your post is an example of an Agnostic frame of reference.

Has anyone even bothered to read my first post.
Yes Micro evolution has been proven, it can be
seen within a given species within even a very
short period of time, a built in mechanism for
adaptability. Macro evolution has not been proven,
just assumed. Assumed that somehow Micro evolution
proves that Macro evolution occurred, not proof
just assumption requiring faith to be believed.

The Naturalistic view: Since God dose not exist
then Macro evolution is true even though we
cannot prove it. (Just a form of intellectual

Their answer is always along the lines of we just
haven't found it yet but it's out there and we will
and that's all you need to know. And every new
fossil find is the missing link we've been looking
for until, oh wait no it's not, sorry our bad and
cetra cetra ad nauseum.

Not willing to say ours is a possibility we believe
to be true.

But ours is the only one to be considered.

Intellectual despotism, totalitarian in nature,
dictatorial in execution.

Me afraid of something dancewear, I've
never really been afraid of anything that
I can think of.

I just have a really good built in bullshit detector.
Intellectual bullshit is the worst kind of all.

Faith is required for all the different beliefs about
the origins and development of the universe and
all that is contained there in.

That puts them all on a level playing field.

Is faith required to be an Agnostic?

A faith in the ideal that there is something that
is true, without the willingness to commit to
any certain one, I suppose.