the *OFFICIAL* welcome back TARA thread!

Bestman200600's Avatar
Her size? 120 lbs?
Two at time??? Damn y'all are quick on command. What time did she send out the call? 10:47???

The rest of her bitches are slackin.

Btw: I wasn't even talking about Tara. I was talking about the huked on fonicks crew that can't read the word next to her name. I can read so why would I be jealous. Hence the question.

I can see how you fellas got confused though. It doesn't take much does it?
txexetoo's Avatar
Jealous much? And they're not just Ass Kissers skim reader, they are Lap Dogs of the highest pedigree.

vvvv This was the new thread merge with the old thread by Mojojo....Probably banned till high noon. Originally Posted by ManSlut

Let me preface this by saying I have met thathotnurse and wouldnt know Her even if she walked up to me an grabbed my crotch. Having said that what has she to be jealous of? She is the one with 12 pages of reviews and not a single no. We all know Tara's is littered with no's and there are countless other no reviews never written to avoid the bombardment of harassing pm's, texts and emails
Bestman200600's Avatar
Tara has over 300 reviews and maybe 5% are no's. Tara doesn't click with everyone and she is not a porn star, but those that know her and treat her right are pleased with the services that she provides and she stays busy. She would not have been in the business this long if she wasn't treating her regulars right.
Wow to have been gone for 4 months and still to have this big of following. I love it. Love my Fans you guys rock. Please be patient i will get to pms asap.
doug_dfw's Avatar
You mean this gal.....?

Originally Posted by SD2011
Yep 14 years ago
Lets see that was after I had my daughter so hum yeah 5 yrs ago.
But hey let me post some new ones for yall. Thanks Douug now I will get two ads up this week. God I love free advertising.

This pic was taken first of Feb. Wow I think I do get better with age what do yall think?
cookie man's Avatar
Between the two threads almost 16,000 views! Pretty amazing. Tara you have come a long way baby! I hope you're putting that money away. Start saving now, leave it alone, and you will be set for life.
Between the two threads almost 16,000 views! Pretty amazing. Tara you have come a long way baby! I hope you're putting that money away. Originally Posted by cookie man
You have no idea baby doll. I think ive come a long way too. You know im actually pretty smart. But shhhh don't tell them. And thank you Cookie Man.
  • DSK
  • 03-01-2015, 09:18 PM
Let me preface this by saying I have met thathotnurse and wouldnt know Her even if she walked up to me an grabbed my crotch. Having said that what has she to be jealous of? She is the one with 12 pages of reviews and not a single no. We all know Tara's is littered with no's and there are countless other no reviews never written to avoid the bombardment of harassing pm's, texts and emails Originally Posted by txexetoo
I have to agree THN has a very admirable record. This Tara gal seems mighty intriguing, though...
txexetoo's Avatar
Tara has over 300 reviews and maybe 5% are no's. Tara doesn't click with everyone and she is not a porn star, but those that know her and treat her right are pleased with the services that she provides and she stays busy. She would not have been in the business this long if she wasn't treating her regulars right. Originally Posted by Bestman200600

If you discount the phony yes reviews written everytime she gets a no and take in account all the no's not written that % goes way up. And I agree not everyone clicks but she is s hooker. That is her job to connect. She cant lay an egg and expect to have a happy customer
txexetoo's Avatar

This pic was taken first of Feb. Wow I think I do get better with age what do yall think? Originally Posted by Tara Evans

Welcome back. You do look nice
Welcome back Tara! it almost feels like the natural balance has been brought back to the Dallas coed forum! you look fuckin great by the way
Thanks Tony. It dose feel right me being back huh. Eccie was lost in a way. But im back and its all good now.