Helping The Transition From ASPD (1950) to Eccie (2019)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 03-12-2019, 01:11 PM
I am actually submarineracer on my off time. Originally Posted by B Three
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Join Date: Mar 7, 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 7,629
Refresher Course on our Forum Guidelines
To all,

I wanted to take a moment to call to attention a few of the site's guidelines to be sure everyone understands and is on the same page with what is expected and what will be enforced.

The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site

These have always been part of the vision for this site, although I'm not so sure it's been enforced consistently mainly due to the site growing so large in size over the years.

The moderators have recently been given a directive from Site Admins to enforce these particular guidelines strongly and consistently across the board, anywhere it may exist. The key word is ANYWHERE. Any forum, public or private. If someone insults you to your face or behind your back they have still insulted you and that is that.

Also, a special call-out for those who may have participated in such behavior prior to the day this notice goes live: You can consider this an early Christmas present for you. You are being given a golden opportunity to stop insulting, targeting, or harassing other members and participate in harmony with the diverse folks that make up this community.
Should anyone not take this notice seriously and continue to display behaviors that have been prohibited on this site since Day 1, I'm afraid you won't be able to get by for very long flying under the radar without consequence or reprimand.

We have always intended this site to be a place everyone can come and participate, any gender, all walks of life, to seek and receive information pertaining to their search for fun and successful encounters. Staff wishes to issue an apology that the rapid growth of the site seemed to throw us off in some areas from keeping this aspect of the vision alive. Corrections and adjustments are being made, and it should be pretty noticeable in the days and weeks to come.

Thanks everyone! Have a great day!

St. C
St.Christopher is offline Like
06-16-2018 until 07-17-2044

Uh Huh. Got it.
Now that everyone has calmed down...

I’m not here to stifle conversations or impede anyone’s ability to express their views. However, you should know by now that I abhor rudeness, here and in real life. It’s just common courtesy, y’all. It’s not that hard. Mr. submarine racer has request you not call him by a specific first name. Please don’t.

Please also refrain from throwing out unfounded accusations and from name calling. Nothing good comes from that.

You are all welcome here but some of your behavior is definitely not welcome.

I’m an exceptionally patient person, but if this continues, my patience will soon wear thin.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Now that everyone has calmed down...

I’m not here to stifle conversations or impede anyone’s ability to express their views. However, you should know by now that I abhor rudeness, here and in real life. It’s just common courtesy, y’all. It’s not that hard. Mr. submarine racer has request you not call him by a specific first name. Please don’t.

Please also refrain from throwing out unfounded accusations and from name calling. Nothing good comes from that.

You are all welcome here but some of your behavior is definitely not welcome.

I’m an exceptionally patient person, but if this continues, my patience will soon wear thin. Originally Posted by B Three
Is calling him by his former handle against the rules. I'm less concerned about what he wants as I am about the rule. He tried and failed to label SC as an outter and so I'd like this to officially be cleared up.
It is if it’s not my former handle outer.
Apparently Eccie is ok with outing now.
Hey everybody post any names you know on the board it’s cool with Eccie.
And yes it remains there even when RTM’ed.

I didn’t label you an outer, you did that yourself.
I didn’t post under your handle.
boardman's Avatar
She said please...100% guarantee that she isn't going to beg either.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Back on track...isnt Ron Howard so cool.
Account no longer disabled

Only you’re proving the wrong point, might want to rethink stuff you post.
Scream it from the rooftops, we’ve all seen the aluminum foil hat folks begging for change at intersections.

Oopsie does it
Did that guy fuck your best girl?
I’m guessing much bigger dick.
You really are obsessed!

It also shows that both of you are outers.

“Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously, as will posts deemed by staff to be a 'threat of outing'. In other words, posts which simply imply knowledge of personal details beyond one's public fictional persona or what has been revealed in writing on this board will be dealt with using the same strong measures as actual outing of one's personal information.”

My question is when is Eccie going to do anything about you outers?
It’s pretty clear cut.
I’m not ignoring this but I’m not available. This is being addressed and I'm asking for a bit of patience.
Russ38's Avatar
The baby boomers time and that mindset is fading away for good and thank God. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
As a Generation X’er raised by Baby Boomers....thanck fucking Tebow that mindset of “values” was passed down to me and many like me to keep things they should....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As a Generation X’er raised by Baby Boomers....thanck fucking Tebow that mindset of “values” was passed down to me and many like me to keep things they should.... Originally Posted by Russ38
What are you keeping rolling?
Russ38's Avatar
My last post answered that for you....
You may have to explain that a little better to him Russ. He's about 4 bricks short of a full load.