bambino, lustyladdie 2019 GDP...2.3. 4th quarter...2.1

lustylad's Avatar
Hey dipshit ….you need to read your own links before posting them.

Just because SS will be taking in less than it spends does not mean it is not in the black, it is in the black.

They are now starting to spend money that was set aside.

My God....most people retire and start this same process , those with half a brain and a little luck have socked back money for retirement and will draw it down. Do you consider people like that in the red?

Please read the whole article. It is not even broke after it spends down its savings in 2035. It will by law have to cut expenditures by 20%. Originally Posted by WTF
You're the dipshit who doesn't know what IN THE BLACK means. It means revenues exceed expenses on a current operating basis. If you have to go to the well to cover your current expenses - e.g., dip into savings, reserves, endowments, credit lines or so on - then by definition you are operating IN THE RED.

And I never said SS was going broke. You're the one who always whines about it paying out more in benefits than people put in. Or did you change your ficklefuck mind again?
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  • WTF
  • 02-18-2020, 05:06 PM
You're the dipshit who doesn't know what IN THE BLACK means. It means revenues exceed expenses on a current operating basis. If you have to go to the well to cover your current expenses - e.g., dip into savings, reserves, endowments, credit lines or so on - then by definition you are operating IN THE RED.

? Originally Posted by lustylad
If you understood how the laws of SS are set up you'd understand that under current law....SS under current law....will not operate in the red you nincompoop.

Fucking lustyLaffer posting about yet another subject he knows nothing about. SS is not a business. A business can not make you give them your money.

But the biggest point you fucking ignorant ass morons seem not to understand is that SS has not added a dime to our current debt. And under current law...will never do so.
Redhot1960's Avatar
If you understood how the laws of SS are set up you'd understand that under current law....SS under current law....will not operate in the red you nincompoop.

Fucking lustyLaffer posting about yet another subject he knows nothing about. Originally Posted by WTF
I don't think tiny is going to come save you. Looks like you are going to have to wax your own damn balls, wtf.
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  • WTF
  • 02-18-2020, 05:16 PM
I don't think tiny is going to come save you. Looks like you are going to have to wax your own damn balls, wtf.

[] Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Get back in your "I'm a Real Red American" comrade Redhot.
bambino's Avatar
If you understood how the laws of SS are set up you'd understand that under current law....SS under current law....will not operate in the red you nincompoop.

Fucking lustyLaffer posting about yet another subject he knows nothing about. SS is not a business. A business can not make you give them your money.

But the biggest point you fucking ignorant ass morons seem not to understand is that SS has not added a dime to our current debt. And under current law...will never do so. Originally Posted by WTF
Read this moron. My kids and grandkids will have to pay more in taxes to keep SS solvent. It’s just a fact. God forbid the government spend less.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you understood how the laws of SS are set up you'd understand that under current law....SS under current law....will not operate in the red you nincompoop.

Fucking lustyLaffer posting about yet another subject he knows nothing about. SS is not a business. A business can not make you give them your money.

But the biggest point you fucking ignorant ass morons seem not to understand is that SS has not added a dime to our current debt. And under current law...will never do so. Originally Posted by WTF

well then, you can post the "Social Security will never be allowed to go red law" for us all to see, right?

you know how that will go. the Govtards won't curb their fiat funny money overspending and they'll simply raise the payroll taxes to keep it going.

butt yous don't pay payroll taxes on your herd of illegal cats, right?
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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2020, 10:18 AM
Read this moron. My kids and grandkids will have to pay more in taxes to keep SS solvent. It’s just a fact. God forbid the government spend less. Originally Posted by bambino
That is because you didn't pay enough in you fucking moron! We're living should have been adjusted years ago you cheap bastard. Again , How much has SS contributed to the National Debt? You know less than your butt buddy lustylaffer.

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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2020, 10:28 AM
well then, you can post the "Social Security will never be allowed to go red law" for us all to see, right?

? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This from the link that lustylaffer provided but was too fucking ignorant to understand. I think you might be his twin.

What happens in 2035, when the system eventually runs out of money? The law actually plans for that. Unless Congress finds a way to pump new money into the program, benefits will be cut by 20 percent across the board.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This from the link that lustylaffer provided but was too fucking ignorant to understand. I think you might be his twin.

What happens in 2035, when the system eventually runs out of money? The law actually plans for that. Unless Congress finds a way to pump new money into the program, benefits will be cut by 20 percent across the board. Originally Posted by WTF

you know what will happen they'll jack up the payroll taxes. this is what they always do, dufus.

what? you think they'll stop spending money? who's ignert now?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2020, 10:40 AM
you know what will happen they'll jack up the payroll taxes. ? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That is wtf Ronnie did. You love Ronnie.

But lustylaffer implied it was in the RED.

It is not....even if they do nothing SS hasn't added a dime to the national debt.

So why do you idiots talk about it like it has?

The problem is not SS....the problem is idiots that do not understand it and are manipulated by huckster politicians

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That is wtf Ronnie did. You love Ronnie.

But lustylaffer implied it was in the RED.

It is not....even if they do nothing SS hasn't added a dime to the national debt.

So why do you idiots talk about it like it has?

The problem is not SS....the problem is idiots that do not understand it and are manipulated by huckster politicians

Originally Posted by WTF

like Obama huckstered yous into thinking he was black jesus?

your problem is you think you understand everything and no one else does.

yous should run for president and fix everything right?
  • oeb11
  • 02-19-2020, 12:51 PM
TWK - j666 already proclaimed he would bet Trump in the election.

ftw is already relegated to campaign manager.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2020, 02:37 PM
like Obama huckstered yous into thinking he was black jesus?

your problem is you think you understand everything and no one else does.

yous should run for president and fix everything right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Obama wishes he was Black Jesus!

Your problem is this is a political forum and I understand politics way more so than you.

Me President????...I got bigger fish to fry.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obama wishes he was Black Jesus!

Your problem is this is a political forum and I understand politics way more so than you.

Me President????...I got bigger fish to fry.

Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so
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  • WTF
  • 02-19-2020, 05:55 PM
if you say so Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The facts say so.

How much of the 23 Trillion dollar debt do you think has been caused by Social Security?....if the program is in the red like you and lustynuts think.