
  • DSK
  • 03-12-2016, 09:59 PM
Wow. Why hug a tree when you can hang a neegraa out of it, WaKKKo?

This is your time in America. It ends in November. So burn them crosses while you can, Hillbilly! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Is someone planning on suspending our free speech rights in November?

Otherwise, I don't see how it is our time...we have lost every major cultural fight over the last 50 years, which has brought us to the mess we have in America now.

Don't you understand that is what we are pissed off about?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lot to make up for JL. And as long as hate mongers like you couch your lives in terms of cultural wins and losses -- I assume for the "white man," -- , our country will suck for many more decades to come.

There's a difference between low information voters and stupid idiots. Some redneck motherfuckers, however, bridge the gap beautifully. Motherfuckers like you.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why would anyone other than a commie bastard want to kill Ed Snowden?
The man did what he was supposed to do as an American citizen, went through the channels to try to get the illegal activity of our government stopped and was denied the help that our government promises those that are whistle blowers. The man did what any freedom loving, American citizen should do and expose to the nation the criminal activity of our government perpetrated on its citizens.

I fully understand the necessity at times to keep certain things "secret" but not when it comes to spying and illegally collecting information on ourselves. As much as many of you want to ignore our Constitution, it is till the law of the land and when the people that we elected allow the people they hire to violate the constitution that information should be made public and dealt with swiftly so as to not allow the further deterioration of our civil liberties.

As one of the founding fathers once stated, and I shall paraphrase rather than quote......he who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither

The Patriot
act was a terrible piece of legislation only shadowed by the ACA.
lustylad's Avatar
Anyone notice how the peep count for this Snowden thread has soared by almost 1 million eyeballs since I first noticed it last January?

Those Putin peeper-bots just keep on peeping!

  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2016, 09:52 PM
Anyone notice how the peep count for this Snowden thread has soared by almost 1 million eyeballs since I first noticed it last January?

Those Putin peeper-bots just keep on peeping! Originally Posted by lustylad
Shit, over 2 million views! That's wild. So somebody wants this thread at the top of Google search results. Are they Russian or American? Could COG and the Waco Kid be working for the CIA? The Russian FSB?
lustylad's Avatar
Shit, over 2 million views! That's wild. So somebody wants this thread at the top of Google search results. Are they Russian or American? Could COG and the Waco Kid be working for the CIA? The Russian FSB? Originally Posted by Tiny
Do your homework. The spook in our midst is the OP IvanLittleOne.
Poor dull knife unable to give his opinion . Do you need a link to find your bathroom now? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
We can all be sure that YOU never needed a link to find a truck stop bathroom or any other bathroom in KansASS where you could ply YOUR trade of picking dingleberries , getting YOUR fudge packed, or guzzling cum, huh EKIM !!!!
BUMP for the Traitor Snowden and His Treasonous Enabler - IvanLittleOne!

Ok, it's been less than 6 weeks since I dug up this curious thread - during that time the view count has kept climbing - from 1,140,840 to 1,345,005.

That's a gain of 204,165 views in less than 6 weeks. No way Jose. The second most-viewed thread in this forum only has 106,180 lifetime hits.

Who the fuck are these spybots who keep peeking on us??? Leave us alone, fuckers!!!

IvanLittleOne started the whole thing! He should be jailed! Or at least banned! Originally Posted by lustylad
So EKIM is a RUSSIAN dingleberry picker ? !!!! Reckon he makes " vodka " from them berries ? !!!
NO, Urinal Lips means a "neegraa" he is totally 0demoKKK... I'm sure he would hang Snowden too... I hope I'm there to see the commies hang his Bolshevik ass...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Can we take up a donation to get some meat hooks to run up assup, EKIM and Lubed Wide Ass to hang them from ? Thank Yew !!!!
Do your homework. The spook in our midst is the OP IvanLittleOne. Originally Posted by lustylad
This is the dumb MF who keeps bringing it up, and the other tic turds commenting.

by the way, the above statement displays your outright racism. you're quick to pull the racism card here ain't ya? you ain't fooling anyone here, putz.

of course assup would hang eddie. he's one of those "The Gov knows best!" types isn't he? he wouldn't care that what the US was doing was illegal yeah? Assup, if the Gov told you to smear your poop behind your ears to enhance your fragrance you'd do it. and it would be an improvement too!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
But, but, but he ALREADY DOES !!! You mean you didn't know he's trying to market it as " Eau de Gloryhole " !!! ? Him AND EKIM !!!!
Like gay rey.
Well, I see that one of the Idiot twins (IB) is already spreading venom, hate and discontent this morning. It shouldn't be long before his two brothers (JD & JL) and The Patriarch (LexiLiar) along with his loyal smelly ol' Turdfly join him.

It's like a daily family reunion for the Idiot Family! Originally Posted by Guest040616
Wail Hail, Lil Cotex ! Have ya been busy making sure that Miz Slick Willy don't walk up no more steps showing her incontinence ? Something that YOU sure have a lot of experience with, right Cotex !!! Involuntary bowel movements !! Only every time yer lyin lib mouth opens !! And yer lying lib KLAN, errr clan have gone out and recruited MORE asshole libs to fill yer gaping, disease-infested void ! But, back on topic, if Snowden can show violations of civil rights and the Constitution by the " gubmint ", and especially when the libs " boy " odummer was at the helm, the " let'er rip, tater chip " !!!!
And Cotex, don't turn down that dingleberry pie that EKIM will give you for coming back to the forum. You wouldn't want to break his heart like WOOMBY did, now would ya ? !!
New article on yahoo states from some cold war spies Snowden was always a Russian spy.

What is your take? Spy or whistle-blower? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I vote whistleblower, although he went about it the wrong way. He should have stayed in the Country and took whatever repercussions would befall him.

Any time you take action that can affect powerful people, whether they be on the left, or right, there will be a price to pay.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
2.1 million views.

I guess someone in their official capacity DOES read ECCIE.

You knuckleheads oughta spread out!