A really interesting pm

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I bet there are a lot of criminals in jail that would just love to use the excuse that "so-n-so and all that proof comes from a BSC person". Aren't you so glad we have laws. Aren't you so glad that even if a jury can't decide about an eyewitness that they will look at the hard evidence and make a decision whether to convict a person or not. Oh,wait that's right it's all about the BSC of your fucked up head.
You give too much credit to discount electronics employees. The phone company probably just got tired of hearing your babbling bullshit and gave a refund to shut you up.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well, it's a good thing I only keep rocks as pets. I don't have to feed them,or deal with their shit, and don't have to listen to them. Rocks never say much of anything worth listening to anyways.
So your saying you have had a rock say something to you? Might want to get checked out...
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Think about this folks, I went to 2 separate employee's and had them explain to me what a WiFi controller is, then I had them look up what a WiFi controller is on the internet,then retell me what it is. After that I go to the computer repair department for them to look at what's going on and they lie about it. So I go to the APPLE laptops and pull it up and show another employee and tell him what happened,and to top it off since I was lied to by the computer repair guys I had a nice long chat with the supervisor of Fry's! So that's why I don't listen to a rock. I might kick a rock but I sure as fuck don't listen to one!
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh and if someone doesn't get the rock to shut up it's running bullshit keyboard fingers, I will even start posting the pictures of the wifi controllers handles and WiFi addresses. Right now though gna take a shower.
I bet they all had a good laugh as you exited the door.
Oh ghost you didn't like the fact that I saw right through your "help" offer? Have you even looked up what a WiFi controller is yet or are the guys over at Fry's electronics wrong? Your right ghost I will take a cheap ass phone over an APPLE any day! Get the hint? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
You should have reconsidered your incorrect assessment when I totally dropped the conversation.

I was seriously just trying to help you out, no ulterior motives. (I did not want anything from you, nor would I have accepted anything)

Your responses showed me what I'd be in for if I even tried to help at all, and now I'm starting to regret even replying to here.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Ok, it's gna take me a minute to resize the pictures and stuff. I also find it very fascinating that all of a sudden, and I do mean within the last couple of hours, the people that live right under my apartment have literally moved out. I've been here almost all day and they showed no signs of moving. Now everything from even the porch is gone. This place is the twilight zone. SMH, I will post the pics in an HR or so.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
To find what I needed. I also narrowed it down to only 3 pics and choose a little verity. Remember that I can always back up what I say unless I say that each person has to come to their own conclusions. There are some privacy issues I will not cross the line on. Enjoy and good night.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I forgot to add that all of this and a shit ton more can be found on my Facebook page-gifter Phoenix of Austin Texas-amd that coder and hackers please make sense of this shit show because I'm going back to all the things I love to do. I would also like a really nice camera on my phone too, Santa baby
PS a smart Google spell check would help too. Thank you
public class WifiAutoJoinController extends Object
AutoJoin controller is responsible for WiFi Connect decision It runs in the thread context of WifiStateMachine

^^^ it's just the Java class in Android that reconnects to wifi access points that it's already seen before.

com.google.android.apps.tachyo n <<< that's the Google duo video calling app...like I said before I don't really see anything out of the ordinary.
Reading Android logs all day while listening for the black helicopters and boogie men is no way to live.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Oh so you want to tell me that getting the same Amber alert for 2 days in a row is normal? At what point when it says "DANGEROUS" for a system permission that you think it's ok? WTF is wrong with you? The WiFi controller changes the Mac wifi address. Retired Ninja how about you be helpful instead of snide for once. If it's so good why is it that every one else in the real world says that there is a problem. Yet look at the snide bullshit misleading information that is said on here. But that's right it's because of insecure, jealous,sad people like kickrocks, ghost, Erin, Janelle, and many others that did this shit to phone and lots of other things. All because I didn't pay attention to their bullshit. I was busy doing other things. So continue looking dumb and I will continue to do the things I love and show the rest of the world your laughable bullshit.