
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You don’t have to be a striker for man-u to be alive, a person on a vent is still living. If you went and shot him in the head you’d be arrested for murder.

To Tiny’s point: A girl who swallows is a serial killer. :-) Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

That's where we disagree. That person is not living if not on their own. They are being kept alive. Yes, if they were terminated, there would be an investigation. Was it the fault of the ventilator? Or foul play?

Either way, it's an artificial life. Not their own.

In the weeds with heart monitors.

P.S. United is dead in Europe.
VitaMan's Avatar
No one can define when life begins.....not even createdinspace.

If there is no soul, then a biological organism does not continue on after death.....which makes life meaningless.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No one can define when life begins.....not even createdinspace.

If there is no soul, then a biological organism does not continue on after death.....which makes life meaningless. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's what I'm talking about.
No one can define when life begins.....not even createdinspace.

If there is no soul, then a biological organism does not continue on after death.....which makes life meaningless. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That’s a bunch of religious nonsense. I thought this was the 21st century.
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2024, 08:40 PM
To Tiny’s point: A girl who swallows is a serial killer. :-) Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
Thanks CreatedInSpace. This is profound. Every time we whack off, it's like killing 300 million half-embryos. That's genocide on a spectacular scale. Worse than Hitler. Worse than the Hutus in Rwanda.

I just don't have it in me though to live life like a priest and swear off self stimulation.

I typically masturbate in the shower or my girlfriend's panties. But from here on out I'll be more respectful, more solemn. I'll find a nice field with some exposure to the sun, a few trees, maybe a pond. And I'll spill my seed there. Kind of like when a buddy of mine passed away and we spread his ashes in a nice place. It's the least I can do for those 300 million half-souls that I'm going to abort through my penis.
  • Tiny
  • 04-22-2024, 09:05 PM
I agree Government should stay out of it. The Medical Community shouldn't. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Given that, we shouldn't be arguing. You're entitled to your beliefs about the morality of abortion. If you also believe government should stay out of it, the rest of us have no reason to criticize.
Given that, we shouldn't be arguing. You're entitled to your beliefs about the morality of abortion. If you also believe government should stay out of it, the rest of us have no reason to criticize. Originally Posted by Tiny
I think the Government should stay out of lot things. It's a Criminal empire that's all it is.
I agree Government should stay out of it. The Medical Community shouldn't. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The medical community does not (spoiler - They don't agree with you)- Facts Are Important: Abortion Is Healthcare and Abortion as Essential Healthcare . . . and AMA holds fast to principle: Reproductive care is health care

neither does the bioethical community - How a bioethicist and doctor sees abortion
VitaMan's Avatar
That’s a bunch of religious nonsense. I thought this was the 21st century. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

If humans have no soul, what makes us different from the animals ?
The medical community does not (spoiler - They don't agree with you)- Facts Are Important: Abortion Is Healthcare and Abortion as Essential Healthcare . . . and AMA holds fast to principle: Reproductive care is health care

neither does the bioethical community - How a bioethicist and doctor sees abortion Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev
I actually had a Doctor tell me this once. His exact words were, "Any doctor that performs or advocate Abortion isn't much of a Doctor".
I actually had a Doctor tell me this once. His exact words were, "Any doctor that performs or advocate Abortion isn't much of a Doctor". Originally Posted by Levianon17
So, this one doctor, speaking to a man about abortion, is "the medical community"? Sure, let's go with that. No need to actually learn anything, or even think for that matter.
VitaMan's Avatar
Doctors are Gods ?

There are thousands of crooked doctors.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Doctors are Gods ?

There are thousands of crooked doctors. Originally Posted by VitaMan
And one absentee landlord! If your monotheistic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jARp24AJWLk?si=77503TsfTKjxmCO 6

Levy has always been that cooky.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I actually had a Doctor tell me this once. His exact words were, "Any doctor that performs or advocate Abortion isn't much of a Doctor". Originally Posted by Levianon17

Or that doctor doesn't much care about women. Par for your course.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The medical community does not (spoiler - They don't agree with you)- Facts Are Important: Abortion Is Healthcare and Abortion as Essential Healthcare . . . and AMA holds fast to principle: Reproductive care is health care

neither does the bioethical community - How a bioethicist and doctor sees abortion Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev