The Freedom Convoy

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It Spreads to everyday patriots fighting for freedom

Dozens of trucks circled the arrivals and departures loop at Ottawa International Airport on Thursday morning in an attempt to “disrupt operations” an airport spokesperson said. Video from this morning at the Ottawa airport protest circling the arrivals and departures loop.
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The fight for freedom spreads

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BREAKING REPORT: Homeland Security now MONITORING United States Truckers online...

What a waste of time and tax dollars. Biden DOJ are tracking concerned parents and truckers as terrorists but ignoring all the illegals and true terrorists who cross the open border and enter our country every day.
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Justin Trudeau Under Fire: Faces Second Day of Insults, Heckles in Canadian Parliament

Leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau endured a second day of intense heckling, insults, and accusations of prioritizing his political power over the health of citizens on Wednesday in a heated session of Parliament.

Trudeau is currently under fire from both the left and right for his handling of the ongoing “Freedom Convoy” protests, which have made their biggest impact in the national capital, Ottawa, but have surfaced in multiple major cities and American border crossings. As of Thursday, truckers are blocking the largest crossing between the two countries – Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario – and have blocked a border crossing in Manitoba. Prior protests had already hampered traffic between Alberta and Montana.

Conservatives have condemned Trudeau for dismissing the protesters – who are calling for an end to all coronavirus-related civil rights restrictions – as “racist” and “misogynist,” as well as comparing them to Nazis. Leftists have condemned Trudeau for not doing much to stop the protests other than insulting the protesters, demanding a plan for resolving the crisis that Trudeau has yet to offer.

The prime minister made his return to Parliament on Monday after disappearing to an “undisclosed location” at the beginning of the protests, announcing that he had tested positive for Chinese coronavirus. He has yet to enjoy a Parliament session this week that has not erupted in outbursts of disdain towards him – both from conservatives demanding he apologize for his insults towards the protesters and from leftists demanding more federal intervention to end the protests. During one such exchange on Tuesday, an unidentified lawmaker urged the hecklers to stay quiet: “let him answer, he’s not good at it

Much more here
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Wow, now we have one corrupt leader urging another corrupt leader to use “federal powers” to override the will of the people. Talk about the corrupt leading the corrupt.

BREAKING: Biden Administration urges Canadian counterparts to use ‘federal powers’ to end truckers’ convoy

The Senile Biden regime must be scared shitless over the truckers right now
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Libtards are such kind and tolerant people - LOL

This is a CNN Analyst and Harvard professor calling for violence and vigilantism against the Freedom Truckers. How much do you want to bet she was out in the streets supporting the BLM morons rioting, looting and burning down cities in 2020

The convoy protest, applauded by right wing media as a "freedom protest," is an economic and security issue now. The Ambassador Bridge link constitutes 28% of annual trade movement between US and Canada. Slash the tires, empty gas tanks, arrest the drivers, and move the trucks
HDGristle's Avatar
Lusty, the Freedom Convoy organizers are calling for the removal of all COVID restrictions, Trudeau to step down and the Liberal Party to dissolve. So those initial goal posts have shifted again.

And the Conservative leader, Candice Bergen has a message for those protesting.

“To all of you who are taking part in the protests, I believe the time has come to take down the barricades, stop the disruptive action, and come together. The economy you want to see reopened is hurting.

“I believe this is not what you want to do.”

...meanwhile, in Ohio a chucklehead called in a bomb threat to the Ottawa police as part of his support of the Freedom Convoy. He just called the wrong Ottawa police.
... Hmmmm... Surley looks like the Canadians have surely taken
a page from the American BLM and Antifa playbook.

Creating "Chop Zones" and what-not... But without the threats.

#### Salty
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Dictator Doug, Premier of Ontario enacts a state of emergency, allowing for the arrest and imprisonment of Canadian protesters for up to 1 year in jail. He adds that dissidents can be fined $100,000 too.

So the Communist Canadian Government wants to imprison peaceful protestors. Where's the civil liberties left? If they are foolish enough to try this the Freedom Truckers and their farmer brethren should go on a nationwide strike and bring the country to a halt and really stick it to the Man. Let's see how these tyrants survive without food being delivered to their cities

The Canadian Government could all drop the mandates today and this would all be over. The reason they won’t is because this isn’t about the mandates anymore. It’s about power.

UPDATE - The military tells the Tyrants to fuck off

Despite the Ottawa Police briefly raising the possibility of a military intervention to clear a stubborn holdout of Freedom Convoy truckers blockading their downtown, the Canadian Armed Forces have been quick to say they will be doing no such thing. A spokesperson for the Minister of Defence told the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, “The Canadian Armed Forces are not involved in law enforcement in this situation, and there are no plans for such CAF involvement.”
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The Ontario Provincial Police are allegedly monitoring social media groups for the Freedom Convoy and visiting people’s homes who have commented on Facebook groups regarding the convoy.
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Meanwhile in Europe - the tyrants running those governments are scared shitless over their own Freedom Trucker convoys potentially coming this weekend

Just in - The FreedomConvoy2022 in the EU what has been planned to be hosted in Brussels on this Sunday and next Week Monday, has been announced illegitimate and has been banned for forming near the European Parliament building in the European capital.

Breaking: Just in - Capitals and police forces around Europe are closing or monitoring their streets leading towards their Parliament buildings. Armoured vehicles are on standby in Paris.

All while the French people welcome the Freedom Convoy
... Hmmmm... So the Trucker Protests in Canada are BAD.

And yet, the BLM And Antifa protests that burned-out buildings
destroyed police cars, and looted shoppes were GOOD.

... STILL don't quite understand...

#### Salty
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WOW - The NY Times of all people come out in support of the Freedom Truckers right to protest - here are the money quotes

The Ottawa Trucker Protests Are a Test of Democracy

We disagree with the protesters’ cause, but they have a right to be noisy and even disruptive. Protests are a necessary form of expression in a democratic society, particularly for those whose opinions do not command broad popular support. Governments have a responsibility to prevent violence by protesters, but they must be willing to accept some degree of disruption by those seeking to be heard.

Entertaining the use of force to disperse or contain legal protests is wrong. As Mr. Trudeau said in November 2020, in expressing his support of a yearlong protest by farmers in India that blocked major highways to New Delhi, “Canada will always be there to defend the right of peaceful protest.”
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LOL - Brilliant - Paris has banned their Freedom Convoy from entering the city. To stop the convoy, they are blocking the streets themselves.
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The people of Ottawa are out giving a big middle finger to the Government after they declared a state of emergency and threatened the arrest of anyone protesting. Here's some great videos:

Looks like a party for Freedom on the streets of Ottawa tonight

the 7pm deadline from Trudeau's edict and and court injunction at the Ambassador Bridge has kicked in and there’s more protestors here now than at any other point this week. They’re streaming in by the dozens. It’s hard to see police stepping in at this hour with so many people here celebrating, and carrying on.

And Tucker Carlson's Monologue Mocking The Pathetic & Hysterical Response To The Peaceful Canadian Trucker Convoy By Politicians In Canada & The U.S.

"Keep in mind these are not displays of power. This is not how confident people talk. These are squeaks of impotence."