Twitter permabans the orange clown inciter-in-chief..

boardman's Avatar
umm ya. there was an attempt to overthrow our democratically elected government, and the inciter is currently on trial. and ya senators-the jury-took an oath to be impartial. you didn't get the memo?

what more important news is on Politburo TV? Originally Posted by pxmcc

This is a wholly partisan effort and it will be voted on along party least enough for an acquittal. It's a waste of time.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
This is a wholly partisan effort and it will be voted on along party least enough for an acquittal. It's a waste of time. Originally Posted by boardman

You can count on murkowski, collins, and romney to vote with the democrats.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2021, 06:29 PM
Political threads are allowed in the local sandboxes. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Thank you for the clarification Crypt. i dont do the political forum just because every time i've visited, it looked like a food fight. not my style. here ppl can disagree but still keep it civil.

any of the Political Forum fans are welcome to join in the commentary in this thread as long as they can keep it civil and respectful.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2021, 06:31 PM
This is a wholly partisan effort and it will be voted on along party least enough for an acquittal. It's a waste of time. Originally Posted by boardman
i agree we know the outcome. (although i predict it will be close.) but i dont think a proper accounting is a waste of time.

You can count on murkowski, collins, and romney to vote with the democrats. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
agreed Dear_John.
CryptKicker's Avatar
The idiots voted to hear from witnesses.... Geesh!
winn dixie's Avatar
The idiots voted to hear from witnesses.... Geesh! Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Heard one of the Reporters say trial may go "dark" for a few weeks while they interview witnesses. Grandstanding waste of time. Is this unity and healing?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-13-2021, 02:19 PM
outcome as expected, but 7 Pubs crossed party lines to convict. most bipartisan impeachment in U.S. history. i think Pubs made a strategic error in not convicting. just my opinion.

impeachment managers should have called Trump to testify. (but i don't know if they could have subpoenaed him. maybe?)
Russ38's Avatar
Good luck for those 7 come next election.....except maybe for Mitt who’ll prob still get the Mormon Cult vote......
winn dixie's Avatar
Good luck for those 7 come next election.....except maybe for Mitt who’ll prob still get the Mormon Cult vote...... Originally Posted by Russ38
Ten X
  • pxmcc
  • 02-13-2021, 08:30 PM
Good luck for those 7 come next election.....except maybe for Mitt who’ll prob still get the Mormon Cult vote...... Originally Posted by Russ38
the problem as i see it for the Republican Party is that they are still married to Donald Trump. they had a chance to divorce him and move on, but they declined to take it. i think an unloosed and unhinged trump is quite capable of fracturing the republican party.

for good or ill, Pubs are joined at the hip with trump. to me it's like being on a whaling mission with Captain Ahab; you kind of have this vague idea in the back of your mind that it might not end well..
CryptKicker's Avatar
The problem IS and will most likely continue to be the fact that Biden's words of unity are as shallow as the number of functioning braincells he has left. The impeachment farse was not about Trump. It was about further dividing the country and continuing to demonize those that believe in the America First agenda.
winn dixie's Avatar
Well written Crypt.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-14-2021, 01:06 AM
The problem IS and will most likely continue to be the fact that Biden's words of unity are as shallow as the number of functioning braincells he has left. The impeachment farse was not about Trump. It was about further dividing the country and continuing to demonize those that believe in the America First agenda. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
as to the matter of unity, biden offers an olive branch but is determined to avoid the mistakes of the Obama admin from 2009. Obama had no clue the fix was in with McConnell, whose every action was designed to ensure "that Obama be a 1-term president." Biden will not be played for a fool.

unity isn't mutually exclusive with accountability. sweeping high crimes and misdemeanors under the carpet is about a cover-up and a failure to reckon with attempts to end democracy as we know it and has nothing to do with intentional disunity.

demonize the America first agenda? since when did trump put america first? his order of importance was trump first, trump cronies second, and america way down the list. and what, substantively, did trump actually accomplish with his America first agenda?

he empowered putin. he strengthened "rocket man" and welcomed North Korea in to the family of nuclear powers. he made 0 impact on the trade deficit with China despite his tariffs being a pretty good idea. (he doesn't have enough of an attention span to finish anything.) he alienated our essential NATO allies. he abandoned our asian allies when he left the TPP, which was wholly designed to keep China in check. in iran, he single-handedly managed to restart iran's nuclear program.

name one single substantive achievement that Trump's America First initiative accomplished. trump was an abject failure from a policy standpoint and from a moral standpoint. he failed america and tried to turn our great democracy in to a banana republic. his 4 years will serve as an eternal blight on the great democratic-republic experiment called America and a lesson in why competence and honesty are important qualifications for our elected leaders. he had neither.
CryptKicker's Avatar
I don't believe sir that I gave a pro-Trump or anti-Biden argument to any policy issues that you can't seem to look past.

I simply stated the obvious to what the core problem in America is right now. Until one side or the other figures out how to work with the other without demonizing each other, the rest honestly is not going to matter.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-14-2021, 09:50 AM
I don't believe sir that I gave a pro-Trump or anti-Biden argument to any policy issues that you can't seem to look past.

I simply stated the obvious to what the core problem in America is right now. Until one side or the other figures out how to work with the other without demonizing each other, the rest honestly is not going to matter. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
i'm center left, but i agree with you 100%.