Hardly Anyone At The Hospital. Where's this National Emergency?

Did your mom have any children that lived? Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Do you still take it up the ass, faggot?
haven't seen this mentioned.

if those of a certain blood type are at risk of getting the virus.

if you're blood type is A, and B, you're at risk. those of A-, B-, AB, and O are not at risk. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There maybe some truth to that. In fact there's a good bit of information on Blood Type and dieting. Some Blood Types should eat certain foods and avoid others for optimal health. It might be a good idea for the medical profession to research Blood type and treatment options for various ailments including the Flu.
HoeHummer's Avatar
How about skin color Levianon? Should certain people eat certain foods to avoid Orange Fever?
bambino's Avatar
How about skin color Levianon? Should certain people eat certain foods to avoid Orange Fever? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Another idiotic post from the PIG.
How about skin color Levianon? Should certain people eat certain foods to avoid Orange Fever? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You already have that and there is no cure. If you weren't such a cocksucker in your early years you may have avoided it, but now you're fucked, lol.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I wouldn't trust a vaccine at all. If they claim they have one, I would never take it. Many that do would be sick as fuck many would die, those that didn't would have health issues they never had before. What you and many haven't figured out yet is Government leaders don't give a shit about you. There is something going on Globally with all Governments and it's not to people's benefit. I don't know where you get your information from on this subject but if it doesn't have a medical origin it's probably not very accurate. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well it wasn’t too long ago that your fearless leader Trump was peddling an anti malaria drug Chloroquine..or its more diluted form HydroChloroquine. .so are you saying that’s a foolish piece of advice? Not to take anything peddled by a non expert ?
Well I’ve talked to a few friends that believe the sun shines out of Trumps ass and are ready to take it if they have to. Good luck with that.
The thing is somebody, a couple got the wrong stuff and took a potion called Chloroquine Phosphate...now he’s dead and she’s critical...
Are people that stupid? Yes they are.
Believing anything Trump spews. As we say in our world...Gormless
He should shut up and let the experts do their jobs...the vaccine if any is 18 mths away and it’s doubtful I’d take it..I don’t even take a flu shot
This virus is and will get worse..it’s coming whether you believe it or not.
Just look at the numbers but bury your heads in the sand at your peril.
This is not a time to be macho or complacent.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Please cite an authoritative source... Originally Posted by friendly fred
There maybe some truth to that. In fact there's a good bit of information on Blood Type and dieting. Some Blood Types should eat certain foods and avoid others for optimal health. It might be a good idea for the medical profession to research Blood type and treatment options for various ailments including the Flu. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Missburger's Avatar
So I drove by one of the large Methodist Hospital complexes here in Houston.

Parking lot less than half full. Went by the emergency room, surrounding parking lot less than half full.

They had some of those COVID drive up testing tents. No cars. Saw no one inside the tents.

Didn't go inside the tent or the ER but no lines, no people milling around. My wife has a peanut allergy; last summer I had to park two blocks away at the same ER. Today I could have parked in the second row.

Spoke to my CPA who's up in Dallas. His sister's a nurse and she's been testing a lot of people at their drive-in facility. One positive test.

This Wuhan flu crisis is WAAAAAYYYYY overblown. Anyone have any experiences they like to share? Originally Posted by gnadfly
why dont you go visit new york city and see how long the lines are

good post, you sound real educated
Well it wasn’t too long ago that your fearless leader Trump was peddling an anti malaria drug Chloroquine..or its more diluted form HydroChloroquine. .so are you saying that’s a foolish piece of advice? Not to take anything peddled by a non expert ? Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
So when was he actually peddling this. The misinformation of the left is spectacular. The most he said was we may have a combination of drugs that could be a game changer.

TDS runs deep in some.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 09:33 AM
haven't seen this mentioned.

if those of a certain blood type are at risk of getting the virus.

if you're blood type is A, and B, you're at risk. those of A-, B-, AB, and O are not at risk. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Error- I have read the report -
Blood type O is perhaps somewhat less at risk - not free and clear - those people can still be infected by the Wuhan virus. No info on if disease is less severe in type O patients.

This is preliminary info - not definitive IMHO - so if U are type O- not recommended to go out and act crazy. U can get sick.

Quoted above study from link above.

New research shows your blood type may make you more susceptible to catching the novel coronavirus. The study published in Wuhan, China, compared blood types in 2,173 people in Wuhan and Shenzhen with COVID-19 to more than 3,600 healthy people in the same areas.
It showed people with type A blood may be more likely to catch the virus and die from it. People with type O blood may be less likely to get COVID-19.
"If you are type A, there is no need to panic. It does not mean you will be infected 100 percent," researcher Gao Yingdai told the South China Morning Post. "If you are type O, it does not mean you are absolutely safe, either. You still need to wash your hands and follow the guidelines issued by authorities."
The study looked at 206 people in Wuhan who died from the virus. There were 63 percent more type A deadly cases than type O, but the study did not explain why. A significantly higher proportion of the world's population is also Type A than is Type O.
The study has not yet been peer-reviewed.

The prevalence of the other common blood types in the U.S. is as follows:
  • O+: 37.4%
  • O-: 6.6%
  • A+: 35.7%
  • A-: 6.3%
  • B+: 8.5%
  • B-: 1.5%
  • AB+: 3.4%
  • AB-: 0.6%
The study statement that -significantly higher proportion of the world's population is also Type A than is Type O.- is seriously incorrect. Blood type prevalences above.

also - a non- peer reviewed study - a preliminary report - definitively no authoritative.
Well it wasn’t too long ago that your fearless leader Trump was peddling an anti malaria drug Chloroquine..or its more diluted form HydroChloroquine. .so are you saying that’s a foolish piece of advice? Not to take anything peddled by a non expert ?
Well I’ve talked to a few friends that believe the sun shines out of Trumps ass and are ready to take it if they have to. Good luck with that.
The thing is somebody, a couple got the wrong stuff and took a potion called Chloroquine Phosphate...now he’s dead and she’s critical...
Are people that stupid? Yes they are.
Believing anything Trump spews. As we say in our world...Gormless
He should shut up and let the experts do their jobs...the vaccine if any is 18 mths away and it’s doubtful I’d take it..I don’t even take a flu shot
This virus is and will get worse..it’s coming whether you believe it or not.
Just look at the numbers but bury your heads in the sand at your peril.
This is not a time to be macho or complacent. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Trump didn't peddle it. It was mentioned by someone in the Science Community and Trump supported the idea that it should be looked into as a possible treatment. But of course idiots out there are going to say Trump was advising people to use it and Doctors to give it out without any clinical trials or research. This Pandemic has caused mass stupidity more than anything.
https://www.whsv.com/content/news/St...569064261.html Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The report is an anecdotal study from the place of origin of the virus, Wuhan, China. It is not peer reviewed.
I would say it is a hint that needs to be studied but I doubt much will come from it.

The study did go on to mention that Yssup Rider is a pig, though - so it is not totally without merit.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 10:03 AM
L-17 - I strenuously disagree with your stand on vaccines.

Hwever, your post above is spot on correct!
LSM perverted a recommendation for study of the drug - and try to blame trump with inflammatory rhetoric as a "murderer" - for two idiots who poisoned themselves.
Typical LSM.
bambino's Avatar
why dont you go visit new york city and see how long the lines are

good post, you sound real educated Originally Posted by Missburger
And you do? NY is far in away the hardest hit State in the country. He wasn’t talking about them, he was talking about Texas. NY has over 30,000 cases, the next closest is NJ with 2500 cases. It falls off drastically from there. So, in most parts of the country, hospitals aren’t crushed. They’re not in Pittsburgh.
L-17 - I strenuously disagree with your stand on vaccines.

Hwever, your post above is spot on correct!
LSM perverted a recommendation for study of the drug - and try to blame trump with inflammatory rhetoric as a "murderer" - for two idiots who poisoned themselves.
Typical LSM. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes, I agree vaccines are a good idea when manufactured and handled properly.

I would think they were even better if they were made in the USA and have US level quality control procedures followed.