govt shut down - missing anything ?

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Either I'm boardman or I'm not. I'm right or I'm wrong. I'm brilliant or I'm simple. Which is it? One minute you're giving up but your hubris forces you keep coming back, you just can't control it.

You play both sides of the fence better than a RINO. I'm going to start calling you Mitt Romney because you've been played and exposed for the fraud you are.
Bow to the master...LMAO. I honestly can't remember the last time I foul hooked two tards on one leader. Originally Posted by boardman
boardman's Avatar
Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Approval rating higher than Obama by 4 points at the same time in his Presidency.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I don't care about politics, or propaganda....

It feeds you one thing, and feeds the other side another..

I can pull one saying his approval rating is low, but I don't give 2 shyts about this circus show..simple minded 101

^ what sets me apart from folks like you is my ability to love all people like the Apostle Paul once said and like Jesus once lived. ;-)

You scream till your lungs are sore but only an ignorant person would believe you...besides I sleep with girls that have NBA policies and I have a ton of white liberal and conservative friends. ;-) hard to imagine huh? Well of course it is if you were born in the 40's 50's or 60's

I get tired of Trumpian ignorance that's all. I'm not trying to change your beliefs and you dam sho ain't changing my world view because unlike most of you I've actually lived in and seen diversity in other countries...I can appreciate and disdain my country at the same time. BB you follow me around daily with stalker creepy like tendencies but in reality I feel sorry for're clearly stuck in a bygone era of twisted morality which misguides your thinking...I get it BB it's hard for old guys like you to navigate life in the Millennial I understand your plight.

Good bless you BB...take care Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're definitely the MASTER of obfuscation...AKA...BS!!
Three paragraphs and you said...NOTHING...but that's was happens when you have no cogent point!!
Why are you so fearful of people calling you out on your BS and putting you in your place??
That's the kind of behavior one would expect from a child!!
It's just like the LIBS wanting to shut up opposing views
boardman's Avatar
I don't care about politics, or propaganda....

It feeds you one thing, and feeds the other side another..

I can pull one saying his approval rating is low, but I don't give 2 shyts about this circus show..simple minded 101

Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Pull it and prove it then. Saying you can and doing it are two different things.
Anything you pull will show his approval is rising since the SOTU. If he pulls this compromise off the lucky bastard might actually hit 60%.

You say you don't give two shits yet you've posted on this thread alone over 30 times. Hell, that's 20% of all the posts attributed to you. Are you sure you understand what not giving a shit means?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
For someone who doesn't give a shit you sure seem to give a keep coming back for more humiliation. Wait, are you into that kind of kink?

Didn't you need to go stir up some trouble somewhere, cuss some people out, violate some standards or something? How's that RTMing working out for ya?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I'm just glad you stopped writing 10 paragraphs worth of nonsense to get a simple point across. What college did you graduate from again?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
"Boy" bye!

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'm just glad you stopped writing 10 paragraphs worth of nonsense to get a simple point across. What college did you graduate from again? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Trump's University
Champagne Brown's Avatar
For someone who doesn't give a shit you sure seem to give a keep coming back for more humiliation. Wait, are you into that kind of kink?

Didn't you need to go stir up some trouble somewhere, cuss some people out, violate some standards or something? How's that RTMing working out for ya?

Originally Posted by boardman

Just now reading this .

I am by far humiliated, but I will show you what kind of "kink" I'm into..

Photo coming soon, stay tuned..(Very edgy, and never been seen outta me)Chains coming to a city near you..

I don't hit RTMs I can hold my own, I wish the rules didn't apply for me, as
like yourself.. I would smooth cuss you out, and make the "real" boardman feel it, and turn over in his grave

like I said I don't argue with the dead.

You want me to put a name on who you are though, I'm sure folks already know who you are with everything being said..?
I'm just glad you stopped writing 10 paragraphs worth of nonsense to get a simple point across. What college did you graduate from again? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You write one word or ten paragraphs...all complete nonsense...but if you had your would insulate yourself from being called out on your NONSENSE..
Boardman or no one else is childish like you...FUCKING GROW UP!!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Trump's University Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
I forgot about Trump U...

In his own words he really loves his followers.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

like I said I don't argue with the dead Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I forgot about Trump U...

In his own words he really loves his followers.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel