Who’s the biggest hate group in the USA?

the biggest hate group?

has to be the progressive socialist left

more of them than the kkk, another dim hate group
probably only 5,000 or less kkk members

when a member of the left discusses something with a conservative, the conservative listens and responds

but if that same progressive has doubts about some feeling a progressive group holds, I dare say they are fearful of voicing those doubts

if the new york times or alan dershowitz or any other left leaning person or organization steps out of line or voices some less than orthodox view, watch out

leftists explode in outburst of emotional hostility

they want to fuck free speech, boycott business, harass people, violently attack others when in numbers, accept no election as valid that isn't to their liking and they a liars with a purpose

there is no question as to the answer here

the left's hatreds and intolerances have few bounds
novacain's Avatar
The question is for what group hates the most....

Not who is hated the most. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
If you feel that you are hated, must suck to be you, you should look into why it is you feel that way.
Oh and white males are still the biggest hate group.
lustylad's Avatar
If you feel that you are hated, must suck to be you, you should look into why it is you feel that way.
Oh and white males are still the biggest hate group. Originally Posted by novacain
So which group are you in - the hater or the hated?
novacain's Avatar
So which group are you in - the hater or the hated? Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
neither. Originally Posted by novacain
Per your analysis there are only two groups - white males and everyone else. If you're in neither you must be a fucking bot.

It must suck to be you, bot-boy.

Last time I checked the Dali Lama was a white male. He is the opposite of a hater. You need to join a monastery in Tibet, if you can find one that will accept libtard bots.

Don't forget to apply your preparation-H lip balm before you lick any more assholes today.
novacain's Avatar
Per your analysis there are only two groups - white males and everyone else. If you're in neither you must be a fucking bot.

It must suck to be you, bot-boy. Originally Posted by lustylad
No that's per your assumption of how I see it. I never said ALL white males, I only said they make up the biggest hate group out there. I'm not in that group, I don't hate as there is zero point to it and achieves nothing.
novacain's Avatar

Last time I checked the Dali Lama was a white male. He is the opposite of a hater. You need to join a monastery in Tibet, if you can find one that will accept libtard bots.

Don't forget to apply your preparation-H lip balm before you lick any more assholes today. Originally Posted by lustylad
Awww, are we mad, did I hit a nerve? Don't blame me if you feel you are in the biggest group, you might need to look in the mirror about that.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't hate as there is zero point to it and achieves nothing. Originally Posted by novacain
Glad to hear you're not a hater. That means you view yourself as one of the hated, so maybe you ought to take your own advice:

If you feel that you are hated, must suck to be you, you should look into why it is you feel that way. Originally Posted by novacain
lustylad's Avatar
Awww, are we mad, did I hit a nerve? Don't blame me if you feel you are in the biggest group, you might need to look in the mirror about that. Originally Posted by novacain
??? Who's mad? I just gave you advice on how to find inner peace and serenity. Feel free to ask His Holiness the Dali Lama for help.
novacain's Avatar
Glad to hear you're not a hater. That means you view yourself as one of the hated, so maybe you ought to take your own advice: Originally Posted by lustylad
Please do refrain from saddling me with your issue of feeling hated. I know it's easy to want to be others to be part of your group so that you don't feel alone in your misery, I feel no hate from society nor do I have the time to care if they do, I guess I'm just not that weak.

??? Who's mad? I just gave you advice on how to find inner peace and serenity. Feel free to ask His Holiness the Dali Lama for help. Originally Posted by lustylad
I question how you can advise me on how to fine that which I already have and clearly you do not. Seems you are the one needing that advice, hope he can help you and the time with which to do so.
lustylad's Avatar
I never said ALL white males, I only said they make up the biggest hate group out there. Originally Posted by novacain

Biggest Hate Group in the USA...... white males. Originally Posted by novacain
Oh and white males are still the biggest hate group. Originally Posted by novacain
Did you know human beings make up the biggest hate group? I don't mean ALL human beings, just the ones who hate.
novacain's Avatar
Well latest world population by gender puts it as 50.4% males and 49.6% females so...…
My statement still stands.

lustylad's Avatar
I question how you can advise me on how to fine (sic) that which I already have... Originally Posted by novacain
You're a self-described hemorrhoid. So you've found inner peace snuggling in other people's assholes? Your mother must be very proud.
novacain's Avatar
Grasping at straws now are we?
lustylad's Avatar
Well latest world population by gender puts it as 50.4% males and 49.6% females so...…
My statement still stands.

http://www.worldometers.info/world-p...gender-age.php Originally Posted by novacain
??? You're losing it, nova-pain. You are completely lacking in logic, wit and enlightenment.

Grasping at straws now are we? Originally Posted by novacain
No, but you're obviously a waste of time and effort. You couldn't debate your way out of a Venn Diagram, if you even knew what that is.