Gun Grabbers listen up

chefnerd's Avatar
You do realize, however, that while California Governor, Reagan did sign laws authorizing the California Coastal Commission and City/County Public Employee Unions.
chefnerd's Avatar
And now for a totally different note, it appears that a PEW study (I believe that would be one of those liberal groups) has shown that firearm violence is down sharply over the last two decades. Sort of puts a dent in the gun control advocates arguments I would think.
Check out a real American Patriot...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Bumping your own posts.

I suppose you need something to do after sucking the dick of every nra member that asked (and even those who didn't ask and just took).

Get back to us and let us know how shitting out a gallon of cum was.

Oh wait! What was I thinking?

The douche-bag would use a douche-bag.