Trump insults John McCain - Says Heros Don't Get Captured

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Kerry was a rich kid who could have easily gotten out of the war like say. . .GW Bush and Dick Cheney. Im not questioning Mccains war record or GHW Bushs war record because im not a sorry cunt. I can disagree with a war heros political stance like a level headed adult... its a shame you cant. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Another myth. Let's take Al Gore Jr. He knew he couldn't sit out a war and run for office later. He enlisted, yes, enlisted. He got some strings pulled to get into correspondent school after the clock on his 12 months had started. So his in country clock was counting while he was in New Jersey. When he got to Vietnam with four months left he had two bodyguards (he was a sergeant) who followed him everywhere.

Lyndon Johnson was a congressman when World War II broke out. He resigned his congressional seat and got a commission in the Navy. He got it personally from FDR. He was sent to Australia to speak to MacArthur. He went to a couple of bases to look and see. He returned home to Texas, resigned his commission just in time to run for his congressional seat in a special election. He became a war hero with the "package" he got from his very short time in the Navy.

For the record, GW Bush flew the F-106 in the guard. It was known as a widow maker as it was very touchy. Guard units went to Vietnam. Being in a guard unit did not guarantee that you got to stay in the US. The Air Force decided to retire the F-106 AFTER Bush joined the guard. You won't believe that Obama's mom decided to set it up in 1961 so her son could some day run for president but you will believe that Bush had things set up 30 years before he ran for president.
JEB just "swiftboated" Kerry again.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A new poll gives the Donald the edge over the swollen gland. So I guess this whole OP is discredited.
A new poll gives the Donald the edge over the swollen gland. So I guess this whole OP is discredited. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The poll was not conducted by Breitbart. It was reported by Breitbart. Do you always have trouble with reality?
The poll was not conducted by Breitbart. It was reported by Breitbart. Do you always have trouble with reality? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Breitbart is the one that has reality troubles, not me.
lustylad's Avatar
Breitbart Originally Posted by WombRaider

The poll was not conducted by Breitbart. It was reported by Breitbart. Do you always have trouble with reality? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JD, you have to cut the freelance faggot from Arkansas a little slack here. You see, he tried to take courses in polling methodology and statistics at Dogpatch Community College but he flunked them all. So we shouldn't expect him to be able to evaluate or speak intelligently about sample size, bias, random selection, margin of error or any of those other confusing metrics that professionals look at to ensure that a poll is "scientific" and accurate. It's all WAY over the sewer rat's head. So he has to dismiss the source out of hand because he is evidently too stupid to identify specific flaws in methodology.

JD, you have to cut the freelance faggot from Arkansas a little slack here. You see, he tried to take courses in polling methodology and statistics at Dogpatch Community College but he flunked them all. So we shouldn't expect him to be able to evaluate or speak intelligently about sample size, bias, random selection, margin of error or any of those other confusing metrics that professionals look at to ensure that a poll is "scientific" and accurate. It's all WAY over the sewer rat's head. So he has to dismiss the source out of hand because he is evidently too stupid to identify specific flaws in methodology.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Did you follow it through to the original story by Mrs. Frankovic?

"In fact, although Trump’s favorable ratings among Republicans have declined, he is still ahead – and far ahead – when Republicans are asked to choose among the 16 currently announced candidates."

So, he's still ahead, but losing ground. And after his comments on Messicans, this occurred:

"This week, however, Trump’s favorable ratings dropped 11 points, and his unfavorable rating has risen 15 points."

That's a net loss of four percent. Even a dumbass like you can figure that shit out. And here's the real story, that JD never mentioned, Rubio is the real winner here.

"Florida Senator Marco Rubio is now the best-liked GOP candidate. 63% of Republicans view Rubio favorably, and just 17% are unfavorable."

And this little nugget:

"Trump’s 42% unfavorable rating from Republicans is the highest negative rating given to a GOP contender from partisans"

You can waltz in and drop polling terms out of your pocket, it just serves to make you look like a bigger douchenugget.
lustylad's Avatar
Did you follow it through to the original story by Mrs. Frankovic?

"This week, however, Trump’s favorable ratings dropped 11 points, and his unfavorable rating has risen 15 points."

That's a net loss of four percent. Even a dumbass like you can figure that shit out....

You can waltz in and drop polling terms out of your pocket, it just serves to make you look like a bigger douchenugget. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Wow. You just demonstrated once again how you have zero comprehension when it comes to understanding polls.

But I will give you another chance to flaunt your cluelessness.

What numbers are you "netting" against each other when you say "that's a net loss of four percent"? What NET number changed - and from what to what?

southtown4488's Avatar
Another myth. Let's take Al Gore Jr. He knew he couldn't sit out a war and run for office later. He enlisted, yes, enlisted. He got some strings pulled to get into correspondent school after the clock on his 12 months had started. So his in country clock was counting while he was in New Jersey. When he got to Vietnam with four months left he had two bodyguards (he was a sergeant) who followed him everywhere.

Lyndon Johnson was a congressman when World War II broke out. He resigned his congressional seat and got a commission in the Navy. He got it personally from FDR. He was sent to Australia to speak to MacArthur. He went to a couple of bases to look and see. He returned home to Texas, resigned his commission just in time to run for his congressional seat in a special election. He became a war hero with the "package" he got from his very short time in the Navy.

For the record, GW Bush flew the F-106 in the guard. It was known as a widow maker as it was very touchy. Guard units went to Vietnam. Being in a guard unit did not guarantee that you got to stay in the US. The Air Force decided to retire the F-106 AFTER Bush joined the guard. You won't believe that Obama's mom decided to set it up in 1961 so her son could some day run for president but you will believe that Bush had things set up 30 years before he ran for president. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So Gore enlisted because he knew he couldn't run for office later, yet GW guarded the Alabama coast against the vietcong hahaha, and Chenney got deferrments to dodge the war and both still ran for office later. U don't make sense.

You downplay Gore voluntarily enlisting and actually being in Vietnam during the war as a member of the military. and u sadly attempt to drum up GWs avoidance of the war as some sort of brave act. . FAIL. this is how Republicans "support" the troops, by shitting on the service of anyone who they disagree with politically.
southtown4488's Avatar
Heres the crux of the issue here . . . to those of you that are shitting on the military service of Kerry and Mccain - If these two politicians held the exact same political opinions as you do would you still be shitting on their military record? I think we all know the answer to that question. Cunts.
Wow. You just demonstrated once again how you have zero comprehension when it comes to understanding polls.

But I will give you another chance to flaunt your cluelessness.

What numbers are you "netting" against each other when you say "that's a net loss of four percent"? What NET number changed - and from what to what?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me spell it out for you, numbnuts. The week of July 13, his favorable was 64 percent. His unfavorable was 27 percent. The next week, his favorable had dropped to 53 percent, and his unfavorable had risen to 42 percent. That's a 26 point drop. His net rating dropped from +37 to +11. There's your 26 point drop. Anything else, shitstain?
Heres the crux of the issue here . . . to those of you that are shitting on the military service of Kerry and Mccain - If these two politicians held the exact same political opinions as you do would you still be shitting on their military record? I think we all know the answer to that question. Cunts. Originally Posted by southtown4488
No, of course they wouldn't. The truth of the matter is that those who are pushing for war are most often those who never saw it. Say what you want about Kerry, but he went and he served. So did McCain.
lustylad's Avatar
That's a net loss of four percent. Even a dumbass like you can figure that shit out.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Let me spell it out for you, numbnuts.... That's a 26 point drop.... Anything else, shitstain? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yep. Now explain how you looked at the same poll and all of a sudden the net change went from 4 points to 26 points.... was that some kind of statistical fluke or you just don't know how to read polls?
