funny pic...share yours

shagnthor's Avatar
Im a fan of Big Bad Wolves Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I fit that description.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I can get one Papa Joe LOL!

DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooo hot!!!!

PAPA JOE's Avatar
SNL as little red riding hood and Dee as alice !!!! ..... dayum !!!!


....... i think i like the direction this thread is heading !!!

Sweet N Little's Avatar

Corndog anyone
shagnthor's Avatar

Another from my bud Ben.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
LMAO !! love 'em !!

shagnthor's Avatar
Here's another artist worth knowing. The prodigious, Armando Huerta.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
pocket puss, with a hymen?

DallasRain's Avatar
shagnthor's Avatar

Last one from Ben. Goldilocks. I doubt there are any bad girls 'round here.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
i see why the cheshire cat is smiling ...

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sweet N Little's Avatar
throwing some funny in

chicken anyone?
PAPA JOE's Avatar
............ i could be a zombie , i want that too !!!
and i love chicken ... i love to go to sleep at night with a breast in each hand, laying between to thighs !!!

i guess you know where my mind is today ...