Selling murdered baby parts for profit and other connected things

Now you're using the words of the people that have got caught lying and have a real good motive to continue to lie.

When you were a woman....what did you look like? Did you have to have any cosmetic surgery at the same time you got Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I used the words from the video you posted!
Speaking of surgery, remember the time you were blowing me and told me about you being born blind?
And I asked how did they fix your eyes? That was when you told me you had the "surgery". I asked what surgery?
You said after you denounced being a Jew and became a racist Klansman you found a surgeon that gave adult circumcisions.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sad, really sad. I guess it is okay that they allow the handicapped access to the Internet but it can become tedious for the rest of us when people like Banana Sling post drivel.

Why not get back to the OP....oops! You've been proven wrong again. This did happen, PP is making money off death, and they belong to you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You continue to distort, exaggerate and lie, JDrunk.

If you want to talk about making money off of death, then look no further than the industrial-military complex you worship. Explain that, liar!

Your latest post has put you in a corner from which there is no escape. You're done on this one JDrunk!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let me ask as some questions...Are you Pro Choice? Are you against medical research on something that will be thrown away? Are you for people taking quotes out of context to try and defund PPH ? Originally Posted by WTF
I am pro-choice, as I have stated repeatedly on here. I support medical research. I support defunding Planned Parenthood, as most genuine Libertarians do. I don't support coercing women to donate their embryos for later sale by PPH. If they want to donate, then donate. Don't sell.
lustylad's Avatar
Are you really so stupid, or just desperate, to realize that 41 weeks is 10 months! A pregnancy is 9 months moron. I think you just put your own head in the noose and kicked the trap. Good riddance! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
SMDH in disbelief.... 41-week pregnancies.... yeah, that's what we're talking about here....

Posters like slingblade make me feel like a fool for assuming I am talking to an educated, rational human being who is capable of intelligent debate.
lustylad's Avatar
Are you for people taking quotes out of context to try and defund PPH ? Originally Posted by WTF

"Out of context"? What possible context would make it morally acceptable to "harvest" fetal organs? Anyone who can watch the original video (of the PP staffer stuffing her face with salad and wine while she callously explains the procedure) and not be sickened by it is morally dead.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 11:49 AM
I am pro-choice, as I have stated repeatedly on here. I support medical research. I support defunding Planned Parenthood, as most genuine Libertarians do. I don't support coercing women to donate their embryos for later sale by PPH. If they want to donate, then donate. Don't sell. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you for your reply.
Nobody said anything about coercion.
PPH can only charge for the extra cost to actually harvest , maintain and ship the embryonic cells.
While on a ideal setting i would agree that PPH should not receive funding from the government, until the welfare state is completely defunded then i think it cheaper to continue funding PPH instead of funding all the unwanted kids PPH takes care of not only with abortion but contraceptives.

Thanks again for not acting like the asshole you usually do.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 11:51 AM
"Out of context"? What possible context would make it morally acceptable to "harvest" fetal organs? Anyone who can watch the original video (of the PP staffer stuffing her face with salad and wine while she callously explains the procedure) and not be sickened by it is morally dead. Originally Posted by lustylad
You sound just like the Fur coat haters and vegetarians crying about how a god damn chicken is killed.
LexusLover's Avatar
You sound just like the Fur coat haters and vegetarians crying about how a god damn chicken is killed. Originally Posted by WTF
God doesn't damn chickens.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF is comparing a dead chicken to a dead baby? That explains a whole lot about him.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 01:23 PM
God doesn't damn chickens. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tell that to these Chicken body parts!

Any of you eat Veal?

LexusLover's Avatar
Tell that to these Chicken body parts!
Originally Posted by WTF
Does saying grace right before the crust comes off count?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 02:37 PM
WTF is comparing a dead chicken to a dead baby? That explains a whole lot about him. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
lustyladyboy was disgusted with the conversation ... evidently he thinks things like this need to be discussed in hushed tones followed by prayers!

It is tissue headed for the dumpster...why not harvest it for medical research?

Like I said, I get that you boys think all abortion why the fuck are you making a big stink about this? It is no different from your POV than any other abortion. Quit acting like if they did not use the tissue for medical research , you'd be ok with abortions. Jesus

LexusLover's Avatar
Quit acting like if they did not use the tissue for medical research , you'd be ok with abortions. Originally Posted by WTF
Please avoid distorting the "point" ....

Congress has already addressed "the issue" regarding the varying of the process to facilitate the marketing of the "tissue" .. as you carefully refer to it..... when they delay the harvesting until the "tissue" has grown to recognizable organs and modify the procedures to assure the "organs" are protected in the extraction process.

On another note ... passing off "costs" of shipping "and handling" as "expenses" when they have a potential of being marked up to a profit level is a "pea in the shell" game.... not to mention the informal arrangement of a "charitable contribution" to assure a reliable flow of "tissue" for the donor, who welcomes paying the "extra" shipping and handling, which is passed on to the family of the recipient of the "tissue."

If you want to know how that all works ... and Hillary and Bill.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-22-2015, 03:26 PM
Please avoid distorting the "point" ....

Congress has already addressed "the issue" regarding the varying of the process to facilitate the marketing of the "tissue" .. as you carefully refer to it..... when they delay the harvesting until the "tissue" has grown to recognizable organs and modify the procedures to assure the "organs" are protected in the extraction process.

On another note ... passing off "costs" of shipping "and handling" as "expenses" when they have a potential of being marked up to a profit level is a "pea in the shell" game.... not to mention the informal arrangement of a "charitable contribution" to assure a reliable flow of "tissue" for the donor, who welcomes paying the "extra" shipping and handling, which is passed on to the family of the recipient of the "tissue."

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have the potential to be an Ax murder....

The video I saw had PPH explicitly stating that a contract needed to be signed. That hardly seems like a pea in the shell game. The second tape said nothing about delaying the abortion. It said first trimester. You are the one distorting.

Look, I get it , many think abortion is murder. I respect that. Do not agree but wtf ever , if that is what you believe , it is what you believe. My question is why are you making a big thing out of this? You act as if the donation of tissue is the main issue you have with abortion when in fact it is really to shut down all abortion.

It is like Gun Control....some folks do not want to give up any liberty to gun control advocates. Same difference.