ADIOS, AMERICA.............

  • shanm
  • 06-10-2015, 10:54 AM
Now joan rivers was scathingly funny and conservative and told it like it was, which is reminiscent of ann coulter Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ok I'd rather not argue this further until you get a simple point through your head. Fuck knows I've said this in plain-as-day language at least 5 separate times.

There is a difference between liberalism and some of it's factions.

I've already agreed with you that there are some factions of liberalism that want to place limits on humor. Muslims, feminists, gays etc etc, they all form that side of a political party. But that would be like making Jesus jokes to a Jehovah's witness.
The thing is, you're the one constantly confusing the fact that I am talking about political leanings when I am not.
I am talking about following the liberal ideology vs the conservative one. Louis C.K, Daniel Tosh, Bill Burr, Kevin Hart, all the actually good(operative word, DSK) comedians are also liberals. Do they filter themselves? Of course not. Look at our TV shows (south park, TDS, Tosh, K&P), look at any form of comedy on TV, it is produced overwhelmingly by liberals. Hollywood is liberal, and that is where most of our movies come from. All I am saying is: If conservatives were the ones who were actually "humorous", as you say, then we would see them at the forefront and not liberals.

The fact that you choose to ignore that and instead focus on some extreme factions whose political leanings seem to be liberal is disingenuous at best; you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of. I asked you last time: why don't you focus on what conservative humor has brought to us and compare it with liberal humor. If we'd followed the conservative outline the word 'shit' would never have been said on TV. Very un-Jesus like, you see. Conservatism is pro forma, it's timid and reserved. Nothing about it would've broken the barriers of vulgarity that we're accustomed to with TV nowadays.
I think some here keep missing your point. Which isn't about comedy, but is about the intolerance on the left that leads to censorship (and worse). An ideology that places so much emphasis on not offending; by definition rejects irreverence and freedom of expression......recent experience tells us those kinds of freedoms aren't tolerated on the left, unless you are bashing Palin, et al.

Now joan rivers was scathingly funny and conservative and told it like it was, which is reminiscent of ann coulter

Jackie mason as conservative as they come, and many more

and on the other side the crassness and meanness of bill mahr or david letterman has never been particularly funny but the leanings of comedians was never the point

sad to say but liberalism will edit your jokes especially as they approach inconvenient truth, although my point was not about that

the strait jacketed, awful pc-ness of the humorless ideology known as liberalism was the point , with its forced compliance and speech limiting bans of other views and its Robespierre-like inquiries tossing truth aside in favor of political wins

liberalism at its completeness, is a freedom and liberty limiting police state Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Ok I'd rather not argue this further until you get a simple point through your head. Fuck knows I've said this in plain-as-day language at least 5 separate times.

There is a difference between liberalism and some of it's factions.

I've already agreed with you that there are some factions of liberalism that want to place limits on humor. Muslims, feminists, gays etc etc, they all form that side of a political party. But that would be like making Jesus jokes to a Jehovah's witness.
The thing is, you're the one constantly confusing the fact that I am talking about political leanings when I am not.
I am talking about following the liberal ideology vs the conservative one. Louis C.K, Daniel Tosh, Bill Burr, Kevin Hart, all the actually good(operative word, DSK) comedians are also liberals. Do they filter themselves? Of course not. Look at our TV shows (south park, TDS, Tosh, K&P), look at any form of comedy on TV, it is produced overwhelmingly by liberals. Hollywood is liberal, and that is where most of our movies come from. All I am saying is: If conservatives were the ones who were actually "humorous", as you say, then we would see them at the forefront and not liberals.

The fact that you choose to ignore that and instead focus on some extreme factions whose political leanings seem to be liberal is disingenuous at best; you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of. I asked you last time: why don't you focus on what conservative humor has brought to us and compare it with liberal humor. If we'd followed the conservative outline the word 'shit' would never have been said on TV. Very un-Jesus like, you see. Conservatism is pro forma, it's timid and reserved. Nothing about it would've broken the barriers of vulgarity that we're accustomed to with TV nowadays. Originally Posted by shanm
what you don't seem to get is I was the one who made a comment which you attacked

not the reverse,,,

you countered my post with the claim comedians were liberal.. proving, to you, that liberals were not humorless, when that wasn't the point

ever after you are the one who is off kilter

the closest you have come to the point is to agree that the factions of the democrat party are humorless but we are not to look at those factions, why, I have no idea

why would I get into some idiotic tit for tat list of comedians and their relative merits and their supposed true political leanings (some conservatives might hide their leanings for fear of retaliation) with you when that wasn't my point. if you wish to do that fine , I wasn't talking about who had more or funnier comedians

my point is and remains, liberalism is a humorless wicked political philosophy, not that there aren't comedians who consider themselves liberal
  • shanm
  • 06-10-2015, 01:19 PM
what you don't seem to get is I was the one who made a comment which you attacked

not the reverse,,,

you countered my post with the claim comedians were liberal.. proving, to you, that liberals were not humorless, when that wasn't the point

ever after you are the one who is off kilter

the closest you have come to the point is to agree that the factions of the democrat party are humorless but we are not to look at those factions, why, I have no idea

why would I get into some idiotic tit for tat list of comedians and their relative merits and their supposed true political leanings (some conservatives might hide their leanings for fear of retaliation) with you when that wasn't my point. if you wish to do that fine , I wasn't talking about who had more or funnier comedians

my point is and remains, liberalism is a humorless wicked political philosophy, not that there aren't comedians who consider themselves liberal Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Jesus Christ, this is going no where. Mostly because you can't focus on anything that is said to you.

I never said that just because comedians consider themselves liberal, liberalism must, by extension, be humorous. I am telling you that liberalism as the ideology has made the most forays into comedy and the humor we currently enjoy. The comedians and TV shows that I pointed out are just proof that I have and you do not. The formality and pusillanimity in conservatism automatically makes it non-humorous. You can say a lot of words but until you can back it up with examples of where and how conservationism has been exceedingly humorous, there is nothing you can actually prove to anyone.
You might have to go back to the black-face days to when conservatives actually pushed the boundaries of humor, and we all know how "hilarious" that was.
[QUOTE=shanm;1056821696] Mostly because you can't focus on anything that is said to you.

you finally said something right, I did not, am not and wont focus on what my point wasnt
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Bob Hope was a Republican.
  • shanm
  • 06-10-2015, 01:59 PM
you finally said something right, I did not, am not and wont focus on what my point wasnt Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
"I am not focus on what my point wasn't"?

You are funny
"I am not focus on what my point wasn't"?

You are funny Originally Posted by shanm
you are absurd

deflecting from your idiocy to try to feel smug and laugh at a typo...or a syntax thing? does that make you feel important?
  • shanm
  • 06-10-2015, 03:41 PM
you are absurd

deflecting from your idiocy to try to feel smug and laugh at a typo...or a syntax thing? does that make you feel important? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
My "idiocy"?

Don't make me laugh. It's your inability to follow an argument, back up any of your drivel with actual verifiable evidence and your rampant use of non-sequitur that makes this argument a foregone conclusion.

You can use a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. It's like watching a child pretending to be a grown-up.
Bob Hope was a Republican. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I figured you were 75 plus, now I'm sure of it. Hope was a fucking retrogade turd. I see why you like him so much, being a retrograde fuckstick yourself.

"Bob Hope was the establishment. Bob Hope was friends with Nixon. Bob Hope was speaking in favor of the [Vietnam] War. Bob Hope was expressing that kind of backward, suburban, WASP view of minorities, homosexuals, the women's movement. Even his comments on the women's movement were very condescending. He did a special in the '70s on the women's movement and it was so silly, so backward. And [in his act] the woman who had some big political office was dusting the chairs in between her meetings. It was just awful. He got mail ... from feminists.

He was clueless at that time. That was why that generation of comedians turned off to him. ... It's hard to be [a] comedian and be part of the establishment because comedians, their job is to satirize and to poke fun at the powerful people. And this is something that Bob was — one of the powerful people. So just as a comedian, he became less and less relevant."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Penn Jillette is a libertarian. How old am I now?
Penn Jillette is a libertarian. How old am I now? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's also an atheist. And it means you're an old fuck who can manage to use google.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jeff Foxworthy is a republican. Now how old am I?
Jeff Foxworthy is a republican. Now how old am I? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's not funny... and, old enough that you need metamucil to ward off the whiskey shits.