I asked you to quote the verse in the Koran that says Muslims must cut off the heads of infidels because I will show how you clearly took that one verse out of context when their are verses before and after that one which clearly tells you what that verse was in reference to it doesn't mean what you and others have stated and again not a Muslim just talking the truth.
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Out of context, you say? That's why they've been chopping off heads for the past 1500+ years? That's why Muslim scholars like Bin Ladin and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. both of whom know more about Islam than you ever will, still practices decapitation? And I don't give a shit if you are a Muslim. You have repeatedly proven you are criminally stupid and apologetic towards what is clearly an evil religion. You have yet to prove to me why it isn't.
You are the same guy that when I showed you no less then 10 barbaric verses from the bible that talks about slaughtering children babies and even ripping open pregnant women you say oh that's not from the bible it's from the Old Testament ( your words paraphrased)
And when did Netenyahu go around telling people to cut out children from pregnant women? How about slaughtering children? Both in the name of God? When was the last time you saw a Jew go around doing anything as barbaric? Contrast this to what is going on right now in the Middle East, both ISIS as well as other regions. And when in the flying FUCK, did I say it wasn't from the Bible? I said it's from the Old Testament, therefore, irrelevant to the New Testament, which is about the New Covenant. if we were to take both the old and the new at the same time as the central theology, Jesus would be both the savior and not the savior. You clearly have no fucking clue about Judaism and Christianity. Go read a fucking book. Or better yet, register for the Religion class in DCCCD. It's a good outline of the differences between various religions.
yet every Bible I read begins with Genesis and ends with Revelations - do you AOI have a special bible that doesn't began and end with the said books I just mentioned ?
Yes. Every BIble does have Genesis and Revelelations. Congrat-u-fucking-lation. You read the first page of the Bible and the last page! Now, tell me when the fuck did I say anything about a special Bible? Good lord, if you're going to set up a straw man, at least make one that doesn't look as stupid as you!
Do you know any denominaton that doesn't reach out of both the old and New Testament ?
Do you know any denomination of Christianity that doesn't acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah because He wasn't mentioned in the Old Testament? Answer : No. And you don't know shit about religion.
You are a bigot and you have the nerve to call yourself a Christian.
List one that that I said was bigoted. I'm calling a religion that calls for throwing off gays from buildings, burning people alive, genitally mutilating women, raping women, then killing said women, decapitating children, believing that killing many will send you to heaven, and is constantly in the center of terrorism as well as genocide, evil.
Yet you say Islam is evil.
Because it is.
You must didn't read the verse in the New Testament where Your savior Jesus was preaching to Sammarites and they were rejecting his teachings basically trying to run him out of town - one of the disciples asked Jesus should they command fire to come down from the heavens and smite the samaratians- read Luke 9:54-57 and learn by example mr good Christian.
Jesus also said to carry a sword to protect yourself. And I never said I was a good Christian. I'm merely calling a spade, a spade. An evil religion, an evil religion. There has been no belief system, Christian or secular, or Jewish, that has the body count of Islam. Fact.
Now, prove to me why the fuck you don't think Islam isn't evil, when historically, they have done nothing but fuck things up for everyone else.