He's Gonna Walk...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-13-2013, 04:40 PM
If George wouldn't have had a firearm would he had been killed by Trayvon Martin? If so would it be because George was in an impossible situation or because George just didn't know what to do to suppress the attack? Originally Posted by acp5762

no (IMO)


in the back of my mind I have "he walks"

regardless of the verdict, he didn't have to kill the kid ... too many options
No decision yet ; not good for Zimmerman?

WTF does this mean ?

the jury has ordered dinner, so there is speculation that they may be closing in on a verdict and intend to finish tonight.
Heard a psychologist today speaking on what might be going through the jurors heads, all women, and she was a woman so don't kill the messenger.

She posed a few questions and then debated the subject, it went something like this.

How many women in the world are victims of domestic or non-domestic abuse/beating? Hundreds of thousands? How many of those women pick up a gun, shoot, and kill their abusers? Very, very, very few. How many of them even report the abusers to the police, or even leave?

She went on to explain that women or not hardwired, as men are, when it comes to taking up arms or using violence to solve a problem or as self defense. In a nutshell, Zimmerman may very well be screwed unless they take the orders from the judge as strictly as they are put to them, and don't wander off into all the emotional if, ands, or buts.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
My bet is hung jury on Monday.
The question the jury has sent out on the manslaughter count shows that the 2nd degree murder charge is off the table. Not surprising.

It's good to see the jury spending some time considering/weighing the evidence. Whichever way it goes, that is always a positive sign that the system is working the way it is supposed to work.
The question the jury has sent out on the manslaughter count shows that the 2nd degree murder charge is off the table. Not surprising.

It's good to see the jury spending some time considering/weighing the evidence. Whichever way it goes, that is always a positive sign that the system is working the way it is supposed to work. Originally Posted by timpage
I heard the jury was asking for clarification on Manslaughter, So 2nd Deg Murder is most likely not on their minds. I agree, I am also glad the jury isn't jumping to a quick verdict, instead giving everything consideration before coming to a final decision.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-13-2013, 06:42 PM
I heard the jury was asking for clarification on Manslaughter, So 2nd Deg Murder is most likely not on their minds. I agree, I am also glad the jury isn't jumping to a quick verdict, instead giving everything consideration before coming to a final decision. Originally Posted by acp5762

judge told them they needed to be more specific with their question and sent them back to deliberate
judge told them they needed to be more specific with their question and sent them back to deliberate Originally Posted by CJ7
Well the verdict is out. Zimmerman not guilty. By virtue of Florida Law that's the way it should have turned out.
I'M DONE!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
a great victory for truth, justice and the unAmerican way.

Batten down the hatches! Y'all will be dancing in the moonlight tonite!

I'm getting rid of all my hoodies and James Brown CDs NOW!

Fucking idiots...
Batten down the hatches!

I'm getting rid of all my hoodies and James Brown CDs NOW!

Fucking idiots... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
fuck you ass wipe the man was not guilty
Don't watch Fox. Go to MSNbc and watch the melt down...LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
fuck you ass wipe the man was not guilty Originally Posted by gary5912
Well thats what the recods shows, Judge Judy.

The man shot and killed a 17 year unarmed kid.

Justice was served.

Fuck you back, redneck.
Well thats what the recods shows, Judge Judy.

The man shot and killed a 17 year unarmed kid.

Justice was served.

Fuck you back, redneck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
ass wipe famous quote snick
Lol, the prosecutor is so pissed, groveling, crying, and yelling at the reporters. Thank god we have jury's of our peers to protect us from people like this.