Board personas and the hobby...

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Some people get it. Some don't.
surcher's Avatar
Some people get it. Some don't. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Some people are assholes, most aren't.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Some people are assholes, most aren't. Originally Posted by surcher
And some people work very hard at being assholes on here.
Yeah yeah yeah, there may be assholes on here but who cares, does it really make that much of a difference? The board is still great for business, info exchange, and it's pretty entertaining with or without the assholes so bitching about them isn't going to change anything. Some of you'd do better just accepting it for what it is and move on...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You mean like how some should accept others for how they are and move on?
You mean like how some should accept others for how they are and move on? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yes, instead of constantly questioning people who are quite clearly not going to change..
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Absolutely... course we know that will never happen...... On either side of the fence.
cinderbella's Avatar
The primary motivating factor is childhood abuse, humiliation and neglect. Plain and simple, the assholes and trolls who post the filth polluting their empty minds and hearts is an act of revenge.

It's a perpetuating cycle, and similar to a drug addiction. When these problem troll posters spew forth, they feel "normal" in a sense. They were never nurtured or cared for properly and they never learned how to feel empathy as a result. The shock they create gives them attention, and believe it or not negative attention in their mind is better than no attention at all. Read Gavin De Becker's book, "The Gift of Fear". He explains this phenomenon with great clarity and insight. The internet
is a great tool for the trolls and bullies. It provides an audience and a never ending supply of attention that they were denied in childhood. If we ignore them, they seek an audience elsewhere.

It's difficult to understand why someone would post such garbage. These people are not normal in any sense and they simply spew forth the hatred and horror they were subjected to in their formative years. There is no understanding the illogical mind, as it does not think in the same manner as a nurtured mind does. Blatant sexual imagry is rather primative and these minds are
attracted to the primative, as they are attracted to the seduction of women and have not received a healthy nurturing relationship with their mother. Female = mother. Sex = nurturing, acceptance and approval. Hence the high amount of men posting here with more time to spend in front of a
computer talking about sex and not really having much of it in real life. Tons of guys are members here and post nothing, hence they tend to be the actual clients and keep the experiences to themselves.
dearhunter's Avatar
I am almost convinced.........keep trying
Wakeup's Avatar
Wow...even the fat, old, out of town ones are getting in on the act...I'm amazingly popular...
cinderbella's Avatar
no, you are simply a legend in your own mind and I'm laughing my fat, old, ugly ass off!!!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Hookers turned psychologists.
What next?
But your right on one count. I'm far from "normal".
rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 09-09-2012, 01:40 AM
CHEAP WHORE, and thanks for the warning. BARF.
Pistolero's Avatar
Some personas are not good ones. Those will find out about it.
pyramider's Avatar
About what?