Mueller Report-Volume ll - Obstruction of justice.

Judge Napolitano: Robert Mueller ‘Would Have Indicted ...

In an interview with Stuart Varney, Napolitano reiterated his previously stated conclusion that Mueller believed President Donald Trump had committed a crime and only did not indict him because of procedural restraints against indicting a sitting president. Originally Posted by themystic
If they won't prosecute because Trump is a sitting President then the whole investigation was for nothing. It's more about character assassination than investigating a crime.
bambino's Avatar
Judge Napolitano: Robert Mueller ‘Would Have Indicted ...

In an interview with Stuart Varney, Napolitano reiterated his previously stated conclusion that Mueller believed President Donald Trump had committed a crime and only did not indict him because of procedural restraints against indicting a sitting president. Originally Posted by themystic
Judge Munster is usually wrong in his conclusions.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Are you still stuck in volume II of the Mueller report? Even he has moved on. Originally Posted by bambino
Actually I’m thinking that the quickest and cleanest impeachment of that fat lying bastard is the extortion of the Ukrainian government by the fat lying bastard and his personal attorney.

All the remaining unanswered questions about the most corrupt administration in modern history can wait.

So I guess I’m moving on also
Jaxson66's Avatar
Gotta link for that, jaxboy? I just googled "former federal prosecutors articles of impeachment" and couldn't find the 3 Articles you posted here. If you're not being stupid and making all of this up, then give us a fucking link!

You're obviously not capable of reading or comprehending what you posted sufficiently to explain why your Article III is an exact duplicate of your Article I.

So just post the fucking link and I'll see if I can figure things out for you. Originally Posted by lustylad
You seem to be under the impression I owe you something...

Here’s your link goofukYa Self.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The vast majority of your so-called "ex-federal prosecutors" are dim-retards, and many of those have direct ties to hildebeest and Odumbo, and a few are on Soros' payroll. All you have is a tainted sack of shit: turds connected to hildebeest, Odumbo and Soros who have no independent thought and only foment discord and the dim party agenda. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

That’s not reality IB, that’s deep state conspiracy lies. The trump party best concentrate on the new crime of extortion or bribery. It ain’t going away!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually I’m thinking that the quickest and cleanest impeachment of that fat lying bastard is the extortion of the Ukrainian government by the fat lying bastard and his personal attorney.

All the remaining unanswered questions about the most corrupt administration in modern history can wait.

So I guess I’m moving on also
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The only jackass on record as "extorting" Ukraine for a quid pro quo exchange is your clown Biden. The Ukrainian ambassador has let it publicly be known that Trump extorted nothing. Your "beliefs" are delusional.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The only jackass on record as "extorting" Ukraine for a quid pro quo exchange is your clown Biden. The Ukrainian ambassador has let it publicly be known that Trump extorted nothing. Your "beliefs" are delusional. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Reuters has not confirmed details of the whistleblower’s complaint. But a source familiar with the matter said it alleged “multiple acts” by Trump, not just a phone call with a foreign leader. The source requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Simple solution, take the manuscript to the House intelligence committee. If the fat lying bastard is innocent of any wrongdoing he should be happy to exonerate
himself. Unlike Mueller.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Reuters has not confirmed details of the whistleblower’s complaint. But a source familiar with the matter said it alleged “multiple acts” by Trump, not just a phone call with a foreign leader. The source requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Simple solution, take the manuscript to the House intelligence committee. If the fat lying bastard is innocent of any wrongdoing he should be happy to exonerate
himself. Unlike Mueller.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You and your sources are bogus. There is no "original" source. All of this bullshit is speculative, hearsay, and the Ukrainian ambassador has stated publicly that anything about "pressure" being applied is a bullshit story. Meanwhile, your boy Biden ADMITTED he extorted the Ukrainians in a quid pro quo exchange.
lustylad's Avatar
You seem to be under the impression I owe you something...

Here’s your link goofukYa Self. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Who said you "owe" me anything, jaxboy?

I don't care if you would rather look stupid to everyone in this forum who was ever tempted to take your bullshit seriously. My mistake was in thinking you might actually NOT want to look stupid.

Here's a suggestion - take your frivolous Article I and copy-paste it 9 more times. Then change the headings on each page to Article II, Article III, etc.... all the way up to Article X. (I'm assuming you know how to count to 10 using Roman numerals.) Then presto! You've multiplied one bogus Article of Impeachment ten-fold! Without having to strain your meager little brain trying to dream up new "reasons" to impeach trumpy!

I'm sure nobody here will notice your clever little trick, jaxboy. Chances are we will all be persuaded by the sheer immensity of your case against trumpy. What the fuck, maybe you should crank out 50 or 100 so-called Articles of Impeachment. Nobody will notice that they're all identical!


Congratulations! You are now the Forrest Gump of eccie. Without the wisdom.

lustylad's Avatar
Simple solution, take the manuscript to the House intelligence committee... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Sorry Forrest, there is no "manuscript".

Do you even know the difference between manuscript and transcript?
themystic's Avatar
Judge Munster is usually wrong in his conclusions. Originally Posted by bambino
maybe so but not on this one, trump was individual one in the crime Cohen is in prison for
lustylad's Avatar
maybe so but not on this one, trump was individual one in the crime Cohen is in prison for Originally Posted by themystic
Which crime is that?

It's not a crime to use personal funds to avoid disclosures that are hurtful and embarrassing to your wife and family. Not even close.

If it bothers you that trumpy fucked a porn star and a playmate then feel free to vote him out in 2020. Pushing the impeachment charade only makes it less likely that will happen.
themystic's Avatar
Which crime is that?

It's not a crime to use personal funds to avoid disclosures that are hurtful and embarrassing to your wife and family. Not even close. Originally Posted by lustylad
whatever you say. explain it to your grandkids
bambino's Avatar
whatever you say. explain it to your grandkids Originally Posted by themystic
He already did. And they’re smarter than you.
lustylad's Avatar
whatever you say. explain it to your grandkids Originally Posted by themystic
Again, if it bothers you that trumpy fucked a porn star and a playmate then feel free to vote him out in 2020. Pushing the impeachment charade only makes it less likely that will happen.