Poll - What forum should the Niagara Falls Canada reviews be posted to

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
agree. There could be a separate forum for the Niagara Falls Canada reviews, there are many of them. Originally Posted by brutusbluto
There should be several separate Canada forums.
Are three that would be useful to me, sort of.
But, my personal list covers 99% of my travels.

I suspect that lack of use was why most of Canada was missing when the current version of eccie was reborn.
DDarkness's Avatar
And This is an on going discussion!

Admin are aware of the desire to reopen the Niagara Forum and the suggestion for OTHER Canadian areas is a good and valid point - it takes time I'm afraid! And patience!

Zollner's Avatar
I suspect that lack of use was why most of Canada was missing when the current version of eccie was reborn. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Whole different world up there.
Our monger friends up North prefer using their own hobby forums which have far less restrictive posting rules than found here and are far more helpful in pointing out where to go and who to see.
And This is an on going discussion!

Admin are aware of the desire to reopen the Niagara Forum and the suggestion for OTHER Canadian areas is a good and valid point - it takes time I'm afraid! And patience!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
Don't count on that forum being reopened.
I'll cover THAT when I do the History Thread....
Suffice it to say, IF (and that is a HUGE IF), the Niagara Region were to be reopened, then "someone" (and I've got an inkling of whom that might be) would quickly MOVE all of those Canada reviews we've been told to post here.... TO the new forum.... And THAT would mean that ALL of those warnings that I've been giving about those reviews disappearing from dear old Upset to another forum will have proven accurate.....
So don't count on that new forum being reopened....
And after ALL of the trouble I went through to get it created in the first place.....
Again, I'll cover THAT in the History Thread too....
Missburger's Avatar
Don't count on that forum being reopened.
I'll cover THAT when I do the History Thread....
Suffice it to say, IF (and that is a HUGE IF), the Niagara Region were to be reopened, then "someone" (and I've got an inkling of whom that might be) would quickly MOVE all of those Canada reviews we've been told to post here.... TO the new forum.... And THAT would mean that ALL of those warnings that I've been giving about those reviews disappearing from dear old Upset to another forum will have proven accurate.....
So don't count on that new forum being reopened....
And after ALL of the trouble I went through to get it created in the first place.....
Again, I'll cover THAT in the History Thread too.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Well please tell us who that may be since you’re bringing it up

But who cares lol

This is a hooker board
Canada Chicago who cares
But the other poster made good punts why
It won’t matter
So as one might say

It’s time to move on
Don't count on that forum being reopened.
I'll cover THAT when I do the History Thread....
Suffice it to say, IF (and that is a HUGE IF), the Niagara Region were to be reopened, then "someone" (and I've got an inkling of whom that might be) would quickly MOVE all of those Canada reviews we've been told to post here.... TO the new forum.... And THAT would mean that ALL of those warnings that I've been giving about those reviews disappearing from dear old Upset to another forum will have proven accurate.....
So don't count on that new forum being reopened....
And after ALL of the trouble I went through to get it created in the first place.....
Again, I'll cover THAT in the History Thread too.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Go figure ...Paulie and shamless self promotion. Get over yourself old timer.