Rick Perry -- Socialist!!

cut the dude a break. i know plenty of people with money who got kids in the military. I can hear you rightwing nuts now, Tex must only hang around with pussies. or Tex's friends will join now that gays are allowed in. please, spare us the lame jokes. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin

I was making fun of his elitist proclaiment. Not just that the rich and connected don't have children in the military, but also that he was proclaiming himself so very far above the bourgeoisie and the huddled masses.

Never in anyone's right mind would someone call me a rightwing nut. Just because I dogged a self-proclaimed member of the top 6% that that's a leftwing nut - your word not mine - doesn't mean I'm a rightie. Oh contraire mon frere. I'm a staunch, unrelenting Independent. I think we need to move the middle of the road as society or we will pay the price. We already are with the horrible economy and no way to get out of it.

We wouldn't be in this terrible condition economically if live in a society controlled by industry and the rich. And things could be fixed if our politicians didn't accept industrial tribute and held the citizenry and our best interests at heart. They don't; the politicos are only interested in getting re-elected and have become lap dogs to the wealthy or arcane ideology and can not, for any reason, move to the center.

On the off chance our politicians compromise, they don't compromise industries interests in favor of ours. Instead they compromise amounts themselves to achieve the best deal for their contributors. That's how we got that abortion of a health care bill.
  • Laz
  • 09-28-2011, 04:52 PM
“Oh Loovie, please tell the butler, to tell my manservant not to starch my undies so tightly anymore. By the way, do you think this beluga caviar? It tastes a bit mmmm off. Please tell the butler to tell Chef that I’m disappointed with his selection or his presentation – there’s not enough ice keeping it cold, and where are the mother of pearl spoons? Seriously, sterling silver demitasse spoons? And WHERE is my vodka. I told the butler to tell Chef to tell the rest of the staff I DON’T LIKE CHAMPAGNE with caviar - It's gauche in my opinion. Is that a stain on the linens? Honestly, you just can’t get good help anymore.”

I had to stop reading the thread after this comment it got my gall up so badly. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-28-2011, 05:11 PM
I don’t like Obama because he is a bad president. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

No, you think Obama's a bad President because he's not named Hillary Clinton.

I wish Obama would do an LBJ and declare he is bowing out and throw his weight behind Hillary.
So you can go back to praising the mandate that you voted for, huh Olivia?

Firedoglake is awesome!
TexTushHog's Avatar
cut the dude a break. i know plenty of people with money who got kids in the military. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Really? Why, for God's sake? It's piss poor pay, almost exploitation level poor. I honestly don't know of a single colleague of mine who has a kid in the military or whose kid has even considered it. No docs' kids. No lawyers' kids. No bank officers' kids, etc.

I have a few clients who have kids that have served, but they are all high school educated, no college. I honestly can't imagine someone with a college degree joining absent some threat to the nation. Why would they join?
How many officers are there in the military. They all have college degrees.
  • Laz
  • 09-28-2011, 08:54 PM
Really? Why, for God's sake? It's piss poor pay, almost exploitation level poor. I honestly don't know of a single colleague of mine who has a kid in the military or whose kid has even considered it. No docs' kids. No lawyers' kids. No bank officers' kids, etc.

I have a few clients who have kids that have served, but they are all high school educated, no college. I honestly can't imagine someone with a college degree joining absent some threat to the nation. Why would they join? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Maybe they believe in actually serving the nation instead of providing bs liberal lip service about wanting to help others but never actually helping anyone.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Really? Why, for God's sake? It's piss poor pay, almost exploitation level poor. I honestly don't know of a single colleague of mine who has a kid in the military or whose kid has even considered it. No docs' kids. No lawyers' kids. No bank officers' kids, etc.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
yes but free housing, free medical, great retirement. Have you ever been to a PX, basically food is at cost.
Really? Why, for God's sake? It's piss poor pay, almost exploitation level poor. I honestly don't know of a single colleague of mine who has a kid in the military or whose kid has even considered it. No docs' kids. No lawyers' kids. No bank officers' kids, etc.

I have a few clients who have kids that have served, but they are all high school educated, no college. I honestly can't imagine someone with a college degree joining absent some threat to the nation. Why would they join? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I fucking HATE your type. You are a piece of Liberal shit. YOU are whats wrong with America and we are taking our country back. So get ready.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I fucking HATE your type. You are a piece of Liberal shit. YOU are whats wrong with America and we are taking our country back. So get ready. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What pissed you off? I just made a factual observation. The military is a good place for folks with limited college opportunities, whether because of economic hardship or because of lack of academic capabilities or inclinations.

But my question was what reason would someone have who can easily go to college have to join the military? The pay is horrible. I don't think that it provides any significant post discharge job benefits in terms of increased pay or opportunities for those who might go to college after the service. I think that these are legitimate questions both from a practical and a poltical standpoint.

The fact that the class that is most likely to be elected to political office doesn't typically have kids in the military is a terrible thing for the country because it makes elected representatives much more careless about declaring war because it's not their kids' that are going to die. Do you really think Bush would have elected to go on his merry little war for oil in Iraq if most of the members of Congress had kids who would have to serve? I think that would have made Democrats and Republican representatives alike much more reluctant to embark on a needless and foolish war. I'm in favor of re instituting the draft for that reason alone. It makes war a much more serious, and fair, business.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I run in a professional crowd, and many have served, and have children who are serving. It's obvious, TTH, that you run in an anti-American crowd who use their money and influence to avoid such insignificant jobs such as defending our country.
Governor Perry is now walking back his "freedom" remarks that fellow Republican Presidential candidates are heartless. He says it was "inappropriate." Does this mean he was for "freedom" before he decided to be against it? Sounds like a flip/flopper to me! Perry's latest statement follows: "I was probably a bit over-passionate by using that word and it was inappropriate,” Perry admitted. “In Texas in 2001 we had 181 members of the legislature – only four voted against this piece of legislation – because it wasn’t about immigration it was about education.”
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-29-2011, 04:51 AM
Maybe they believe in actually serving the nation instead of providing bs liberal lip service about wanting to help others but never actually helping anyone. Originally Posted by Laz
Or maybe they believe in living off the government tit.

yes but free housing, free medical, great retirement. Have you ever been to a PX, basically food is at cost. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
See what i mean?

I run in a professional crowd, and many have served, and have children who are serving. It's obvious, TTH, that you run in an anti-American crowd who use their money and influence to avoid such insignificant jobs such as defending our country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"Professional crowd"? You can run with a "professional crowd" while hanging out with people who make $50k a year. That does nothing to rebut what TTH is saying.

It's also pretty easy to lie.
Boltfan's Avatar
Is the idea of staying on topic completely foreign to folks here? Some of the worst debate skills on display.

You folks are like the HMS Devonshire.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Doove calling ME a liar! Now that is funny!

By the way, how do you clowns get off calling our servicemen and women a bunch of ignorant slobs who couldn't find another job? They are volunteering to take a bullet for us, I think that is deserving of respect, rather than derision.

But what do I know? I'm obviously an uneducated laborer who only hangs with professional escorts when the bossman finally pays me. Doove found me out! LOL!!!!111
TheDaliLama's Avatar
LOL! Doove calling ME a liar! Now that is funny!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He thinks everyone is a lair.

Most schizophrenics are like that.