I Won't Be Watching The NFL If This Keeps Up...

I did not visit the link above regarding Breona Taylor. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
So basically what you are saying is you don't have a fucking clue on the issue.
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 03:43 PM
SF - you are for shoot first at the Police - and they are prohibited from shooting back to protect themselves
like your cohorts chant -

"What do we want - Dead cops" - Now!
'disarm, Defund, and disBand the cops!!

Be my guest - go live in minneapolis where the cops are hamstrung from their duties to protect people - and OBLM and AntiFa run wild in the streets robbing. looting assaulting and killing.

There were errors made by the cops in the Taylor raid - and for that - you blame all cops the same and want to kill them all!

you are welcome to do without police protection in you home - and no first responders either.

Don't pay the taxes for their services

See where it gets you,

Damn - liberals are so Dumb!!!
sportfisherman's Avatar
Well there is certainly one less first responder now that Ms. Taylor is dead.

I do have a clue regarding this issue.

I'm calling you guys out for rationalizing this young ladies murder by some Cowboy policemen.You do so by calling her reputation into question.

Is this how things are now ; You think it's good to murder people for being less than a stellar citizen ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well there is certainly one less first responder now that Ms. Taylor is dead.

I do have a clue regarding this issue.

I'm calling you guys out for rationalizing this young ladies murder by some Cowboy policemen.You do so by calling her reputation into question.

Is this how things are now ; You think it's good to murder people for being less than a stellar citizen ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman

if you think Taylor was murdered then you do not have a clue.
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 04:09 PM
DPST do think that TWK - all they have for info is their XiNN propaganda.

Such poor deluded souls - such a shame.

SF really should go without police and first responder protection - and bear the consequences.

or, move to Venezuela for real marxism.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Venezuela is nice this time of year but take toilet paper with you !
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 08:52 AM
And -clean water, food, and a roof!
The Chiefs/Raiders game last night was enjoyable. Only saw a one BLM sign. No lecturing by the announcers or PSA that I can remember.

Plus a pocket passer kicked the "the athletic QB's" butt.

The best thing is I won first place money in my fantasy football league.