just when you think you've seen it all on eccie

kinkyorca's Avatar
So angry and disgusted with houston board yet they still come back.
Champagne Brown's Avatar

I wouldn't, I would leave on my own terms ijs Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Wakeup's Avatar
Apparently, those terms includes me reminding her that she's a potty mouth outing whore who will plaster hobbyists info all over the board and through PM/email whenever she feels like it...

I like these terms...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Apparently, those terms includes me reminding her that she's a potty mouth outing whore who will plaster hobbyists info all over the board and through PM/email whenever she feels like it...

I like these terms... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Oh you talking about those pm's almost a yr ago, I supposedly sent out to 10 or 13 folks my 1st day back?(Was gone 2yrs)

We just had this convo last week in another thread, then you retracted your statements..

But im still waiting on that "Life time" banned though..(A year later)

See you can't even keep your story straight!!

Where's that ban? Still waiting!

Feel free to retract your statement and make it work for you, you're good at that.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
But do people that pay into the site like wakeup get banned?

Nope he can break any rule and not be held accountable for it...

Is he a outer? Yes, but gets over looked like everything else, so miss me with the bs...

Is he a liar? Yes he is!
dearhunter's Avatar
and there it is...
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
Old but good. Enjoy.


I think CB & WU should just hook up and get this over with.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Old but good. Enjoy.


I think CB & WU should just hook up and get this over with. Originally Posted by Mythos
I guess that's our intermission song? heh

Believe or not, your statement you made about wakeup & me. I hear it on a daily..

Here's one a guy told me.

You two at it again? Why don't you just fuck that w---- boy senseless so he will chill out before he has his a-- handed to him with a blowtorch..."Word for Word"
Wakeup's Avatar
So, tell us, how often do you and your tricks talk about me during sessions?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Me bring you up? Never!, Actually that was a text, I copied and paste.
Every body can see whats going on, so don't need talk about you..

But people do voice how they feel about the crap that roll's out your mouth..

Don't believe everything you read in fake reviews wakeup... Didn't you no when a "No" review goes up its to bash, But I get a bunch of "Yes" no-one say shit!

I saw that comment im gossipy..Ummmm no

That day that guy booked a hr before I had to be at rl job, and told him before booking what time I needed to be at work...

So didn't have time for chit chat... That guy got wine and no "Nut".. You know like on Dave Chappelle show, that wrap it up box? Well thats pretty much what I did, times up.
I have an idea, lets let the girls post reviews of guys and list the worst guys theyve seen
Champagne Brown's Avatar
And the job I had my clockin was GPS on cell phone. I was responsible for two stores
cb, you're not the chick he is talking about who tried to pay someone for Wakeup's info..there was a time in the provider area when wakeup's info was made readily available for any whore who hated him enough to ask.. and that was a lot of whores. So the whore who was willing to pay for it was retarded on 2 accounts, she could've gotten that shit for free and she didn't cover her ass.

wakeup, I know exactly why you're mad and you have a right to be...you don't go after her everyday, but damn dude, you've made your point. When is enough well, enough? That's not for me to decide but shit man..

For everyone: All rules are subject to interpretation and even worse, subjective. There are certain rules here that leave room for none (outing, medical info which can be used or considered to out), and some that are written where even the words themselves is left to interpretation. "Polite", "rude", "unprovoked", "slamming", "bashing", "insults", "hostility".. they all have variables: the intention of the writer, the intended audience, the venue, and the person who has the power to enforce the rule. It's no different from life. One man's rude is another man's truth.

One of the guidelines speak to not using racial slurs. The n word we know is removed and a reprimand given when used. But redneck, hillbilly, hick, and whitey and a couple others have ALL been used here and not pointed and definitely not stricken from the record. I've been interested in that for a few years now, and always note when I see it and go back to see if it stands and it does. I know a couple of reasons why it's not but I'm asking you guys: Why is that?

Sidenote: I was trying to help in mythos thread the other day. No one wants to do the work, but always the same folks complaining. The same folks complaining CAN do the work, but all their energy is used up jawing instead of thinking and doing and after that.... back to the status quo. Who's to blame for that?
You know like on Dave Chappelle show, that wrap it up box? ... times up. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
LOL I just did this to a fucker the other day.. and no, I haven't hobbied in almost a year. I was so bored I started to think about my Home Depot list in detail, my phone bill, and whether I should plan a family reunion for next year.. all sorts of shit. He could either go home or go to HD with me.. but his time fucking was up.

Champagne Brown's Avatar
LOL I just did this to a fucker the other day.. and no, I haven't hobbied in almost a year. I was so bored I started to think about my Home Depot list in detail, my phone bill, and whether I should plan a family reunion for next year.. all sorts of shit.

Originally Posted by Hottentot Venus
Thanks for picture...