Obama wire tapped Trump Tower!!!!!

James Clapper on meet the press stated their report found no collusion between Trump associates and Russia.

Also there was no FISA warrant.
Originally Posted by wordup666

Gullible Mike AKA "eeehhbbbuhrrrr" your stupidity is astonishing...


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  • 03-05-2017, 01:40 PM
LL, I really couldn't give a fuck less about Clinton so I'm not sure why you keep bringing that up. In the election there were two turds to pick from as far as I was concerned. Originally Posted by JCM800
Oh if you do not like Trump , according to LexusLiar you must be for Clinton.

Maybe he got to good a sniff of those WMD's in Iraq and shriveled his gay brain. He might have been hetro back then!
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James Clapper

Also there was no FISA warrant.
Originally Posted by wordup666
Clapper wouldn't necessarily know if there was or was not a FISA warrant application or one issued. Domestic FISA warrants are obtained by the FBI. If it wasn't, then that would DEMAND an investigation to determine why SOP wasn't followed when a political candidate is the object of an eavesdropping investigation.

Clapper should keep quiet.

Here's why: If there was no warrant for the eavesdropping on the conversations that Trump and his TRANSITION staff were having with the Russians then who ever was listening in on those conversations were not parties to the conversations and they are in violation of Federal felonies (one or more) and should be prosecuted ... and if no one was actually listening in on those conversations just how the fuck does "Clapper" know what was or was not discussed by Trump and/or his TRANSITION staff with the Russians?

These little bullshit discussions come back to bite him!
Oh if you do not pike Trump , according to LexusLiar you must be for Clinton.

Maybe he hot to good a sniff of those WMD's in Iraq and shriveled his gay brain. He might have been hetro back then! Originally Posted by WTF

Did you mean Spike or like, 0zombie to the left of Attila the Hun?

Clapper wouldn't necessarily know if there was or was not a FISA warrant application or one issued. Domestic FISA warrants are obtained by the FBI. If it wasn't, then that would DEMAND an investigation to determine why SOP wasn't followed when a political candidate is the object of an eavesdropping investigation.

Clapper should keep quiet. Originally Posted by LexusLover

To late, he's on record, now...
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  • 03-05-2017, 01:50 PM
Did you mean Spike or like, 0zombie to the left of Attila the Hun?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGYXHbBxbOA Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Pike Trump , the lying orangutan!
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  • 03-05-2017, 01:52 PM
To late, he's on record, now... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

UhOh...with you two on Clapper's ass, he does not stand a chance!
bamscram's Avatar
Gullible Mike AKA "eeehhbbbuhrrrr" your stupidity is astonishing...


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Clapper wouldn't necessarily know if there was or was not a FISA warrant application or one issued. Domestic FISA warrants are obtained by the FBI. If it wasn't, then that would DEMAND an investigation to determine why SOP wasn't followed when a political candidate is the object of an eavesdropping investigation.

Clapper should keep quiet.

Here's why: If there was no warrant for the eavesdropping on the conversations that Trump and his TRANSITION staff were having with the Russians then who ever was listening in on those conversations were not parties to the conversations and they are in violation of Federal felonies (one or more) and should be prosecuted ... and if no one was actually listening in on those conversations just how the fuck does "Clapper" know what was or was not discussed by Trump and/or his TRANSITION staff with the Russians?

These little bullshit discussions come back to bite him! Originally Posted by LexusLover


He probably knows more than you two.
UhOh...with you two on Clapper's ass, he does not stand a chance! Originally Posted by WTF

Well, when you pop out of his asshole, I'm letting go...

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  • 03-05-2017, 02:08 PM


He probably knows more than you two. Originally Posted by bamscram

With Agent 99 and Maxwell Smart on the case they should have this figured our b4 wr can say "shoe phone"


He probably knows more than you two. Originally Posted by bamscram

I'll need to see your Soros Globalist Training Certification (SGTC) and Soros Microchip Implant Number (SMIN) to communicate with you any further... Thanks 0zombie!

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  • 03-05-2017, 02:13 PM
I'll need to see your Soros Globalist Training Certification (SGTC) and Soros Microchip Implant Number (SMIN) to communicate with you any further... Thanks 0zombie!

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You and that nutcase Levine need to go check your wiretaps
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The new and improved Watergate Obama style. Originally Posted by R.M.
lustylad's Avatar
My guess is that an easy way to get the focus off all the current Russian news out there surrounding the Trump team is to put out a story out like this. They know that all the Trump supporters will buy into it even without a shred of evidence that it's actually true ...and all because Trump tweeted about it, right? ...so it must be true. Originally Posted by JCM800
Umm, your bias is showing... how is someone else's acceptance of the wiretap accusation "without a shred of evidence" any worse than your embrace of the Trump-Russia collusion accusation for which there is no evidence in sight?

Hey I understand ...a report of Russian interference in the election is fake and a report of a wiretap in the Trump Tower is legit ...I see how it works. Originally Posted by JCM800
Except in your case, it only works if you flip them around, right?

You do know there are said to be transcripts of conversations that took place between Trumpites and Rooskis, right? How do you think they obtained transcripts unless they were wiretapping or eavesdropping???
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  • 03-05-2017, 03:16 PM
Umm, your bias is showing... how is someone else's acceptance of the wiretap accusation "without a shred of evidence" any worse than your embrace of the Trump-Russia collusion accusation for which there is no evidence in sight: Originally Posted by lustylad
No evidence...
Trump almost had Putin as his running mate! Big bromance to this day. Putin kills reporters that oppose, Trump wants to do the same. He has declared them enemies of the state.

Maybe Trump can show us his tax returns and let us see if he is not owned by Putin.