Bloomberg Gun Grabbers need to ask the people of Canada, Great Britain and Australia about gun confiscation. Socialist's FEAR a armed society. Gun confiscation is your ultimate goal... from my cold dead hands

MOLON LABE You sissies don't know what this means, here is a video so you can learn... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x-xZlbasxE

Bloomberg Gun Grabbers need to ask the people of Canada, Great Britain and Australia about gun confiscation. Socialist's FEAR a armed society. Gun confiscation is your ultimate goal... from my cold dead hands

MOLON LABE You sissies don't know what this means, here is a video so you can learn... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x-xZlbasxE

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
People like you are way more scary than any liberal.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 08:59 PM
People like you are way more scary than any liberal. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Indeed. A retard that can barely put together a coherent sentence and instead resorts to posting stupid pictures to waste every ones time. By all appearances he is a fucking looney. Apparently he is still allowed to walk around with a gun
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bloomberg Gun Grabbers need to ask the people of Canada, Great Britain and Australia about gun confiscation. Socialist's FEAR a armed society. Gun confiscation is your ultimate goal... from my cold dead hands

MOLON LABE You sissies don't know what this means, here is a video so you can learn... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x-xZlbasxE

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Homicide rates by handgun per 100,000 population:

Canada: .51
England: .07
Australia: .14
United States: 2.97

Average firearms per 100 people:

Canada: 30.8
England: 6.2
Australia: 16
United States: 88.8

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/news/data...hip-world-list

All those guns are really helping the homicide rate in the good old U.S. of A. And we have idiots like you
telling us we need more guns on the street to make us safer. LOL.
Homicide rates by handgun per 100,000 population:

Canada: .51
England: .07
Australia: .14
United States: 2.97

Average firearms per 100 people:

Canada: 30.8
England: 6.2
Australia: 16
United States: 88.8

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/news/data...hip-world-list

All those guns are really helping the homicide rate in the good old U.S. of A. And we have idiots like you
telling us we need more guns on the street to make us safer. LOL. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Those statistics certainly make America look like a violent crime invested country. But you still have to consider populations.
Canada- 35 million
England 53-million
Australia 23-million
America 331 - million
America is larger in population than all three of those countries combined. Plus we are a melting pot of different races, cultures ect. America is a gun country it's just that simple. I can't understand why people are so concerned with firearms. Many foreign countries have very strict gun laws but guns still exist and can be obtain rather easily and of course the people that have them are usually criminals. I say this all the time " Be careful what you wish for" cause you may not be able to change your mind. America is safer than you think.

  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 09:22 PM
Homicide rates by handgun per 100,000 population:

Canada: .51
England: .07
Australia: .14
United States: 2.97

Average firearms per 100 people:

Canada: 30.8
England: 6.2
Australia: 16
United States: 88.8

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/news/data...hip-world-list

All those guns are really helping the homicide rate in the good old U.S. of A. And we have idiots like you
telling us we need more guns on the street to make us safer. LOL. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
thats only homicide rates. If you factor in suicides, accidents etc that u.s number is 10 per hundred thousand. the stupidity of the average republican voter knows no bounds.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Homicide rates by handgun per 100,000 population:

Canada: .51
England: .07
Australia: .14
United States: 2.97

Average firearms per 100 people:

Canada: 30.8
England: 6.2
Australia: 16
United States: 88.8

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/news/data...hip-world-list

All those guns are really helping the homicide rate in the good old U.S. of A. And we have idiots like you
telling us we need more guns on the street to make us safer. LOL
. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
35. Homicide statistics too vary widely. In some developing countries, the statistics are known to be far from complete. Figures for crimes labelled as homicide in various countries are simply not comparable. Since 1967, homicide figures for England and Wales have been adjusted to exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on grounds of self defence or otherwise. This reduces the apparent number of homicides by between 13 per cent and 15 per cent...

65. The authors of the UN Report draw a series of conclusions which are not justified by their own evidence. The only conclusion which can safely be drawn in that there is no casual relationship between the number of firearms in a State and the levels of death through homicide, suicide or accident.


thats only homicide rates. If you factor in suicides, accidents etc that u.s number is 10 per hundred thousand. the stupidity of the average republican voter knows no bounds. Originally Posted by shanm

The great mass of evidence indicates that the suicide rate is not dependent on the availability of one method and that if, by some means, all firearms could be removed from a society, the rate of suicide would remain largely unchanged.


Keep telling yourself that chicken dick. More guns make us safer. Yeah, that just makes sense. And thanks for the kiddy cartoon. They have to dumb it down because that's about the level most of these mouthbreathers are on.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 10:49 PM
Those statistics certainly make America look like a violent crime invested country. But you still have to consider populations.
Canada- 35 million
England 53-million
Australia 23-million
America 331 - million
America is larger in population than all three of those countries combined. Plus we are a melting pot of different races, cultures ect. America is a gun country it's just that simple. I can't understand why people are so concerned with firearms. Many foreign countries have very strict gun laws but guns still exist and can be obtain rather easily and of course the people that have them are usually criminals. I say this all the time " Be careful what you wish for" cause you may not be able to change your mind. America is safer than you think.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I tried really hard to be civil in this argument, mind you.

But you still have to consider populations.
What does the size of the population have to do with anything? that is EXACTLY why they use PER 100,000 and not as an instance of the whole population. It means that the number of murder rates PER THE SAME AMOUNT OF PEOPLE is higher in the United States.

Plus we are a melting pot of different races, cultures ect.

Horseshit. All these other countries are just the same as the U.S, with the exception of Britian, which has more immigrants and more "different cultures" than the U.S. This is completely utterly irrelevant. I've lived in the UK, I grew up there. And let me tell you, the streets are just as harsh if not worse than America. The only difference is that you don't have the added fear of someone shooting you in the face for no fucking reason.

America is a gun country it's just that simple.
What? that has to be the most baseless argument ever

Many foreign countries have very strict gun laws but guns still exist and can be obtain rather easily
No they can not. The price of a black market AK in Australia is roundabout $15000. That's compared to the average global price of $500 and $400 in California's black market Here: http://www.havocscope.com/black-market-prices/ak-47/ I think its safe to assume that anyone with 15 grand lying around does not go buying guns to shoot up a school. He's doing allright.

Not to even mention the added difficulty of finding someone who will sell you an illegal gun that has no reason whatsoever to even be in the country.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Keep telling yourself that chicken dick. More guns make us safer. Yeah, that just makes sense. And thanks for the kiddy cartoon. They have to dumb it down because that's about the level most of these mouthbreathers are on. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Noticed how you skipped right over those hard words and went for the cartoon, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Your repeated and perverse references to poultry genitalia must give you a warm fluffy, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
I tried really hard to be civil in this argument, mind you.

But you still have to consider populations.
What does the size of the population have to do with anything? that is EXACTLY why they use PER 100,000 and not as an instance of the whole population. It means that the number of murder rates PER THE SAME AMOUNT OF PEOPLE is higher in the United States.

Plus we are a melting pot of different races, cultures ect.

Horseshit. All these other countries are just the same as the U.S, with the exception of Britian, which has more immigrants and more "different cultures" than the U.S. This is completely utterly irrelevant. I've lived in the UK, I grew up there. And let me tell you, the streets are just as harsh if not worse than America. The only difference is that you don't have the added fear of someone shooting you in the face for no fucking reason.

America is a gun country it's just that simple.
What? that has to be the most baseless argument ever

Many foreign countries have very strict gun laws but guns still exist and can be obtain rather easily
No they can not. The price of a black market AK in Australia is roundabout $15000. That's compared to the average global price of $500 and $400 in California's black market Here: http://www.havocscope.com/black-market-prices/ak-47/ I think its safe to assume that anyone with 15 grand lying around does not go buying guns to shoot up a school. He's doing allright.

Not to even mention the added difficulty of finding someone who will sell you an illegal gun that has no reason whatsoever to even be in the country. Originally Posted by shanm
America is a gun country is really his only valid argument and it's the dumbest of the lot. Do we HAVE to be a gun country? He's not wrong, it's a cultural thing. That doesn't make it right though. Some countries in africa mutilate genitals as part of their culture. Don't make it right.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 11:19 PM
America is a gun country is really his only valid argument and it's the dumbest of the lot. Do we HAVE to be a gun country? He's not wrong, it's a cultural thing. That doesn't make it right though. Some countries in africa mutilate genitals as part of their culture. Don't make it right. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Agreed. To be clear, I am not against completely banning guns, although I am not against it either. However, the fact that you can just walk into a store and buy a gun like an ice cream is fucking ridiculous. There needs to be ABSOLUTE UTTER certainty that the person you're selling the gun to isn't a whackjob who's going to walk out the store and go shoot up a school, a mall or something. Much stricter gun controls are needed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How are we less free now? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well, let's see. The income tax tells me how much of the money I earn I can keep. The FED inflates my money making it worth less than if there was a gold standard supporting its value. The President can detain me without due process for however long he wants. I can't open a business without needing to comply with endless regulations and agencies. I no longer get to select my own health insurance, instead I must select a policy that the government approves. If I run a business, I cannot choose who I want to serve. I also have little say over what I will be required to pay my help. I must report to the government on a yearly basis what I do, where I work, how much I make, who I give money to, and who my family is, among other things. My personal communications are intercepted and reviewed by government. The government controls what I am allowed to eat, what I am allowed to smoke, what I can and cannot do to my body. It borrows money that I, my children, my grandchildren and even my great-grandchildren will have to pay back. It tells me what I can use to defend myself.

It's insane to say we are as free as we ever were. It's getting worse. You're either gaming us, or you truly are an idiot.
Well, let's see. The income tax tells me how much of the money I earn I can keep. taxes have been around a long time, way before america was thought of. nextThe FED inflates my money making it worth less than if there was a gold standard supporting its value. blame NixonThe President can detain me without due process for however long he wants. Only if you're involved in terrorismI can't open a business without needing to comply with endless regulations and agencies. that's been the case for a long timeI no longer get to select my own health insurance, instead I must select a policy that the government approves. you're still free to select your insuranceIf I run a business, I cannot choose who I want to serve. of course you do, as long as you serve everyone equally. You don't have the right to discriminate. I can't believe you're sad about thatI also have little say over what I will be required to pay my help. pesky minimum wage. if only we could just engage in slavery againI must report to the government on a yearly basis what I do, where I work, how much I make, who I give money to, and who my family is, among other things. Jesus Christ. really? My personal communications are intercepted and reviewed by government. thanks to snowdenThe government controls what I am allowed to eat, what I am allowed to smoke, what I can and cannot do to my body.i'm pretty sure you can eat and smoke just about anything you want It borrows money that I, my children, my grandchildren and even my great-grandchildren will have to pay back. It tells me what I can use to defend myself. guns are legal, just fyi

It's insane to say we are as free as we ever were. It's getting worse. You're either gaming us, or you truly are an idiot. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's not getting worse. Things are simply changing. The world is changing and you either change with it or get left behind. I don't know your age, but from your list of grievances, you sound like you're about 150 years old, give or take a few years. I think the world is passing you by.
  • shanm
  • 03-04-2015, 11:47 PM
It's not getting worse. Things are simply changing. The world is changing and you either change with it or get left behind. I don't know your age, but from your list of grievances, you sound like you're about 150 years old, give or take a few years. I think the world is passing you by. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
He actually celebrated his 200th just yesterday! Yes. he is an OLD,OLD geezer.

BTW no one gives a FUCK about who you are or where you work old man. Its about as important as the crowshit that falls on my lawn.

JK, I love you.