Ze Injured, Out of Work for a While, and Could Use Some Help

muffin101's Avatar
Any updates on how~Ze~'s doing?
M_Star's Avatar
Hey, Grace, how about an update on Ze and how she's progressing? Inquiring minds want to know.
Grace Preston's Avatar
She is scooting along. I won't go into detail-- I will leave that up to her, she is still broken, but on the mend.
Wow, just wow. Haven't heard ~Ze~ ask for a thing... Originally Posted by jimmylbob
Grace is handling all the donations.

Nonetheless, I'm glad to hear that ~Ze is doing better! There are some things that money just can't buy, like health and well being!

Wishing y'all the best and happy holidays!
Any updates?
Grace Preston's Avatar
She is still doing about the same. No real word on how long it may take for her to be fully recovered. As I Have updates on improvements and what not, I will report them
Some of her old friends like me would be glad to lend a hand if we could get in touch with her.

Can you help facilitate that?