Trump to move US embassy to Jerusalem.

LexusLover's Avatar
Unemployment dropping from 10% to 4.6% under Obama. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
More Fake News .... just peel the onion and get the facts.

"Majority of jobs added under Obama administration are temp, part time"

Jobs that come with access to healthcare, vacation time, the occasional sick day and Social Security and Medicare taxes paid through employers have declined under Obama’s presidency. One-million fewer people are working steady jobs than they were at the beginning of the recession, according to a study authored by Lawrence Katz at Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University.

While the Obama administration is prone to citing the 10 million jobs added to the economy over the past eight years, 95 percent of those are temporary, contractual jobs or part-time employment. Part-time employers are not obligated to provide any benefits for their employees, so when an employee gets sick they can either go to work or lose that day’s wages.
Harvard and Princeton?... watch Speedo call them "hicks"!

"The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements
in the United States, 1995-2015"

Now, let's explore some "intent" ... what would benefit Obamacare more than having jobs that don't provide for health care coverage! (Remember union and group plans were EXEMPT from the mandated requirements of Obamacare ... and those provided health benefits through their employer didn't go through the "portal" for coverage!)

So to increase the "value" of Obamacare wouldn't it help to have fewer jobs providing health care benefits for the employees?
bamscram's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
S. 1322 (104th): Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995


The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Each sovereign nation, under international law and custom, may designate its own capital.

(2) Since 1950, the city of Jerusalem has been the capital of the State of Israel.

(3) The city of Jerusalem is the seat of Israel’s President, Parliament, and Supreme Court, and the site of numerous government ministries and social ...."
bambino's Avatar
Back to the GDP again? That seems to be all you've got. I point out 3 or 4 major positives under Obama and you point out a single statistic that is positive but not as positive as you would like it to be. Under Obama, GDP was over 4% in 4 quarters. 5.2% in one quarter. Again, Obama inherited a MESS. Trump inherited a vibrant economy and has moved it forward. We will see what happens to the GDP assuming the tax cuts go through. Many economists disagree with your opinion that the GDP will go higher.

"A Congressional Research Service report from 2012 argued that "the evidence does not suggest necessarily a relationship between tax policy with regard to the top tax rates and the size of the economic pie," although the document generated considerable backlash, largely among Republicans, who argued its methodology was flawed.

But a separate 2014 study from the Brookings Institution found that "many estimates suggest [tax reform's net impact on GDP growth] is either small or negative." The report suggested that "tax rate cuts may encourage individuals to work, save and invest, but if the tax cuts are not financed by immediate spending cuts, they will likely also result in an increased federal budget deficit, which in the long-term will reduce national saving and raise interest rates.""

So take your pick as to which opinion to believe.

The stimulus money? It seemed to work. The economy grew incredibly under Obama. I understand you don't like Obama. I don't like Trump. The difference between you and me seems to be that I will give credit where credit is due (Trump's positive impact on the economy in his 10+ months in office) and you continue to minimize the positive impact to the economy under Obama. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Vibrant economy? I haven’t even heard any of your “learned” people describe the Obama economy as “vibrant” that’s your opinion. It it was Obama’s words and other economists that said a 2% GDP was the “new” norm for the US economy. What a defeatist attitude. Obama’s regs and tax policies STIFLED our economy. Here are a few other facts since Trump was elected:
1-Consumer confidence at a 17yr high
2- We are now a net exporter of energy, under Obama, a net importer of energy.
3- Manufacturing jobs are on the rise, they were decreasing under Obama. Obama’s said we never get manufacturing jobs back. Another defeatist attitude

Obama’s left us with a 20 trillion dollar debt with nothing to show for it. He gutted the military and didn’t invest in infrastructure. Maybe your “learned” people should revisit the Obama years.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gutted the military?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2017, 10:09 AM

Obama’s left us with a 20 trillion dollar debt with nothing to show for it. He gutted the military and didn’t invest in infrastructure. Maybe your “learned” people should revisit the Obama years. Originally Posted by bambino
What an ignorant SOB you are if you believe all that without context ...

Without the backstop of the housing bubble, which is the blame of both parties there would not have been such a rise in debt.

Next we should be trying to pay down the debt. These tax cuts are crazy. Just the opposite of wtf should be done. Clinton got the credit of Bush's tax cots and ensuing reduction in the deficit but dumb ass SOB's like you voted Bush out of office and do not understand how taxes and debt works.
bambino's Avatar
Gutted the military? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
bambino's Avatar
What an ignorant SOB you are if you believe all that without context ...

Without the backstop of the housing bubble, which is the blame of both parties there would not have been such a rise in debt.

Next we should be trying to pay down the debt. These tax cuts are crazy. Just the opposite of wtf should be done. Clinton got the credit of Bush's tax cots and ensuing reduction in the deficit but dumb ass SOB's like you voted Bush out of office and do not understand how taxes and debt works. Originally Posted by WTF
I didn’t vote for Clinton in his first term you idiot. You did. I voted for Bush. Ok Mr Genius, where did that trillion dollar stimulus money go? Let’s hear your lie about that.
LexusLover's Avatar
I didn’t vote for Clinton in his first term you idiot. You did. I voted for Bush. Ok Mr Genius, where did that trillion dollar stimulus money go? Let’s hear your lie about that. Originally Posted by bambino
They have to cling to the sinking life raft of the Obaminable era!

The "showcase" of Obaminable's Legacy, aka The Affordable Care Act, is an absolute failure! If he had orchestrated that shit in the private sector he'd be tossed into the parking lot with NOTHING!

That's all he has to show! Period. And $10 trillion in additional debt!

The rest is playing with numbers in cooked books.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Damn near killed her!

bambino's Avatar

Damn near killed her!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHS!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

It’s no laughing matter. If you want a depleted and weak military, may you suffer the consequences.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Unemployment dropping from 10% to 4.6% under Obama. Something like 80+ straight months of job growth. Markets tripling in 8 years under Obama. A job market that is begging for skilled workers. Whether old math or new math, those are major positives. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

if unemployment was that low, then why was gdp growth so low? there's a direct relationship here sparky. if everyone is working, isn't the economy supposed to grow?
bambino's Avatar
if unemployment was that low, then why was gdp growth so low? there's a direct relationship here sparky. if everyone is working, isn't the economy supposed to grow? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Speedy isn’t “learned” enough to put it together. Just like the “learned” people he defers to. Speedy is a benign dipshit. He’s harmless. But he has garnered 4 votes in the DOTY poll. They must be “learned” members. Bravo Speedy!
LexusLover's Avatar
if unemployment was that low, then why was gdp growth so low? there's a direct relationship here sparky. if everyone is working, isn't the economy supposed to grow? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Here is why.

What drives the GDP?

The "modeling" of the BLS numbers for Obaminable grew out of the Clinton Administration toward the last 3 1/4s of 2000 in the ramp up to the Gore's "anointment" as heir apparent (sound familiary?). They started cooking the books and even used September's numbers in October (you could actually lay on on top of the other!) to keep things looking as though they were leveling off ... Later the AFL-CIO went ballistic over the lies.

So during the Obaminable administration part-time and contract work were counted as full time jobs ... and even someone had to have 2 part-time jobs to make ends meet they counted each one so that was 2 jobs on the books. Also, as the ACA kicked in and employers were having to provide insurance they started cutting the hours back ... some employees were reduced to part-time.

As a consequence the "product" was anemic to say the least, jobs were essentially nonproducting, and "producing" jobs, like manufacturing fell short, ... when shoring up the "job market" with tax dollars it's not helpful for the GDP.

Now Little Speedo is going to get all carpet baggery and start that silly name calling so .... demanding a link! ...(he's too friggin lazy to do his own research, he'd rather bloviate)!

The four components of gross domestic product are:
1. personal consumption,
2. business investment,
3. government spending and
4. net exports.
Obaminable was great with #3! $10 Trillion .... with NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

It’s no laughing matter. If you want a depleted and weak military, may you suffer the consequences. Originally Posted by bambino
Heritage foundation?