Rules on Outing

TryWeakly's Avatar
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69UILTAZ's Avatar
Thanks Fancy for the recipe!
As I am left here wondering whose ass you have invaded more with your nose, NM or Machiatto, it still amazes me that you think that there are no other ways for people to garner PII other than for you to offer it. SMH Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Dude cape must be blocking all the oxygen to his brain
Funny how it took him this wrong to respond to Nat's post

Didn't dare speak on Penelope's comments though

If Op isn't responsible for all the recent quested handles,her silence is not a good defense

Guess that's what happens when u get advice from someone with a law degree from the University of Phoenix
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
ok yall go ahead and do the Ether vs. Ether
  • pxmcc
  • 02-28-2017, 04:37 PM
Dude cape must be blocking all the oxygen to his brain
Funny how it took him this wrong to respond to Nat's post

Didn't dare speak on Penelope's comments though

If Op isn't responsible for all the recent quested handles,her silence is not a good defense

Guess that's what happens when u get advice from someone with a law degree from the University of Phoenix Originally Posted by NubianPrince
You talkin to me? If so, stand up like a man and call me out by name.

I have nothing against NaMo. All I said is she is making herself look bsc with her all caps post.

Off topic, but Backtohoustonhobby got banned, Dorian Gray is guested, wonder how long before we hear from Permission2look?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2017, 04:51 PM
You talkin to me? If so, stand up like a man and call me out by name.

I have nothing against NaMo. All I said is she is making herself look bsc with her all caps post. Originally Posted by pxmcc
That Prince loving "In through the out door" ain't calling nobody out unless he got a Mod holding his dick.

Thinks he is a baller...and he sorta is, one of those shit talking Lowballers.
TryWeakly's Avatar
No i think that one was for me. Since i am drivin i wont go there...yet. my fingers are a fuckin itchin though trust me.

NP, what was your last ban for again? Lets start there.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-28-2017, 04:58 PM
Roommates = Dania Rubio aka Isela & Evelyn Cruz. NM does their booking also. If they are former AH girls, then highly likely NM is who you are dealing with when booking. Not 100% sure but also Crystal Bravi. Originally Posted by mcee22
You don't deal well with rejection do you??
Although it wasn't anything personal when I DECLINED seeing you almost TWO years ago, I couldn't be happier I did.

You have a problem with me, why are you bringing others providers names and an Agency into it like a Messy Female ??

First off, I have ONE roommate the fact that you don't know that much shows how clueless you are about your own allegations.

Second if you have proof of me booking for these providers please feel free to forward that to the Mods as that would put me in violation of the rules.

I will be waiting.

Really? Leave the hip hop analogies out. Neither of these tricks is that lyrically talented. Originally Posted by mcee22
At least get your terms right if you want to come here throwing your little stupid comments...

YOU are a TRICK. We're whores/hookers/providers etc...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ wait yall hold up. As I'm reading all this shit I'm trying to rap to it. I'm hearing beats in my head. Here's the bar.
You don't deal well with rejection do you?? Although it wasn't anything personal when I DECLINED seeing you
ok NM here's the beat to your lastest shit; your last post. I'm rapping it out. Yall keep it going it's giving me inspiration on this new track I'm working on.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I added one word "revelation" to this one to make it rhyme . Not a bad line. Yall make it easy to rhyme to this shit.

First off, I have ONE roommate [revelation] the fact that you don't know that much shows how clueless you are about your own allegations.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-28-2017, 05:15 PM
It's like talking to a brick wall don't bother....That's what helps create her unique sexiness

I always say, "If you can't beat them , join them"....If Natalia admitted to doing TUMA , I would go broke Originally Posted by 08cris
The lost puppet is back to join the lame WKs bandwagon.

What else is new?

I hope your stupid ass comment gets you the TUMA you're looking for... with your gay ass....
You don't know what it would be like talking to me cause you have never had the privilege and NEVER will.
The only way your puppet ass could see me would be if you go with the Bipolar whore to stalk me hiding behind the bushes/cars like she did to get the plates of the other provider she recently Outted.

You will feel Hell of stupid when you realize the truth. I hope it's not too late when you do.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 02-28-2017, 05:16 PM
I added one word "revelation" to this one to make it rhyme . Not a bad line. Yall make it easy to rhyme to this shit.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

08cris's Avatar
The lost puppet is back to join the lame WKs bandwagon.

What else is new?

I hope your stupid ass comment gets you the TUMA you're looking for... with your gay ass....
You don't know what it would be like talking to me cause you have never had the privilege and NEVER will.
The only way your puppet ass could see me would be if you go with the Bipolar whore to stalk me hiding behind the bushes/cars like she did to get the plates of the other provider she recently Outted.

You will feel Hell of stupid when you realize the truth. I hope it's not too late when you do.
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

But, but, I thought it wasn't gay if you did it?

Thanks for not using the Caps Lock on this one.

By the way I have no dog in this fight, just speaking my mind. Tuma from you would be priceless
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I hope your stupid ass comment gets you the TUMA you're looking for...[cuz you da man whore] [flexing] with your gay ass....[trynna get a La Bare's pass]

You don't know what it would be like talking to me [trick] cause you have never had the privilege [of sobbing my clit] and NEVER will [so chill and watch me keep it it trill]

this a throw away line but a work in progress.

You will feel Hell of stupid when you realize the truth [ooops] I hope it's not too late when you do [boo].true
TryWeakly's Avatar
Dude cape must be blocking all the oxygen to his brain
Funny how it took him this wrong to respond to Nat's post

Didn't dare speak on Penelope's comments though

If Op isn't responsible for all the recent quested handles,her silence is not a good defense

Guess that's what happens when u get advice from someone with a law degree from the University of Phoenix Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Just drivin still, but I will get to this...

Still waitin to hear YOU be the big balla and tell us what your most recent ban was for. I think that is permitted, right? If you do it, that is?